There are those who don't believe because they have never had an experience where they thought it was out of this World, or away from the normal
daily events of their lives, some wont even consider it a possibility because it goes against the grain of their Faith, IE: for Aliens to exist, then
their Faith or belief in God would be in jeopardy, not all Faiths I might add.
Then we have the people who wont under any circumstance accept it as a possibility, because of the fear of losing their every day lives, and this just
doesn't apply to UFO's and ET, it applies to the conspiracy theories also, some people are comfortable in their lives and do not wish change, so
ignore it as much as they can, I can accept that.
People are seriously afraid right now, all the doom and gloom has a lot of people expecting the existence of Mankind to come to an abrupt end, all
they are waiting for is the final event, Comet, Super Volcano, Tsunami, Aliens coming to enslave us all, even selective Depopulation, we all have this
idea we are on a list of termination, that's because we have been allowed to feel like we are always wrong.
No Evidence is going to change anybody's mind, that would have happened a long time ago, IMO it's a pointless exercise to even try.
Then we have people who hide their true feelings on the subject, to prevent themselves looking stupid, how they look to others is more important to
them than a leap of faith, that something is happening, something unexplainable, sure they can come up with alternative explanations, as can we all,
but most of us have done that, and it is a valid way of doing things, but there is always that little element that cant be explained, no matter how
hard they try, however rather than admit they are stumped, they will use humour, or some wild mundane reason for seeing what they do, Mylar balloons
standing still on a windy day,.a bird, and the new favourite, light refraction because of ice in the atmosphere, funny how that one only started
happening in the 21st Century.
Take the NASA video, where it appears a UFO entering he Atmosphere, changes direction and then what seems to be a missile zips from the ground just
missing it, IMO this video clearly shows a major event, and evidence of Alien or Human reversed Engineered technology, However another explanation
tells everyone, it's ice particles acting to the thruster jets on the Space Shuttle, where you one of those who accepted the ice particle
Now consider, if it was a thruster, why didn't the perspective of the stars change? why didn't the Shuttle move when this happened? always people
screaming about Physics, but they are allowed to ignore Physics here, it seems Einstein's theories only apply when it suits, so why was the Shuttle
on this video immune to this law of Physics? also in the same clip you are in some cases pointed to a second Object closer to the Shuttle, moving
towards the location of the first, again this was an ice particle apparently, but nobody has ever commented on the third and fourth Objects, third
being what looks to me and probably is a Meteor skimming the atmosphere, but the fourth, right over in the bottom right hand side as we look at it,
another Object can be seen just entering the field of view and acting intelligently, go see for your selves, not noticeable at first but keep looking
it's there, in fact the whole video is full of them, but you only see what is pointed out to you, how much time do you actually take to scrutinise
all footage? do you just look where the arrow is pointing?
People who believe without hesitation, people who believe but only accept hard undeniable evidence, people who refuse to believe in ET no matter what
they see, or who tells them.
Then there are those who just don't care, they use it as an escape, if pissing everyone off by going against the grain, no matter how harsh, that's
how they deal with it, it's the only way to get any kind of attention, even in real life away from this forum, they do it to people they know, it's
the only way they know how, being an asshole to others, makes them makes them feel in control, this doesn't mean they don't believe in ET life, it
just means they will control what's around them, then they ensure everything goes the way they want it, an analogy would be the Uncle who everyone
dislikes, they are invited to the Family Reunion, but secretly everyone is hoping they don't turn up.
Do as I say, not as I do mentality, you know the type.
This is just the way people are, no matter how much we love or hate them, nothing can change how they think or believe, including me, because this
doesn't just apply to non believers, nobody could ever convince me that Aliens do not exist, if Obama does come on live TV and tell us ET has never
in their knowledge visited earth, it was all just experimental aircraft, the cry would go up of cover up, now we have the scenario if he did the same
and said ET has been here, and are coming back, we would get project blue cry go up, nobody can or is ever going to win this argument.
People are making a living from all sides of this Phenomenon, a change of any kind will effect every one of them, it's a multi billion dollar
industry it really is, Disclosure is going to have a huge impact, so people will shift their stance so to speak, even I have begun to write a book on
over 30 years of experiences, I wish to make zero profit from it, because it is not mine to sell, it belongs to everyone, and those stories I want to
tell are not all mine, but the words of others mostly, how can I profit from in some cases a very traumatic event?
Be honest to yourself, discover the truth for yourself, use the words of others as a guide, but remember it is just their opinion, not yours, you owe
it to yourself to find truth, what you see here are just words, you don't know who is behind those words, think for you, not because you want to take
the popular path, or because you like someone's bad attitude, you count as an individual, research online does not take very long at all.
The OP is absolutely correct, we are doing it to ourselves, as well as denying Ignorance, we should also deny Deflection, some cant even be bothered
reading to the end of a thread, so what gives them the right to make a comment about your thoughts on the subject?
And can we please stop with the brown nosing follow the leader, oh ******* your threads are so wonderful, I love your comments ******** always kick
ass, or lets get ******* or I cant wait for ******* to turn up, they will get to the bottom of this, WHAAAAA! you cant think for yourselves? what was
the word? sheeple?
Wonder how many got as far as these words?