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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 09:40 PM
Here's a good question for you.
Following the Law of One...
And what you have revealed about yourself.
How is it possible to go from a 4th density being back down to a 3rd density being?
And if it is, wouldn't the same rule apply from 3rd density being back down to 2nd (animals)?
And if that is also true, wouldn't we lose our soul? Since the animals lack the presence of a consciousness?

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Sorry for so many questions, but all of them are very good ones.

Is it true that aliens have the time traveling technology to successfully alter this timeline at will?

We with you do it all the time.

Based on the thoughts you have in the present moment, and the actions you make,
it is reflected and magnified to become your future present moment experience.

If so, then if they go back in time to take a tree seed out of the ground, wouldn't it make the same grown up tree in our time disappear as if it was never there?

no, since it's an alternate timeline.

to make it "disapear" you'd have to remove it
within the same timeline you wish to see it so.

traveling through time to make something happen is useless.
it makes more sense to travel where something happened.

as in defining the destination parallel reality and hoping to it.

Is it true that all Grey aliens have red eyes or do some have different color eyes?

A wider spectrum than in humans is available.
with all the hybrids, it can get quite varied.

They say humans use only 10% of our brains. Is there anything we can do to fix it where we can use more of what our brains are capable of?

by opening up and using all your chakra's.

Why was chromosome 2 of humans created as a fusion of 2 different primate chromozomes?
And, why were humans created with 23 pairs of chromozomes instead of the normal 24 pairs found in the other Earthly primates?

When I was doing "gene splicing" it was all mental,
telekinetically moving attributes together,
I was making hybrids it was nice if chromosomes fit,
but could move gene bits around pretty easily.

So I don't really know what number it was,
that didn't seem all that relevant to me,
the relevant part being the attributes,
and the life and well being of the host body.

Why are the alien underground bases thousands of feet below the surface and not just a couple hundred?


geothermal energy,
ease of accessing mineral resources,
desire to be in solid rock formations for increased stability.

some bases are on mountains,
and aren't necessarily very deep,
just nestled in some caverns.

some would probably be willing to have limestone,
you remember the lord of the ring dwarves?
the kind that lived in caves and mountains,
mining for minerals and resources,
it's kinda like that.

those "fairy tales" were based on true stories,
indeed "fairies" used to be a name for nordic aliens.
peter pan was the first to feature a small butterfly like person.

fairies was a synonym for elves just a different languages of origin.

though ya quite possibly there are little butterfly like fairy people,
perhaps in a dark matter aspect of our present moment experience,
one that's not necessarily easy to perceive.

At times I get random aches and pains,
so I always pay attention and ask where it's coming from.

Is the Earth's Moon completely artificially made?

no, it's a planet with additions.

If so, how was it made and for what major purpose?

You know the "battlestar" from Star Wars?
Ya it's the same thing basically.

It's like a really big space ship,
we park it next to a planet,

It has lots of technologies,
cities, foundries, infrastructure,
that is quite helpful in building up a civilization.
such as the one on Darth right now,
and what was on Maldek before.

What is the most powerful weapon in the universe?

your mind

Is it safe to go through black holes in the universe?

I've seen, though perhaps on a spiritual or etheric level,
people going by a moving sidewalk from a fiery star,
into the black hole.

this may have been while I was a plasma being,
so I could make out the plasma people.
they seemed quite calm,
and had luggage prepared,
like excited families waiting at the airport.

Where do blackholes lead to?

that's up to you.

I don't use blackholes for travel.
I just think about it,
and I get there.

It might take some time,
but that's okay,
it's stable.

How about the largest black hole in the center of our universe?

what about it?

Arcturians call it the Grand Central Sun.

*shrugs*, ya probablies got some significance in this universe.

it's the amalgamation of thoughts of this universe,
figures out where we are going, how it should move,
for the continued life of itself.
just like any entity.

simply on a different scale.
it's a summary of the universe.
feeling motherly and fatherly.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 27-6-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551
1. Do you think there is any conspiracy behind the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico?

well people are certainly meeting in groups,
discussing things and making plans.

I was kinda thinking if this goes on much longer,
it could be rebranded as a sign from revelations,
with the oceans turning black and 1/3 of ocean life dieng.

so there can certainly be some christians that support it.
at least in thought by wishing "end of times", and that's what counts.

