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Artist Album Predicts September 11th Two months in advance?

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:13 PM
Fact is sometimes stranger than fiction and the freaky, creepy and bizarre 911 coincidences just keep on poppin up... all archived and verifiable on AMAZON.COM

this group calls itself I AM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER

Their album was called OUT OF THE LOOP and was released on JULY 17, 2001.

Track number 11 is called SEPTEMBER.

this same group released an album in 2004 called THE COVER UP.

does anyone know the ODDS of either of these two things occurring being a coincidence, let alone just ONE?

talk about a [SNIP]

[edit on 23-4-2009 by matrixNIN11]

Mod Edit: Removed censor circumvention

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:42 PM
S & F for a good find.

That is a hard one to wrap your head around isn't it. The only obvious conclusion is that these people some how knew about the events that were going to unfold.

I suppose this whole album could be by chance, but their name, album name and track number 11 being called September are alot of coincidences. Could always been the record label they are signed to giving out clues or putting it out in the public as a warning or trying to alter the collective consciousness.

Other tracks with interesting names are - Sounds So Crazy, Look Around You, Inside Your Head, Aurora Borealis, Move On.

All of of them seem to tie into each other rather well.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Dammit! Right under our noses. I say that, but I wonder how many people actually bought it, or were even aware of it? Sales Rank: #329,743 in Music

Is that any good or bad? A rank like that doesn't tell me anything, I don't know what's above or below...
But the customer reviews are a bit off...

It stinks to high heaven, surely the admin at amazon would have noticed? Unless this album is nondescript.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:50 PM
i must say that is a very good find my friend, s+f for you i think

its very strange the co-incedences in this, as previous poster said, could they have somehow known about the events that were going to take place, maybe subconciously they knew, maybe they had a source of some kind, ive noticed that this thread is under close scrutiny, why would that be??

you mentoined the 1994 album, a few track names on that are suggestive - great escape,FUTURE SIGHTINGS (i know this is a little off topic but could this have anything to do with the masses and masses of ufo sightings recently and the constent talk of disclosure? )) tracks 6,7 and 8 - deny it, going underground, different stories!!!! and track 10 - the cover up!!!!

i would defo like to know some things about this band, there origins, maybea few interviews they have done! if i find anything rather interesting ill post it up my friend

and also how did you come about finding this album and noticing the subtle hints in it?

thanks gain my friend

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Free4Ever2]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:56 PM
Man thats really odd, dont really know what to make of it, definitly doesint seem like a coincidence though.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:05 PM
I'd be curious about the lyrics. Wonder if there are some hidden meanings in them. Or even more interesting, I wonder if it says anything anywhere on the album if played in reverse!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:19 PM
I found this interview with the band. It seems that they say it all really is a coincidence.

"I just realized this week that people who don't know who we are hear our name and think we're a hardcore band," Geller said.

Even two years after the event that "changed the world forever" people still get alarmed over their name, which was chosen as a metaphor for Geller and Dykes' personal and professional relationship. "I guess we'll always get those questions about our name," he said. "The questions were 10-fold less on our last tour then the tour before. We can't worry about it. It's our name and we're proud of it. We debated about changing it, but nothing else seems to fit."

Lazy-I Interview

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:24 PM
I guess we'll just add that to the list of 'prophecies' about the event...

I think it wouldn't have been as hard to predict as we think, if only we were paying attention to the financial bits more closely, and if we knew some behind the scenes 'theory'.

I know I wasn't paying attention then, but I am sure someone that was on top of their research at that time could figure out what was going to happen.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by Cameoii

Some more info:

I am the World Trade Center was named after a symbol of New York, the city where we got our start. The Twin Towers represented many things to us, their giant presence on the skyline reminded us every day of what an amazing and overwhelming place we were living in. Also, the two towers, equal and independent yet still one entity are a metaphor for the relationship Amy and I have developed both professionally and personally. As an additional show of respect, I am the World Trade Center will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their record "Out of the Loop" to the United Way of New York's September 11th Fund

Also, the band name was created in 1999.

I doubt there's anything sinister here.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by beebs
I guess we'll just add that to the list of 'prophecies' about the event...

I think it wouldn't have been as hard to predict as we think, if only we were paying attention to the financial bits more closely, and if we knew some behind the scenes 'theory'.

