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Can Police make up a charge to get you arrested?

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:34 PM
The people supporting Sheriff Joey are embarassing to me as a human. They were just full of hate. It is my opinion they would have no problem with out and out murdering people who disagree with them. I am not sure if the topic would even matter. They looked white for the most part as well. I am white and I never want to be associated with that type of person, that is the kind who just have blind hate. However, with that being said, the camera did not appear on the entire time so there could have been a previous provocative act.

What would be really funny is to do a South Park 'Ginger' episode on Sheriff Joey, adding many mean/gang looking tattoos and make him appear from a more Indian (Inca/Aztec)/Mexican background while generously splicing in inebriation then drop him off in a more, rather better policed section of town.

The police as usual are bullies. I would love to see these guys do this in LA's Rampart or the Valley. It's probably easy to be tough when the only thing pointed at you is a camera.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

However, they keep a 'rap' sheet on you that never goes away. Also, business (credit apps, apartment and employment) can legally ask if you have been arrested nowadays so even though the charges are dropped you can and will suffer for years. If you lie on a form you will be caught because a background check always seems to have that information. The cops bank on this. 1984 is here.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:42 PM
this is my story

on a sunday i was walking round my area and we saw the police they put blue lights on so we ran
later on in the night they came to my house accusing me of a burgulary what happend on a saturday in a place called st marys

apperntly they arrested me becuase i fitted the desription on a sunday when the burgulary happend the day before

the desription is this 2 males 1 wearing a blue jumper between the age of 18 - 25 (they WAS HUMAN) the man giving the discription did not no what race the burgularers were and this happend miles away from my area
this was on saturday i was in a place called eastleigh

on sunday i was arrested like i said for wearing a black jumper which could be mistaked for blue but wudnt the discription only apply for that day i was in station over night and 4 pairs of shoes ceases 3 hats and loads of clothes which i got back 8 weeks later because it wasnt me


posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:43 PM

[edit on 16/8/1991 by tdrowe2008]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by GTORick
The people supporting Sheriff Joey are embarassing to me as a human. They were just full of hate. It is my opinion they would have no problem with out and out murdering people who disagree with them. I am not sure if the topic would even matter. They looked white for the most part as well. I am white and I never want to be associated with that type of person, that is the kind who just have blind hate. However, with that being said, the camera did not appear on the entire time so there could have been a previous provocative act.

What would be really funny is to do a South Park 'Ginger' episode on Sheriff Joey, adding many mean/gang looking tattoos and make him appear from a more Indian (Inca/Aztec)/Mexican background while generously splicing in inebriation then drop him off in a more, rather better policed section of town.

The police as usual are bullies. I would love to see these guys do this in LA's Rampart or the Valley. It's probably easy to be tough when the only thing pointed at you is a camera.

you should check out the other videos from the original I posted.. HumanLeague002 is the user .. lots of good homemade Arpaio/racist stuff on there. Its actually quite interesting to me having just moved to Arizona myself. Makes me want to get involved .

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by GTORickHowever, they keep a 'rap' sheet on you that never goes away. Also, business (credit apps, apartment and employment) can legally ask if you have been arrested nowadays so even though the charges are dropped you can and will suffer for years. If you lie on a form you will be caught because a background check always seems to have that information. The cops bank on this. 1984 is here.

You can be asked if you have been CONVICTED of a crime, most specifically stating CONVICTED of a FELONY.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All private inquiries relating to arrests, such as "Have you ever been arrested?" are unlawful in the United States. (Note: Arrests are NOT the same as convictions. An innocent person can be arrested, remember.)

It is lawful for private parties make inquiries about convictions such as: "Have you ever been convicted of any crime? If so, when, where and disposition of case. "Have you ever been convicted under criminal law withing the past five years (excluding minor traffic violations)?" It is permissible to inquire about convictions for acts of dishonesty or breach of trust. Some State Laws limit lawful questioning of convictions to Felony Charges only, unless it specifically pertains to the application (i.e., inquiring about a conviction of Misdemeanor Shoplifting would obviously be pertinent to ask someone applying to a Retail Position).

So, you are still innocent until proven guilty. You CANNOT be lawfully discriminated against for being arrested and never proven guilty of a crime in a Court of Law.

