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AIDS - We've been lied to.

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posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 07:27 PM
Hey all, a great documentary below. It blows the lid off the fraudulence of the current thinking on the AIDS-HIV correlation.

Up until now, its been treated as a correlation between the two, if you're HIV positive, you will die from AIDS. But what is stumping experts is the fact that not all people with AIDS are HIV positive. HIV Has been around since before the USA, so why did it just start killing people 30 years ago?

The experts in the documentary go over all the evidence and discover that the correlation is not enough since it does not prove true 100% of the time. Retroviruses and viruses in general infect and ravage the host between days and upto a month, but HIV(AIDS) can take upto 10 years, which another thing that doesn't add up.

It appears just like the failed Cancer industry which is simply a ponzi scheme, the Aids industry is alll about the money. Surprise surprise? It may be that AZT the most popular treatment for aids could do more harm than help.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 10:33 PM

I've just seen this thread
how come it didn't get more attention?

I'm aware of the manipulations and lies concerning illnesses and treatments that they try to implant on people. And sadly, most times, they are utterly sucessful with their "techniques"

You are right, it's all about the money.

posted on Jun, 26 2009 @ 11:55 PM
This is an interesting notion. I have some medical background and believe it.

But opening with a video is deadly for discussion. I come here to read and discuss, not watch mini-documentaries.

If you summarize the synthesis or can point to something readable, you'll keep my interest and invite others to join in.


posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 09:08 PM
11 flags, 2 replies. Hmmmm

Everyone needs to pay more attention to this subject, cause it is just like the Cancer problem. We are turning all diseases into money makers and thats not the way things should be. Instead of curing people, we treat them, instead of giving them their entire life, we give them a couple years which are full of hell on earth.

Everyones so quick to ignore something when it's not their problem, well if a family member or yourself ever falls ill to AIDS or Cancer, your opinion will change and you'll be another person paying through the nose to extend a life of hell, rather than be cured.

posted on Jun, 27 2009 @ 09:23 PM
I don't believe AIDS exists. I think that people are randomly chosen on their STD test, and determined to have HIV.

When a person realizes they have it, they then basically volunteer to have any number of experimental drugs tested on them.

Most die in a few years, they say because of a reduced immune system, but who knows what all those drugs do.

This is rampant in Africa. Big Pharma is real, real evil. They do it with other "diseases" also.

Eugenics, profit, and greed are the motivating factors here.

To a drug company patients are not patients, they are customers. If you cure someone, then you just lost a customer. When you get them to take a drug every day for the rest of their lives, then you are making some soild, un-ending profits.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 05:33 PM
King I didn't watch the video you posted, but I just wanted to chime in and say to count me in as another disbeliever of medical treatment for HIV and cancer. I have read (don't recall where, but I assume it was in one of the holistic books I have read over the years) about people who have been diagnosed with HIV that have forgone treatment- and gone on to live very healthy, happy, long lives. Whereas most people who DO receive treatment go on to die within 5 years, 10 max. I also have read many articles on the non-medical treatment of cancer that are very compelling.
The over-medication of the world is so, so frightening.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by byblos
King I didn't watch the video you posted, but I just wanted to chime in and say to count me in as another disbeliever of medical treatment for HIV and cancer. I have read (don't recall where, but I assume it was in one of the holistic books I have read over the years) about people who have been diagnosed with HIV that have forgone treatment- and gone on to live very healthy, happy, long lives. Whereas most people who DO receive treatment go on to die within 5 years, 10 max. I also have read many articles on the non-medical treatment of cancer that are very compelling.
The over-medication of the world is so, so frightening.

You would really enjoy this movie, it's all fact based and it follows the timeline that everything took place. It all came down to money, and as soon as the assumption of HIV POSITIVE = AIDS, they ran with the theory cause the government as well as private companies were now heavily invested in that hypothesis.

Simply the fact that HIV has been around for centuries without ever causing AIDS, seems to on it's own prove that the whole thing is a farce.

Additionally, im glad you mentioned treatment, it's funny the way they battle AIDS is with a drug called AZT, which heavily damages the immune system. Why anyone would want to damage someones immune system, to solve an immune deficiency is way beyond me.

Check out the movie, it's practically blows the whole hypothesis to bits.

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

If you summarize the synthesis or can point to something readable, you'll keep my interest and invite others to join in.

Robert Willner was a major proponent in this HIV/Aids hoax theory. In fact, in 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac, to prove his point.