As Ra says, a group calling for a purpose is more powerful than any individually.
by squaring the number several times.

7.3 Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio, as 100 people, squaring ten and getting 100?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The square is sequential-one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.

7.4 Questioner: If only ten entities on earth required your services how would you compute their calling by using this square method?

Ra: I am Ra. We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.

7.5 Questioner: What would be the result of this calculation?

Ra: I am Ra. The result is difficult to transmit. It is 1,012, approximately. The entities who call are sometimes not totally unified in their calling and, thus, the squaring slightly less. Thus, there is a statistical loss over a period of call. However, perhaps you may see by this statistically corrected information the squaring mechanism.

2. Who do you predict is going to win the 2010 FIFA World Cup?


a soccer ball will be kicked many times.

personally I don't like sports with balls.
it just seems kinda wasteful.

could spend that energy creating something,
or furthering the prospects of tribe.

3. Which event of how humans came to Earth happened first? - Thiaooubian account of how humans came to Earth or Anunnaki account?

well the both mention humans coming at the same time.

about 400,000 to 500,000 years ago

4. Which human race did the Anunnaki create?

modify, they modifed the available people.
quite likely mainly the black people,
though they might have tweaked the yellows as well,
the east asians do have much history of dragons and nagas.

according to the Thiaoobans they were the only ones around at the time.

5. Is Earth the only planet where organized religions exist?
Are people on other planets more of New Age-type spiritualists?

I dono about new age in particular.
but yeah typically there is a world faith,
that most people agree upon,
changes over time.

there is a world faith here on earth,
money, military, industrial practice, science.

the education system preaches descartes and his peers,
since it's based on what was available in the 1600's.
students not going beyond the scope of their teachers led to this.
the very nature of exams (correct or wrong dualism) is to force people to stay within the scope of the teacher.

6. What do you think of this video?:

hmm pretty interesting.
that's a tall or some such.
the legs kinda jutting out, with high reflectivity,
I'm not really familiar with such a species.
had certain attributes to make it seem like a puppet.
though it might be just that it was running.

Thank you very much. You are such an interesting person/alien.

[edit on 27-6-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 12:17 AM
Hi lowki, just checked back on the thread, and I'm very happy you quit with the coded English as it was what drove me to abandon the thread (a couple weeks ago I read about half the thread before giving up).

Anyways, yeah, thanks for doing that, I felt like I was being mocked after the 4th or 5th post.

So, got some Qs, thanks for reading (and answering, since these questions are bad @ss and I know you won't be able to resist):

1) Which Grey type would win in an arm wrestling match; and could that arm wrestling winning Grey type beat a Nordic in arm wrestling?

2) What type of technology would you like on your future robotic host body? What's the basic layout (in layman's terms)?

3) I just watched this PBS documentary on a guy with ALS - he was week(s) away from being completely paralyzed, so decided to go to Switzerland to perform euthanasia - so I was thinking, what does a former Grey think about suicide and what does it mean (if anything) in the grand scheme of things?

Oh yeah, and one last one, since I'm a huge Predator fan (original movies, not the @ssh0l3 Predator vs. Alien knock off $h!t houses):

4) Are there any alien species out there that gets great enjoyment out of going to different planets to hunt the most dangerous species?

[edit on 28-6-2010 by NASA is ASAN]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 12:05 PM
Hey lowki how are you?

Okay so here's a little thing i thought of the other day.

There was an ancient city called Babylon.

The humans of the city all spoke one language. (most likely Telepathy)

Is God an Alien? For clarification.

So, then why does he need mindless followers and worship?

Why would the alien/God decide to destroy the human language?

Is the Alien/God afraid of what humans can do when they put their minds to it?

This God/Alien in the Bible does not sound like the nicest being since he/she effectively pushed our own race into perpetual war....

Is there something our human ancestors did to upset this God/Alien?

I would think punishing the children for an adults wrong deeds is repulsive, not to mention there was hardly any reason IMHO.

Thanks for your insight

[edit on 28-6-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Senz20

Originally posted by lowki

Is the Christian God real? or is this just a big hoax. Please be straight up with this one.

