posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 08:18 AM
Canada CLAIMS to be a seperate country but it's culture is dominated by the US?
Good lord man, you really should get out of your country and see the rest of the world before making such arrogant, boastful and ignorant claims.
Canada has invented the telephone, the zipper, the anti gravity suit, basketball, the walkie-talkie, UV degradeable plasitcs, the television camera,
standard time, the screw propeller, Radio-Transmitted Voice, the prosthetic Hand, Plexiglas, newsprint, the Music Synthesizer, Kerosene, JAVA, the
IMax Movie System, hydrofoils, the Green Ink used on YOUR money, the Electron Microscope, the electric organ, the Automatic Postal Sorter, the
Electric Cooking Range, bromine, and the electric car heater, to name only a few.
Not only that but a good percentage of 'American' tv personalities and actors are Canadian. 70% of the space shuttle technology is Canadian.
Now, it's true that thanks to Canadian policitians selling out their country under NAFTA, Canadian business went up for sale to the Americans at .70
cents on the dollar, (they called it free trade) and most Canadian business have been bought up by American Corporations, but as far as influence goes
Canada has actually influenced the States far more than the States has influenced Canada.
Canada has also burned down the White House, that's why it's called the White House, it was so scorched that they had to whitewash it while
rebuilding it. How's THAT for influence?
It's a shame that some Americans are so blatantly insular that they think their country is the centre of the world. They seem to assume that just
because they are constantly told by CNN that they are wonderful, that they truly are. And they rarely venture outside their sleepy little country to
blink, wide eyed at the fact that there is a REAL world outside their borders.
Canadian culture is entirely different from that of the States, the main influence is that of purile hollywood films, and moronic sit-coms that,
unfortunately the young, impressionable and vapid enjoy comsuming.
The history of invention in Canada has followed a long and noble path. Canadian inventors have patented more than one million inventions, yet few
people can name more than one or two Canadian inventors or any Canadian accomplishments.
"Our innovators have given novelty, variety, and colour to our lives with their great practical gifts, and the world would be an exceedingly boring
and grey place without their vitality."