You can read one of his article here:

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 11:18 PM
I have always felt that AIDS is bio-warfare experiment that got loose. I am not the only one that thinks so either. Look at all the diseases we have today. If you look back you will find records of them dating back over a hundred years even if they did not know what it was at the time. But now look at AIDS time line. Before about 1980 or so there is no record of anything like it. It just comes out of no-where. I have not done a lot of research on this but I feel and will always think that AIDS is bio-warfare experiment that got loose. The real question is WHO was running the experiment?

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 04:46 AM
I watched the series of films, thank you for sharing. Why this isn't a top story on ATS? I've always suspected something fishy going on with the AIDs virus, it causes me to be even more suspicious of the the medical establishment. Makes you wonder about the current out break of the bird flu, doesn't it?

I'll agree it's about money, but at the same time it's been pretty effective at killing lots of people.

We can assume HIV doesn't cause AIDs, this documentary could explain how AIDs was created.


Google Video Link

Lets hope people give a damn about AIDs these days.

[edit on 29-6-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Jun, 29 2009 @ 05:39 AM
If someone were on the last legs of the disease, .... they could live unaffected by it as long as they wished, .... if they lived in a " bubble room" .... where no bacteria or viruses were let in, since the disease only attacks the immune system.

.... as far as the creation of the disease, ... I thought it was common knowledge that it was made accidentaly while processing the polio vaccine ?

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

.... as far as the creation of the disease, ... I thought it was common knowledge that it was made accidentaly while processing the polio vaccine ?

Reminds me of the movie 28 Days Later, where that zombie disease that end up killing 99% of the worlds population. I believe it all started with a TESTING monkey that was being injected with rage, was released by animal activists, and she got bit by the monkey.

I wonder if somehow there were testings around the polio vaccine, that was tested on monkeys (since they are genetically incredibly close to humans) and the monkeys transfered the virus to a human somehow... similar to how 28 Days later happened... Hmmmmm kinda makes you think a little bit.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by king9072

The difference between HIV/AIDS and cancer, is that about 20% of the population will get some form of cancer- regardless of how healthy a lifestyle one may live. HIV/Aids is just about completely preventable. Someone who doesn't work in the emergency medical field has virtually no chance of catching HIV/AIDS, unless they engage in high-risk behaviors. The same can't be said about cancer.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by king9072

Thank you for putting up these links.
I believe that like cancer, it pays too well to look for a cure for A.I.D., than to actually find one.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
I have always felt that AIDS is bio-warfare experiment that got loose. I am not the only one that thinks so either. Look at all the diseases we have today. If you look back you will find records of them dating back over a hundred years even if they did not know what it was at the time. But now look at AIDS time line. Before about 1980 or so there is no record of anything like it. It just comes out of no-where. I have not done a lot of research on this but I feel and will always think that AIDS is bio-warfare experiment that got loose. The real question is WHO was running the experiment?

I believe your right as I one day came to this conclusion as well. It wouldn't be surprising really.

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 02:52 PM
These truly are amazing times. All the lies we have accepted as truths are falling one by one now...

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:01 PM
There is not going to be any cure for HIV/AIDS, until the testing method have changed - remember that they test for ANTIBODIES, and if you recall - when you get "immunized" - you'll have those antibodies forever. - So, now how is it possible to cure "by removing the antibodies" that they determine the infection by? - guessed it - and by the way - the inconsistencies by which you're deemed positive or negative is ridiculous. The first trial of the HIV detection package found 80-90% of all the tested people positive - and it was rejected by everyone, UNTIL they lowered the sensitivity - so now the bloodsample is deluded 400x - because testing without deluding it - we are all positive.

Read these links:

And this one is a "killer"

The "original papers" upon everything HIV=AIDS originate.

Hard stuff to dismiss...

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:03 PM
i just wanted to post this other MUST-SEE video regarding AIDS...

if you've been researching HIV/AIDS, and you haven't seen this video, then you're missing out on the most important information! this is the best video about the AIDS truth i've ever seen!!!

The Strecker Memorandum

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-9-2009 by adrenochrome]

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by downtown436

thats the most rediculous thing i have ever heard on this site. and i have been here a long time.

there are thousands of people who die from aids because they cannot get these medicinces. how do you explain that?

posted on Sep, 26 2009 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by downtown436

i dont believe in HIV/AIDS too

what happens with immune system is excess of benzene in human organ thymus
thymus produce white cell, therefor with excesses intoxication its able to produce less and less (to defend body from bacterias, parasites etc) so all diseases happening, wchich in summary called 'aids'

as per HIV - this doesn't exist, no such things as viruses exist, its same scam as h1n1, hpv, etc

the test is scam - it screens for antibodies, and antibodies can even be produced after heavy meal

no virus has been isolated and documented

there is still 10 k reward unclaimed to prove opposite:

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