Well the Judaic "God" is actually a few different star being races.
Though the main one seems to be the Thiaoobans.

As the "Jesus" of christianity went on to live with the Arcturians,
though there is an Arcturian Council called "Christ Consciousness" or Sananda.

In terms of Islamic one god of no consort,
is an idea closest to nothing, or prime-creator.

So does this mean heaven/ hell isnt real?


So if sin all my life, im not going to go to some place called hell?

you sure might.

your thoughts and actions are your "vibration",
as your consciousness floats through the multiverse,
you move towards like vibrations.

so if you do a certain act,
you may find yourself with others,
that do the same act.

meeting we exaggerated reflections of you.

and how do they know were praying to them?

some entities etheric or otherwise can detect what you think.

the universe of your consciousness is aware of your prayer,
and manifests it in your future experience.

How many stars have habited planets around them?

all planets and stars are alive.

How may i barter for a spaceship?

You'd have to make an agreement with someone
that's willing to give a spaceship
in a barter transaction.

would humans be accepted into the galactic federation?

Some humans might.
Keep in mind the "federation" is completely socialist.

and has a code of rules and ethics they'd want us to live by.

Is it possible to make your own planet?

if you were a nebula of some kind.

though can build a spaceship.
or outfit an existing planet.

is there cars on your planet?

my planet is earth.

though on other planets typically transportation is via flight.
though horses, and boats are also used.
trains are relatively common.

the quantity of oil guzzling cars is much greater on earth than arises on most other planets.
To be honest I don't remember so many cars on any planet I've been on before.
Nature was always a lot more prevalent.

Though on some of the robotic worlds there were many "citybots" that had wheels.

How / why would on of those reptillian bastards crush my bones in a fist fight? are they super muscular oor something?

ya, like chimpanzees.

but bigger, with claws and sharp teeth.
these are the alpha draconis.

can of course find "reptiles" or some reptilian hybrids that are smaller and weaker.

Do you dislike the reptillians?


Anyones that's experienced the thrill of being a carnivore,
tracking, hunting, catching, killing, eating,
can't really dislike reptilians.
Gotta like what you be.

Does monoatomic gold actually work?


"Monoatomic Gold allows subconsciously held beliefs and worries to surface and become understood; this process happens sequentially, bringing to light one issue at a time. Monoatomic Gold helps to develop keen insight and psychic abilities.

Monoatomic Gold acts upon the pituitary gland, inducing an increase in hormonal production, and is thus a rejuvenation agent. Monoatomic Gold strengthens the heart, improves the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow and increases the production of semen."

Well I achieved all that without interacting with any kind of gold.
Though I did have a silver necklace for a year or two.

[edit on 28-6-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 03:42 PM
1. What do you think of the Hungarian language?

2. Is Basque an "alien" language?

3. Can a human reincarnate into a cat in their next life?

4. Would humans be able to see a Grey Alien if the Grey Alien is in the wild or is the Grey Alien's vibration is higher than most humans?

5. Are Bigfoot creatures annoyed by humans do you think?

6. Do Bigfoot creatures view humans as aliens do you think?

7. Which continent has the most alien activity do you think?

8. Do animals have thoughts?

9a What do you think of this thread?:

10. Do you think Jesus ever visited Japan?

11. What do you think of this image?:


[edit on 29-6-2010 by sphinx551]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by lowki

the universe of your consciousness is aware of your prayer,
and manifests it in your future experience.

Very very well said, thanks for these wise words. Wonderful message for awareness.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by lowki2

Wow. From a miner, to a scientist, to an alien, to a lying attention seeker. Thats quite a progression.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 03:54 AM
What you say is mostly false.

If you were a Gray you are still a Gray and you are only an incarnated demon in a human body. And your parents are not human either. Any sensitive person can see it from your dead heart. There is no soul there.

You do not have the three souls and seven spirits of a human being. The only way you can take over a real human body is by killing his main primoridal spirit or when the human being wants to become a demon.

I practice Falun Gong and I know what you and other aliens try to do. You will fail and your time left is very short.

