As I like to write poetry I thought about writing a short story. Tonight I wrote my first chapter and decided to post it here. Let me know if you
liked it, if you read the whole thing. lol
Chapter 1:
There he was standing in a open field with nothing surrounding him but wavy oceans of weeds and sagebrush. In the distance rounded bales of hay were
scattered about from a few days before in which farmers had sweat to make their living. They surrounded him in random patterns among the further and
more distant fields waiting to be hoisted onto flatbed pickups for further transportation. The wind came in soft yet sometimes violent bursts as if it
were a beast beating on the cell bars in which it was contained. He didn't remember the wind he thought to himself and found his mind drift back to
his younger years where he only remembered catching water snakes and frogs with his friends as young boys do.
As his mind drifted further back into a time frame where all seemed to be purely blissful, he saw himself from a third person perspective with his
friends riding their bicycles around the small town in which he lived, finding meaningless things extremely entertaining. Somehow having those small
and unimportant things filling the days of their childhood was closer to heaven than any man realized. As a burst of wind once again beat upon his
blonde hair and tossed it about he was somewhat violently torn from his trance and found himself wondering how such days had been so long abandoned.
He tried to find his way back into the deep memories from which he was summoned out of, due to the immediate and surrounding environment but could not
find the focus necessary to travel back into that euphoria of ignorance in which he had lost so long ago. No, he thought to himself, I have become
this man by my own choice, I have chosen pain over comfort, truth over ignorance, reality over fantasy. I have chosen the painful truth as compared to
the comfortable ignorance so many others seemed quick to embrace. I told myself I was to be different he thought. I wanted to be different from
everyone else he told himself. In his lack of purpose in life he somehow found purpose in what many considered meaningless. He somehow found sound
tranquility sheerly in the fact that he could accept reality as it was, that he could take blow after blow from the truth and keep marching even
though insanity and loneliness knocked and sometimes banged on the door of realization in his mind.
But he could not help but deny the question constantly pushing itself upon him of, if he might have actually been happier not knowing the truth. He
could not help but feed the fire of thought as he could no longer push the question aside. He had to answer the question arising within his soul and
burning itself like a brand into his mind. He finally brought himself to fully and consciously allow the question access to his conscious mind. He had
so long run from this question and had so long found new reasons in which he could push that powerful wondering into the darker part of his mind. But
as he thought of his previous life and then afterward, compared it to his now current life, he could no longer deny this bubble rising up from the
depths. He could no longer allow his mind and thoughts to run from this contstantly tailing question. He quickly came to realize that within himself,
here, now, was a pivotal turning point in the course of his life and what one might consider destiny. He, at different times in life wondered about
destiny and fate. Many times he could rationalize and tell himself that fate had some part in his life and throughout had chosen him for a specific
purpose. Other times he found himself wondering if he was committing the crime he condemned so many others for. He wondered if he was thinking that by
fate having a hand in his life, he was brainwashing himself into believing he was different and better than others, as many others had done. He could
not help but wonder if he had fallen into that trap that so many others did and had allowed lies and hope to mold his thoughts and actions. As
thinking upon those things, he had to continually tell himself that, no, he had no special purpose and that if destiny did have a hand in his life, he
would deny it for the mere fact that he would not subconsciously allow himself to do what others had done by thinking they were somehow superior to
the masses. His sole purpose was to not recreate and commit the crimes of sly thought in which brainwashing and religion had upon the masses for
reasons of hope and superiority. He would remain neutral throughout time and eternity until he had hard proof of something.
Approximately 5 years ago he came to the conclusion that religion was nothing more than a method of mind control, fear tactics, social status and
something that gives meaning or purpose to specific individuals lives that were without what they considered meaning. He had come to realize, through
his own experience and by watching his family succomb to this fantasy that, any organized religion was a scourge in which those victims allowed
themselves to be controlled. It was a virus that infected the minds of the weak and wanting. It always seemed to him to eventually find its way,
infecting the minds of those that looked for purpose and meaning while in a temporary shell of existence. Many of those that grew weary of average
life and that longed for meaning in their lives turned toward religion for hope and from there slowly, sometimes quickly, but surely created their own
fantasy under the premise of denial for self purpose, as a child would, with his imagination filling the days with trivial and childly things. On
other and many occasions, children such as he was, were bred into religion from birth and brought up to believe it, not knowing any better. After the
child matured into later stages of life and adulthood, fear kept their logical minds from drifting into the relevant conclusions and contradictions
that many denied.