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Nibaru/planet x/"dead names"/Anunaki/etc

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posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:51 AM
I'm SUPER new to this site.I've always held my own theories upon the world,and I'm writing a book..I've been slowly piecing things together

of Einstein saying the world would end 4 years after the bees disappear and they are now

myans saying end of world at DEC 21 2012

religion...they're like stories almost...informing us...teaching us...but its all someone playing the child's game telephone....

nibaru comes every 3600 years...

dinosaurs linking in

the economy "crisis"...forces people together/ to loose sanity because "money makes the world go round"..."man devouring man"...think about after a hurricane....publix..everyone goes nuts....

Nostradamus stating the world would end with the first black man in power and man devouring man

Obama has 4 years..the END of his term will be 2012...

dec 21st is also a pagan holiday...YULE

iraq having scriptures...ugh theres just so much with an overwhelming amount..everything links....were not there just for oil...

why i'm posting? i want to know MORE,i want to know what else everyone know...

Atlantis..the story goes it was "made of gold"? ...nibaru is said to be made of is global currency,...

Illuminati't everything links...

i want to hear "sides of things"

contact me

my blog covers everything....on Nibaru

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:55 AM
I think you should take a look here:

David Wilcock has a couple of books on his website to read as well. Lots of info there.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 10:57 AM
niburu made of gold, who said that?? thats a new one on me.......

2012 is about a new wave of conciousness, (i beleive) a change of the world as we know it, the dinasours were around when the levels of oxygen were a lot higher a good film that explains that 02 the module that shaped our world by goldsmith productions.

and are people basing the mayan calender on our 12 month calender if so not correct as time zones are all wrong originaly there were 13 months in an earth year not 12. check out the etheopian calender, or the druid calender much more precise.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by TrinaMason

hate to burst your bubble but obama isn't the first black man in power.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:46 AM
Hey Trina.
You have pretty much summed up everything that has been going on in my mind these days.
It seems as though everything is "bottlenecking" at this point in time, and in the near future .
Thanks for putting my thoughts in writting.

Something is definitely up!!!! I'm with you!!!!

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by TrinaMason

of Einstein saying the world would end 4 years after the bees disappear and they are now

myans saying end of world at DEC 21 2012

Einstein never made that quote. The idea that he did is an urban legend.

The Mayans did not predict the earth ending in 2012. Their long count starts over with procession of the equinoxes during the winter solstice of 2012, which happens to be Dec 21.

Saying the world is ending because of the Mayan long count is like saying the world is going to end every year on December 31st because western calendars "end" on december.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by TrinaMason

If your writing a book read this link , and keep in mind that the bible ends in 2012 as well, the end of The 7th Day of Creation...
7000 years has passed in 3.5 years from now.. Buuu !!! Scary stuff..

bible code

Have you seen the movie CloverField ?? well here it is .

'' The 5th Trumpet –

"Rev 9:11" - And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

saddams name means "a destroyer", if u had a iraqi bible it would say "saddam" in there, also just like the word "woomword" in the 3rd trumpet that word "appolyon" is the only time it is used the greek*.

"Rev 9:1" - And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.''

Again the number 9:11 and manhatten 'gets it hard'.. What up with that part of New York City ?

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by TrinaMason

Zacharia Sitchin's books are a fun read, but they should not be taken as fact. The man is not a scholar in Sumerian culture, and his interpretations of the tablets are not the only ones out there.

Nibiru is not going to show up any time soon, according to the early books of Sitchin. He may have changed that with the Mayan calendar slated to end in 2012. If that is the case, Nibiru would be visible by now to all the amateur astronomers.

The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, but many believe that just means they would have started another cycle if they were still around.

Many of the Nostradamus and Native American predictions on 2012 have been made up by people trying to sell books on the subject. The alleged book by Nostradamus on 2012 has been proven to be a forgery.

The problem with 2012 is too many people are stealing from one another and not fact checking any of the information that is out there. Go to the library and read Zacharia Sitchin's early books on the subject to find out more.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TrinaMason
I'm SUPER new to this site.I've always held my own theories upon the world,and I'm writing a book..I've been slowly piecing things together

nibaru comes every 3600 years...


First off.....if you're writing a book, maybe you should learn how to spell Nibiru.