You try to fool alot of people here by false promises. Good people will wake up in time and improve themselves by self-cultivation. I know you are jealous of the human beings but jealousy is a bad thing and must be eliminated.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by Gaussq

That was almost as bonkers as the OP claiming to be a grey.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Chris-sirhC517
Here's a good question for you.
Following the Law of One...
And what you have revealed about yourself.
How is it possible to go from a 4th density being back down to a 3rd density being?

wanderers, like Nikola Tesla, Da Vinci among others.

And if it is, wouldn't the same rule apply from 3rd density being back down to 2nd (animals)?


And if that is also true, wouldn't we lose our soul? Since the animals lack the presence of a consciousness?

in either case we can't fit our whole soul into our body,
some of it needs to stay in the spirit realm.

robotic host bodies are one of the ways in which we can fit more soul into bodies.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by NASA is ASAN
Hi lowki, just checked back on the thread, and I'm very happy you quit with the coded English as it was what drove me to abandon the thread (a couple weeks ago I read about half the thread before giving up).

Anyways, yeah, thanks for doing that, I felt like I was being mocked after the 4th or 5th post.

I'm sorry if you felt that way.

Intention was to display seriousness and thoroughness of research.

So, got some Qs, thanks for reading (and answering, since these questions are bad @ss and I know you won't be able to resist):

1) Which Grey type would win in an arm wrestling match; and could that arm wrestling winning Grey type beat a Nordic in arm wrestling?

A gray hybrid with strong muscles would win.
A Nordic can probably win against a dwarf gray.

2) What type of technology would you like on your future robotic host body?

biological and technological

What's the basic layout (in layman's terms)?

power (circulation) system,
nervous system,
respiration system (energy production).

basically all the same things available in a biological body.

the main advantages being longer storage, more precise data, and modularity.

so like the ability to shed a skin or body, and put on another, for engagements in a different context.

also memories can be held in tact from one body to another.

I recently made a thread "Terminator is Here" showcasing how whistleblower testimony indicates the technologies are available and operational.

3) I just watched this PBS documentary on a guy with ALS - he was week(s) away from being completely paralyzed, so decided to go to Switzerland to perform euthanasia - so I was thinking, what does a former Grey think about suicide and what does it mean (if anything) in the grand scheme of things?

when a host body is no longer suitable for occupancy,
it is merciful to let it be disposed of by the soul.

if hybrids have many complications they are simply allowed to die.
whereas those that are strong and do well are supported.

Oh yeah, and one last one, since I'm a huge Predator fan (original movies, not the @ssh0l3 Predator vs. Alien knock off $h!t houses):

4) Are there any alien species out there that gets great enjoyment out of going to different planets to hunt the most dangerous species?

[edit on 28-6-2010 by NASA is ASAN]

Ya, carnivores,
like Alpha Draconian reptilians.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Hi lowki,

Could you please answer my questions from earlier in the thread?

Thank you very much

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 06:36 PM
So what is your prediction for disclosure and 2012?

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Quickfix
Hey lowki how are you?

Okay so here's a little thing i thought of the other day.

There was an ancient city called Babylon.

The humans of the city all spoke one language. (most likely Telepathy)

Is God an Alien? For clarification.

Jehovah is the Thiaoobans.

and Jesus's father is a Plaeidean.

So, then why does he need mindless followers and worship?

umm well the annunaki needed gold.

typically and I for one prefer mindful people,
they are more interesting and creative.

Why would the alien/God decide to destroy the human language?

well basically it was decided that it would have been a foreign occupation civilization.
namely the annunaki sumerian language and civilization.
not one truely founded upon earth concepts.

At least that's how I often interpert the mechanations of Gaya.

Just as Jmmanuel's teaching were distorted and retold by Paul as Christianity,
to convert the teachings from Plaedian to more Earthly.

Is the Alien/God afraid of what humans can do when they put their minds to it?

well earthlings "have the capacity to be a minor nuissance".
A Nordic I remote viewed just expressed to me.

On the Earthly Gaya scale,
wondering how to increase diversity,
technology is tempting, yet biology is more sustainably fruitful.

hopefully a balance will be found.

desire for more sustainable living entrepreneurs like lowki.

This God/Alien in the Bible does not sound like the nicest being since he/she effectively pushed our own race into perpetual war....

