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Obama Greeted By Man in Mexico who Died the Following Day with Flu-like Symptoms!

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:10 AM
I agree the fear mongoring is intense.Also it seems people are getting evil because I certainly can not remember so many stories about children

I agree the fear mongoring is intense but also there are so many things to be scared about..If the sickness or terrorists don't get ya then your mother could kill you as an infant or a strange googly eyed woman,you could be bullied into suicide.The economy could collaspe,global warming,asteriods..Damn I am about to have an anxiety attact from my own post lol.Excuse me while I search for my prozac and xanax.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by GateCrasher
Sorry folks, I'm not buying into all this new disease "outbursts" they keep coming up with every 5 years..........

Every day we hear about a new thing to focus on, for years it has been "terrorism", yesterday it was "pirates"/ahoy-matey, and now it is "flu".....

It's called fear mongering.

Damn straight! That's all this is. And for the idiot that hoped for the well being of the secret service but not the well being of the POTUS, what the hell is up with that? I mean, of course we all hope any secret service members involved are ok, but to essentially hope the president dies (or is incapacitated) from this is pretty sick and twisted...Where are the real patriots?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:14 AM
oooooh no. Obama is a swine hybrid alien and he is spreading the swine flu wherever he goes.

Gimme a break people. The flu is constantly changing. Adapting to overcome our medicines. Mexicans die from it because their health care is crap and they eat hardly anything on a daily basis. Unfortunately 70% of the world is in the same boat.

Don't try and connect this to obama. He's just a puppet in a nice suit. When the "end game" goes into effect. You will know it in 24 hours or so. When every one of us ATSers vanishes.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by Ragnarok691
The flu is constantly changing. Adapting to overcome our medicines. Mexicans die from it because their health care is crap and they eat hardly anything on a daily basis. Unfortunately 70% of the world is in the same boat.

I agree, the common cold and flu is constantly changing, and this is the way it has been forever, old diseases become new diseases and adapt to even the most conventional of medicines. Unfortunate reality. However the hype which has evolved on this subject is overwhelming, especially here on on abovetopsecret

It's all just fear mongering and distraction. Pay no attention and we'll all do just fine.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:31 AM
To all the Obama haters in this thread:

Where were you over the last 8 years as the Bush/Cheney mafia brought this country to it's knees? Obama is the only chance we have to hold this thing together. Put aside your ignorant, racist BS and go huff some paint.

A couple of points regarding the swine flu:

This "outbreak" feels like a message is being sent to the Obama administration. "Don't push things too hard too fast or we'll unleash a pandemic." The fact that he shook hands with Felipe Solis in Mexico is pretty chilling, although we don't actually know what Solis died of.

Secondly, the company that stands to benefit most from a flu pandemic is Gilead Pharmaceuticals -- the company that owns the rights to Tamiflu. "Luckily" for them, Tamiflu is the only known drug that works on this new version of swine flu. Old NeoCon d#ckwad Donald Rumsfeld was the CEO of Gilead before he was appointed secretary of defense by GW Bush in 2001. He and his people stand to make a lot of $ with any outbreak.

Interesting too that there are missing disease samples from Ft. Deitrich in GA. This sounds more and more like a military operation from factions within & without the US govt that are anti-Obama and hoping to stir up sh#t.

It will be interesting to watch how this all plays out.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by chiefbluefeather]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by debz325
I agree the fear mongoring is intense.Also it seems people are getting evil because I certainly can not remember so many stories about children

I agree the fear mongoring is intense but also there are so many things to be scared about..If the sickness or terrorists don't get ya then your mother could kill you as an infant or a strange googly eyed woman,you could be bullied into suicide.The economy could collaspe,global warming,asteriods..Damn I am about to have an anxiety attact from my own post lol.Excuse me while I search for my prozac and xanax.

You know what? I was almost kidnapped as a child, but the family dog saved me. I'm not living in fear of being kidnapped into my adult life. Likewise, I'm not afraid of terrorists (bogey-man), or any of the other "long-shots" mentioned here or elsewhere. I'm glad I still have a job, even if its been cut to 24 hours a week. This is life...this is what we are dealt.
My father crawled his way out of Hungary during/after the revolution there with a bullet in his leg and was happy to wake up in Austria, out of Soviet hands. He experienced the euphoria of cutting down the statue of Stalin, and the horror of watching his own brother die. I'd say I've got it pretty good here, and that's what he wanted for me.
If the SHTF, then make the best of it or die. That's really all there is. I could pass along some stories from my dad that would leave you in a cold sweat. We need to stop waiting and looking for this "inevitable" doom and start making a better future for our children. Rant over...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by paperplanes
Wow. I understand that you dislike (or hate) the man, but actually being sarcastic about his death? That's pretty terrible. Don't forget that this is a communicable disease. Not all those who have contact with him are individuals you hate.
[edit on 25/4/09 by paperplanes]

I personally do not wish death on any human being; however, in reply to your statement, I don't imagine I have much love for anyone that is in contact with Obama or anyone else in Washington.

In all reality though, if took out all of the politicians in Washington, would we really be worse off? No government at all has to be better than the less than human beings we have there now, maybe the lobbyists might even get out of Washington for a while if they felt their lives were in jeopardy.