Contrary to popular belief...the phrase "This will go down on your permanent record" only pertains if you are running for Congress or President or you are attempting to get a high level DoD Security Clearance.

No one really cares how many times you were arrested (even applying for a job at the FBI you'll find that they don't ask). It's what you have been found GUILTY of that matters.

Most District Courts won't even have (let alone retain) paperwork for Arrests that were made that never made it to Trial. Most Police Departments do not keep records on any Arrests that didn't go to Trial longer than 30 days. The only place that would have you listed on a "Rap Sheet" would be the Jail into which you were Booked. If you want to remove all evidence of a prior Arrest for which you were not found Guilty, you can always petition the Courts to have your Arrest Record Expunged (after paying the filing fee, usually pretty's $45 where I live).

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:35 PM

you should check out the other videos from the original I posted.. HumanLeague002 is the user .. lots of good homemade Arpaio/racist stuff on there. Its actually quite interesting to me having just moved to Arizona myself. Makes me want to get involved .

Really interesting! Thanks for the heads up. A friend of mine just moved to Arizona too, and I'm thinking of moving down there, back to the states with him. He has a girlfriend though and he's not sure if there's room. But needless to say, after reading this, I'm reconsidering.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by xunearthhxcx
I was looking for vids about police abuse/brutality and making up laws and came across this on youtube..

this seems to be a protest about the recent Joe Arpaio sweep in Arizona

so basically, can police put a cone on a sidewalk and tell you not to cross it? and if you do, can they make up a charge just because they want to ?

You mean like how cops used to arrest black people and plant MJ seeds or sprinkle crack around them.

It happens but not as much as people think.

But since our country is so big, even if 3 % of cops do that, then that is still a few thousand cops doing it, which is way too many.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Ask any black man driving thru a white neighborhood if Police can make up a charge. Driving while black is reason enough to be rousted in some sections of America. Actually driving while "not white" can get you pulled over.

I'm white but I have seen it happen.

Also been at college parties and seen officers talking to only the black kids when a party gets broken up.

Some people are ignorant and bring it on them selves then make other blacks look bad because of their actions when in fact blacks are just like me only with different skin pigment and heritage .

It's a shame that situations like that can happen but I have seen it happen.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by LucidDreamer85]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by fraterormus

No offense meant but you must be a 1st year law student. Arrest records must be kept by LE. Are you seriously saying they tear up the arrest record, take it out of the computer and shake your hand if the DA doesn't prosecute? What do you think The Smoking Gun usually posts? Do you have links to back this up? I have some for my position.

Honestly your post is full of disinformation. Unless it is a Federal crime it is common knowledge these type of databases are run by the individual states that all have different laws. To make such a sweeping statement that it is the same across the U.S. means you would have to know LE, the Courts and the individual states laws for all 50 states. Q&A on Topic

PDF From Showing Records Needed for a Criminal Attorney

Information Service Offering/Advertising Said Records

Example Arrest Record (Actual Scan) - Dick Cheney 33 YEARS AGO!

Business can ask whatever they want however it depends on the state. It is mandated sometimes, i.e. working with children. "Have you ever been arrested for child molestation Mr. X?".

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 01:36 AM
In Calif a employer can not ask about misdemeanor conviction and police departments can not give that information out to other then law enforcement agencies.

Does that stop employers from getting that information, NO!!!!

Most bigger companies just have the background check run through a state like Nevada.

In Nevada for a fee many police departments will run a criminal check on anyone anywhere in the US. Some departments make over $100.000 for there departments this way. Above and beyond what many that work in nevada pay to get there Nevada gaming cards. But that is another scam

These background check companies use this to there advantage.

In Calif a cop can arrest you for 48 hours without charges/fake charges.
where a cop can really screw you is they can tow your car if they find it (they claim they are securing your property)and you will end up trying to find it (the cops may send you to the wrong impound lot or it many end up in a impound lot 40+ miles away this happens a lot in LA Calif)and bailing it out. most towing companies charge over $150 towing plus impound charges.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by whitewave
It's happened to me a couple of times. Always get the charges dropped but the last time it cost me over 4 grand to do so.

How much justice can you afford?

I have NO IDEA about how the courts operate in terms of money...but can you not counter sue/sue for your expenses to be paid before you win or something?

[edit on 5-5-2009 by FritosBBQTwist]

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