Is there something our human ancestors did to upset this God/Alien?

sure lots of things, many different belief systems, something always uncompliant.
the Thiaoobans really detest ritual human sacrifice for instance.

whereas the Reptilians are okay with human sacrifice.
though no one really likes waste such as "throw away economy".

I would think punishing the children for an adults wrong deeds is repulsive, not to mention there was hardly any reason IMHO.

I'm not sure what "punishment" you refer to.
the tower was more "fixing their own wrongs".

though honestly I haven't read any alien accounts of the tower.
If you know of any, please feel free to link me to them.
Can better integrate with other knowledge.

Nowadays most major cities have towers.
Much bigger and grander towers in some ways.
We have sky scrapers, pillars, spits, and all sorts of things.

Some cities even bring down their towers in confusion (Manhattan twin towers).
So earthlings have been replaying the Babelonian dance for an eon it seems.

Thanks for your insight

[edit on 28-6-2010 by Quickfix]

you're welcome.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by lowki]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by Senz20

Originally posted by lowki

So if sin all my life, im not going to go to some place called hell?

you sure might.

your thoughts and actions are your "vibration",
as your consciousness floats through the multiverse,
you move towards like vibrations.

so if you do a certain act,
you may find yourself with others,
that do the same act.

meeting we exaggerated reflections of you.

So does this mean if i convert bhack to Atheism, im not going to heaven?

Is heaven only for earthlings?

I remember earlier you claimed all different races of humans came from different planets, then a couple pages later, you said the chinese were here first, and then some aliens took them, genetically modified them, and created the other races? Whats the deal?

Why does it appear your sentence structure is very odd?

Is the reason nobody knows what god truely looks like because he is an alien?>

are wormholes real?

is satan a reptillian?

are those reptillian bastards really shapeshifters?

is the soul real? do gingers have them?

How did the universe get created?

Why are 20% of americans sooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid to think aliens arent real. i want to kill each and every one of those 20%.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Senz20]

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Senz20]

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by lowki

Well the point is,

There was at one point where humans weren't fighting and collectively working together. Building a tower.

The alien being(s) destroyed the tower and sabotaged our communication dividing humans against each other. That is the punishment.

Humans still build towers today and destroy them yes, but it is not humans who destroyed this tower. It is a far more advanced race that did. I was not there all I can do is read what was in the modified Bible that I have.

1) What wrong doings did the humans do to deserve the punishment? Because it has had a ripple effect believe it or not.

2) But to do all that to humans, to preserve ethnicity? (i guess free ranged human is better then genetically modified hahaha

I think that is a little insane if you ask me....

Edited for spelling.

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Quickfix]

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Quickfix]

[edit on 29-6-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by dlifesjrny
Hi lowki,

Could you please answer my questions from earlier in the thread?

Thank you very much

can you link to them?
or repost,
I'm not sure where they are.

Originally posted by StarrGazer25
So what is your prediction for disclosure and 2012?


dis- Look up dis- at
(assimilated as dif- before -f-), prefix meaning 1. "lack of, not" (e.g. dishonest); 2. "do the opposite of" (e.g. disallow)

oh so

so open.

open what?
aliens up for public discussion?

it be in public discussion.
this is a public forum,
where we be discussing aliens.

As you may know,
the official plan of the government, (obama included)
is to pretend the aliens are attacking,
a little later when america is worse.

It's a "backup plan" so Obama thinks,
but it's really the main course.
lol, oh well, too bad he can't
peer into the minds of his comrades.

You've probably seen movies like V and Independence Day,
well they all are insinuating the plan or grand design.
Which the higher ups have in store to confuse,
any kind of resistance movement against them.

Right now since they have chosen to hold back,
and keep a tight lid on alien contact,
it appears to be a wild card.

Yet like on these forums,
we are all being steadily informed,
about the quite obvious presence of aliens.

The majority of television viewers will believe the government.
Just as they are doing now, simply as innocent children.
Obeying what the parents have entrusted upon them.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Senz20

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by Senz20

Originally posted by lowki

So if sin all my life, im not going to go to some place called hell?

you sure might.

your thoughts and actions are your "vibration",
as your consciousness floats through the multiverse,
you move towards like vibrations.

so if you do a certain act,
you may find yourself with others,
that do the same act.

meeting we exaggerated reflections of you.