Unfortunately, I don't think it much matters though because with how unsecured our southern border is, it is pretty much written in stone that we will suffer the same fate as Mexico should this turn ugly, which many people fear it may.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by drumist69
You know what? I was almost kidnapped as a child, but the family dog saved me. I'm not living in fear of being kidnapped into my adult life. Likewise, I'm not afraid of terrorists (bogey-man), or any of the other "long-shots" mentioned here or elsewhere. I'm glad I still have a job, even if its been cut to 24 hours a week. This is life...this is what we are dealt.
My father crawled his way out of Hungary during/after the revolution there with a bullet in his leg and was happy to wake up in Austria, out of Soviet hands. He experienced the euphoria of cutting down the statue of Stalin, and the horror of watching his own brother die. I'd say I've got it pretty good here, and that's what he wanted for me.
If the SHTF, then make the best of it or die. That's really all there is. I could pass along some stories from my dad that would leave you in a cold sweat. We need to stop waiting and looking for this "inevitable" doom and start making a better future for our children. Rant over...

This may very well be the best post I have read here in the 4 years and 4 months I have been here. I wish I could give you 10 stars.

You sir are completely correct!

This is the hand we were dealt and this is the hand we have to play. As you so accurately state, sitting here and waiting for impending doom is not productive for anyone or anything.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by DarrylGalasso

Well thanks for the kudos, not that that was what I was looking for, but ok...You also seem to somewhat miss the point with your previous post. Or maybe you don't...Did anyone on here figure out that Donald Rumsfeld (yes, that guy) was on the board of directors of the company that holds the patent on Tamiflu? Gilead Pharmaceuticals is the company....they also are leaders in HIV drugs BTW. He made multiple tens of millions while there, and only stepped down when called on by our last president to head defense. After that he gained another 15 million or so in stock options.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

Obama is an alien who gives off infectious pathogens that’s harmful to humans, could release them at will to infect humanity. Go President GO! XD

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:11 AM
Oh, and yes Gilead is a biblical reference, as well as a Steven King (Dark Tower) reference. Which brings us back to Steven King's "The Stand", and Captain Trips and all that...funny how life imitates art and art, know...No, we don't really know. And that's what make's it fun, isn't it!

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:12 AM

That Ground Zero for this potential pandemic was Mexico City and the President of the United States was there when the first case was recorded.

First of all, the first signs of the epidemic were reported to the Mexican govt. mid-March, and they started cautioning the state governors about it, around that time, so it was before Obama's visit. Why he still visited Mexico? I don't know.

And second, it doesn't mattter if the President of the USA was there, the point is, hundreds of people are getting sick.

Also, this person, who greeted Obama (he was the director of the National Anthropology Museum) had already a pulmonary condition, was already afflicted by something else, and it was in his last days that he seemed to have fallen victim to the virus, because of his already weakened immune system.

EDIT to add that the archaeologist died on Apr. 23rd. NOT on the 16th.

[edit on 4/26/2009 by haika]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by haika

Hi Haika -

Can you please link us up to your sources for the various statements?

It is obv. moving very fast, and I think it will be relevant in days to come to have a record of who said what when.


posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:52 AM
There was also that woman who's husband died in 9/11 and was either on her way to meet to Obama or on her way back from meeting him and died when the plane crashed, I think in Buffalo NY

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by AnonymousMoose
There was also that woman who's husband died in 9/11 and was either on her way to meet to Obama or on her way back from meeting him and died when the plane crashed, I think in Buffalo NY

And this has precisely what to do with what?
Edit to add line #2

[edit on 26-4-2009 by drumist69]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:07 AM

Can you please link us up to your sources for the various statements?

It is obv. moving very fast, and I think it will be relevant in days to come to have a record of who said what when.

The information on when the govt. was first alerted about a flu epidemic was given to me via phone by a friend of mine who works in the Mexican government, so I have no link for that, only my word. (I trust him a lot).
In fact, that is one of the reasons why Mexican people are so outraged, they are angry that the government didn't warn the general population in a timely manner.

The info on the death of the archaeologist is:

Death of Mexican archaeologist. (In Spanish)

I'm sorry that it is in Spanish. It is taken from a Mexican newspaper.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by haika

It seems like a simple obituary. It doesn't give any insight into his death, only states his accomplishments in life...not that that is a bad thing. The Spanish language article linked mostly details his academic accomplishments, various archaeological exhibits he has worked on, books published, etc. No info as to the circumstances of his death other than cardiac arrest.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by drumist69

Yes, but it states the date on which he died.
There's another article where they mention that he had diabetes and pneumonia.
Coming from official sources, from any country, I wouldn't believe them 100%. The cause of his death, I mean.

[edit on 4/26/2009 by haika]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by haika
reply to post by drumist69

Yes, but it states the date on which he died.
There's another article where they mention that he had diabetes and pneumonia.
Coming from official sources, from any country, I wouldn't believe them 100%. The cause of his death, I mean.

[edit on 4/26/2009 by haika]

So he died on a certain day. A guy with diabetes and pneumonia dying of heart failure seems hardly news-worthy, in the grand scheme of things. Not trying to put your info down...Needs to be looked at in depth, but I think its a dead horse.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:04 AM
The date is significant!

Lots of things happen on April 16th including

2007 – Virginia Tech massacre: The deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. The gunman, Seung-Hui Cho, shoots 32 people to death and injures 23 others before committing suicide

The Vietnam War: After a four year pause, the U.S. resumes bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong in North Vietnam.

Day of Saint Engratia
Tradition states that she was martyred with eighteen companions in 303 AD

There are loads more around this date, but I find fine them at the moment.

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