I know I wasn't paying attention then, but I am sure someone that was on top of their research at that time could figure out what was going to happen.

You might be interested in this thread then:

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by matrixNIN11
does anyone know the ODDS of either of these two things occurring being a coincidence, let alone just ONE?

Well the odds are exactly 1/1

Actually the chances of coincidences not occuring are more improbable than that they do.

This is worth a read:

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 08:58 PM
System of a Down released their Toxicity album on September 4, 2001. The fourth track Jet Pilot has eerie similarities to 9/11 with lines like:

Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot, One that smiled when he flew over the bay, Wired were the eyes of a horse on a jet pilot, One that smiled when he flew over the bay.

My horse, is a shackled old man, His, his remorse, was that he couldn't survey, The skies, right before, Right before they went gray, My horse and my remorse, Flying over a great bay

My, source, is the source of all creation, Her, discourse, is that we all don't survey The skies, right before, Right before they go gray, My source, and my remorse, Flying over a great bay,

It's eerie how it describes an air traffic controller as well as capturing the events that unfolded on 9/11. Just something for everyones listen pleasure

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:19 AM
That isn't the only song on the album with some relevance.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Chadwickus

Good job chadwicks you are always right on top of getting out the "right" information,

Thanks again for keeping us on a straight path.........

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:44 AM
That is real strange, and what are the odds on that realy ??

I have one more for you..

CloverField is a movie about an monster smashing up Manhatten.
And it is the beast in Revelations 9 / 11 Apollyon , the Beast from the bottomless pit and his minions torturing humans for 5 months..

Colloms of fire and smoke came out of the pit as apollyon came out of the pit, very clear in the first introduction to the movie where the fireballs comes flying...

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Thanks...I think?

Apparently they changed their name after 9/11 for a while, but have since changed it back.

Reminds me of another band that went by the name Shihad which sounds similar to Jihad, so they changed their name to Pacifier.

They too have gone back to their original name.

It's funny how people perceive a name isn't it?

[edit on 24/4/09 by Chadwickus]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Well i always harken back to the k.g.b. and think about the 50s plot to infiltrate the u.s. with americanised russians. Was 9-11 an inside job to stave off a bigger attack perhaps forseen? Or usher one in? Or merely give an excuse to over zealous army members?

We may never know exactly why this all is happening, yet I think we can see at least a fragment, and the fragment reveals much in the proper context of itself against possible outcomes.

For instance if I punched someone in the face..and then before they hit back, I start acting "Hey wait wait wait..chill Im sorry i was just messin around i didnt mean it" and got out of being hit back...well thats just how I see things on a macrocosmic scale of our interelationship with other nations and cultures.

It could have been a time travellers warning to us, or people inside assigned to create a mental effect, or just more secret society bragging as they commit criminal acts of witchcraft and evil around the world..remember that in Rome, deciding to feed Christians to lions was a democratic decision.

I for some reason find specific tenets of paganism, many tenets in the big four or five, appealing on a human and psycho-spiritual level. In fact I believe the term "spirit" was derived from well, i cannot say because ATS has banned discussion of a certain topic i believe. -not complaining there, if people want to limit themselves constantly creating a problem for some people because other people have not tolerance for reality, i see it as there dense and boring lives..loss. HAHA

anyway my vidictive nature aside, its more than obvious to me, one who has asked the tarot, and opened the weegee board, please DO NOT SPELL the name in reply posts, it is evil. If you are an ignorant mocker when you read this, dont frikkin reply i mean it.

There are powers in the world beyond cell phones, cars, cops and bars. And when you step outside of the perfectly ignorant world of idiots dancing stupidly spreading herpes and w/e else. You see and beautiful yet terrible world. A valley of darkness..

Im on a mountain and have been since my youth. God shook me and is showing me to save my soul. I have seen love. I know love.

Love is not government of today, or power over law. Law is love, and love is empty without reason. Law to day is not reason its faulty logic. Forced through orchestrated and mocking fear tactics by real and absolute disguised evil in the highest ranks. All the seven sins evoked by a group of people whos minds makes my mind recoil in horror and teth grit tightly in frustration. They are the sell out of our country. And we are because of our own natures, at there behest now because not enough people did anything good, because under the money and drugs and war and religion spell, they took you for a 10000 year ride. We just comig to a new phase of it I think. False Peace..go read revelations.

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