posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 07:51 PM
Is it just me or is there a concerted effort lately to make these kinds of threads on ATS?
Just recently there was the
Creepy conclusion: We are alone! in the UFO forum where
the OP and another refused to debate their opinion. They just stated it as fact and called anyone who disagreed with them wrong. They provided no
evidence, just blanket statements.
This thread is pretty much the exact same thing again, but with a different subject matter.
No proof, not even any intelligent discussion. Just a poster trying to force feed his twisted sense of 'truth' down everybody's throats. And
because we don't agree and won't conform we are heathens.
Moderators... is not calling every poster that disagrees with him a heathen personal attacks? Is that not against the T and C?
This thread is a blatant use of cointelpro to turn posters against each other and to get us riled up. There is NO SUBSTANCE to it except for the
rantings and pulpit judgments of a single poster.
The fact that topics like this are allowed to continue disgust me.