Also, the mayans made no such claims that the end of the world would occur in 2012, and Obama is not the first black man in a position of power

iraq having scriptures...ugh theres just so much with an overwhelming amount..everything links....were not there just for oil...

Have no idea what you're on about here

dinosaurs linking in

Or here

Maybe you should stick to making a picture book, because I can hardly understand anything you're writing now

[edit on 25/4/2009 by OzWeatherman]

[edit on 25/4/2009 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 06:28 PM
I hope you do your research enough to find that this is a TRANSITION of the AGE. Not the END of the WORLD. This has happened many times before, and probably will many times again. If space is a fractal, and space and time are intertwined in SpaceTime, than time is also a Fractal. check this thread out:

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:56 PM
you're new, so no big deal.. but what on earth does this have to do with area 51. go bring this thread to the 2012 forum.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:08 PM
ok trina....
i want you to think about this very very very hard.
do you really think that our government and would let the astronomers find out that there is another planet and it is going to crash into earth in three years?
no. they wont. the reason being is that there will be major major chaos in the world.
also if you would like to no more things about anything that conerns angels, aliens, mayans, pyramids, autec, atlantis, area 51, anything that you can think of concerning the fabric of space and aliens and the so called heavens ask me.
i would be glad to help you with everything.
trust me,
i know many many things that can not be thought for the Normal human being.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:08 PM
ok trina....
i want you to think about this very very very hard.
do you really think that our government and would let the astronomers find out that there is another planet and it is going to crash into earth in three years?
no. they wont. the reason being is that there will be major major chaos in the world.
also if you would like to no more things about anything that conerns angels, aliens, mayans, pyramids, autec, atlantis, area 51, anything that you can think of concerning the fabric of space and aliens and the so called heavens ask me.
i would be glad to help you with everything.
trust me,
i know many many things that can not be thought for the Normal human being.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 07:13 PM
Take the word of kidflash2008.

You might also want to have a look on the later thread in my signature...

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by TrinaMason

Hi Trina,

Thank you for your contribution on ATS and the best of luck to you in your literary pursuit. As you probably know by now, 2012 is an extremely complex concept to digest, and a topic that you could literally spend a lifetime researching. Everyday in searching for the truth there is always a new layer to peel.

The fact is that 2012 is not just one isolated event, but rather a convergence of many events that will culminate simultaneously. It is of my opinion that 2012 does not represent a single day 12/21/2012, but instead a new era, a shift in consciousness, a cycle of time. Actually we have already begun the 2012 pheonemon. It started in 1999. The next change in cycle will begin in February of 2011, and the final cycle will begin on October 28, 2011.

May I suggest the following videos to help you on your journey:

2012 Enigma by David Wilcox

Crossi ng the Event Horizon by Nassim Haramein

[edit on 22-5-2009 by OnTheFelt]

[edit on 22-5-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 09:01 PM
Sorry, I meant to add these two videos as well:

Esoteric Agenda 2012 by Ben Coleman

Timeline to 2012 by Ivan Stein

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

First off, does being an A-hole to someone on ATS have any value, particularly a new member. I thought courtesy was mandated on here...hmm I think I read that somewhere.

I'm not here to do the very same thing to you, but I just find it ironic that a member who is a "master conspiracist" and a "silver contributist" would want to assist others in their search for truth and justice.

In regards to the OP's original post, her reference to Iraq is that at one time it was Mesopotamia which is considered one of the old civilizations of our times. Those before the Mesopotamians were the Sumerians who it is believed had direct contact with the Annunaki's, or those from the Heavens.

On one last note, I would like to point out that you are incorrect about the Mayans. The Mayans do have a doomsday prophecy and it does culminate with 2012. What I think you were inferring was that this doomsday prophecy has nothing to do with their Calendars. Which is correct, it is separate, but they did have a prophecy nonetheless.

Deny Ignorance!

Peace and Love

[edit on 22-5-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on May, 23 2009 @ 07:28 PM
I had never heard that Einstein supposedly said that that would happen 4 years after the bees disappearing. I did a little searching and saw it a lot of places... I've done my share of research over the years so I don't really want to hear anything about credible sources. I don't fully accept that it's completely made up. Something to devote more time into researching.

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