So does this mean if i convert bhack to Atheism, im not going to heaven?

Is heaven only for earthlings?

By becoming happy loving paradise vibrations,
you find yourself in a happy loving paradise vibration world.

For instance I live in a happy loving paradise.
Nature, wilderness, shelter, abundance, family, friends.

I remember earlier you claimed all different races of humans came from different planets, then a couple pages later, you said the chinese were here first, and then some aliens took them, genetically modified them, and created the other races? Whats the deal?

The yellow and black people came at the same time,
though settled in different locations.

The blacks were modified by the Annunaki,
for mining gold and other things,
potentially why we see so much diversity,
and slave tendencies among them.

Africans were enslaving Africans,
long before whites came into the picture.

The Nordic (Erran), Polynesian (Mu),
and Jewish (Hebra) people all came later,
from their various planets.

Why does it appear your sentence structure is very odd?

Perhaps it's due to,
programming background.

I just find it easier,
to understand text,
this way.

Is the reason nobody knows what god truely looks like because he is an alien?>

I'm sure lots of people have an idea of what "god" looks like.
There was a study done recently that found,
most peoples image of God was themselves.

Indeed that is the truth of the matter.
You are the universe of your experience.

are wormholes real?

portals are ancient technology.

is satan a reptillian?

Wouldn't we all love to be satan?
Oh ya, such a great jive about it.
On earth in Juda-chris-lam.

Some reptilians have horns.

Remember any "external entities",
are just infinite possibilities,
defined by you.

So if you make up an entity,
give them powers,
they can manifest.

are those reptillian bastards really shapeshifters?

but holographic and other technologies may make it apear so.

Also reptillians can incarnate as humans.
I used to be an alpha draconis reptilian.
Quite possibly even on Mars,
or at least the landscape was similar.

is the soul real? do gingers have them?

sure, all plants, animals and rocks have souls.
Even vacuum has a soul.

Souls are just a multiversal collection of experiences and habits.
Souls are held in infinite realms, and experience finite realms for definition.

How did the universe get created?

by a bunch of souls getting together,
and thinking it would be a great idea,
to mix up all the mini games,
and make one super game.

many iterations later,
this universe was one of those (uber games).

Why are 20% of americans sooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid to think aliens arent real. i want to kill each and every one of those 20%.

Lol, they are a minority.
probably the same minority,
that listens and believes the government.

Originally posted by Quickfix
reply to post by lowki

Well the point is,

There was at one point where humans weren't fighting and collectively working together. Building a tower.

The alien being(s) destroyed the tower and sabotaged our communication dividing humans against each other. That is the punishment.

Okay well look at the Alien perspective.

There are these Nibiru people that have come down,
and are making a civilization using humans as slaves.
They are building some grand tower,
and forcing everyone to speak their one language.

We're heavily invested ourselves on earth,
having worked countless eons,
observing and preserving.
We're not just gonna let some pesky,
lowlife nibiruans take all our property from us,
we've gotta stand up and defend our territory.

and so the tower gets blown down,
languages are allowed to flourish.

there were already different languages,
just a certain dictatorship was restricting them.

1) What wrong doings did the humans do to deserve the punishment? Because it has had a ripple effect believe it or not.

nothing, humans weren't the culprit.
humans were being protected from yet another invasion.

2) But to do all that to humans, to preserve ethnicity? (i guess free ranged human is better then genetically modified hahaha

I think that is a little insane if you ask me....

Hey man, some genetically modified foods are toxic.
Most anything made by Monsanto is toxic.

Sumerian "eye for an eye" justice, has led to 'good guys' that kill.
How would it apply to pot smokers? a "toke for a toke"?
So if one person takes a toke, then a cop has a toke. lol

It's the same principle,
forcing more people,
to commit the same act.

Seriously, you make it seem like you'd prefer the whippings of the sumerian slavers.
And be satisfied with totalitarian control over your vocalizations.
It's the elite caste that wrote the bible and history.

"we were only trying to help" says the concerned parties.
everyone and their "helping" oh ya.

doctors gotta cut that out,
you'll be maimed for the rest of your life.
Well innocent lamb trusts the doctor.
The doctor is "only trying to help".

I much prefer creators,
that add options.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 30-6-2010 by lowki]

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