posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 03:53 PM
umm, no minimi, I know what floaters are. In fact, I am very experienced with the "screen of my eye's perception". I know what floaters are, I can
even see individual light waves, and etheric and emotional energies. It takes practice, but I have developed that sense.
These orbs that I am seeing have gone thourgh alot of, "doubt" from me. It took me about 2 weeks of seeing them every nite to really be convinced
that they weren't just "floaters".
Floaters are dead cells in the eyes, and they appear on the screen of your eye's perceptions alot. Sometimes they drift as you look at them, and try
to catch them in the center of your focus only to drift even more and more until you decide to stop trying to catch them in the center of focus.
The orbs I see, move up and down, left to right, they dance, they move closer and farther from me, they sometimes are big, sometimes are small. The
shapes vary, sometimes look like faces, other times look like little orbs of light, or ghostly etheric spirit matter.
Their appearance is always white. ALmost likd someone pointing a flashlight at a wall, except the light that would be seen on the wall is in midair,
giving the appearance of a 3d see through light particles, similar to when having dust in mid air, than pointing a light through it.
It's kinda like shining a flashlight through an area of alot of dust, you see the dust reflect the light thats shone on it, and from a distance it
just looks like light waves or particles in mid air which forms a shape, depending on the size of the dustcloud.
I know its not just dust on my eyelashes. I've also tested that theory out. I'd rub my eyes, be SURE I had no dust on my eyelids, and the orbs would
be still dancing around my desktop.
Theres also a distinct feeling I get when I see them. It's sort of a chill, its a feeling of presence. I know the feeling I am getting is unique to
the orbs.
Hope that helped with the description.
[Edited on 25-4-2004 by The Quiet Storm]
[Edited on 25-4-2004 by The Quiet Storm]