posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:43 PM
I can vouch for the OP. Let me explain.
I was contracted for a job in Egypt a few years ago after finishing up on a project in Jordan. We were given basically free reign inspecting the
pyramids due to the nature of our project. I can give no other details.
Well, believe it or not. we stumbled upon a pretty huge gadget in a secret chamber and there was a sign around the object. It said - "property of
Occodon, do NOT touch"
Well, how many here could resist something like that? I thought so.
Anyhoo, we smuggled this thing out of the pyramid late at night and was able to bring it back home to the states. We just don't know what it is.
It started humming once but nothing happened. So if this has anything to do with our ascension in 2012 and is indeed a gift from our alien friends,
well, I hate to break this to you poor SOBs but it looks like I'll be OK ascending, the rest of you, well, maybe if you treat me nice ($$$$), I might
let you know where it is now hidden.
Thanks OP, at least you solved the weird name Occodon for us.