posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 04:35 PM
1. The politically correct term is not "hobbits" it is "Floresians"
From my research:
"Finally I moved onto the next chapter about the Floresians. In September 2003, a group of archaeologists including R.P. Soejono and Michael Morwood,
from the Indonesia Center for Archaeology and the University of New England Armidale (respectively) were doing field work in Liang Bua, a limestone
cave located on the Indonesian island of Flores, between East Timor and Sumatra. 20 feet down in the cave they found the remains of most of a female,
who was about 30 years of age. She appeared hominid but was only 3 feet tall, and located near some other bones which seemed to have been from around
9 members of the same species. Here’s something amazing- the oldest sample of the bones dated to around 94,000 years ago, and the youngest to 12,000
years ago. Just the samples in this cave, using radiocarbon and thermoluminescence testing. In the same cave there were the skeletons of fish, frogs,
snakes, bats, giant rats, tortoises, and birds, and also dwarf Stegedons, which are extinct pygmy elephants, Komodo dragons, and a larger lizard.
There was also charred bone pieces, which means that it is possible that the hominids (known as the Floresians) could use fire. There were also some
small tools and blades which were used as weapons with wooden staffs. Some of them were located very close to the remnants of the Stegedons, so the
Floresians may have hunted them.
The Floresians had skulls about the size of a grapefruit, and therefore smaller brains than us, about a third the size of ours. Scientists are unsure
of the connection between brain size and intelligence, and a brain this small would suggest that the Floresians were less intelligent than ourselves.
However, they were more capable (judging by the tools found) of advanced function than the chimpanzee with a larger brain! The cause of the small size
of these hominids is unclear. It has been suggested that they are some form of pygmy. The species has been named Homo floresiensis. It is theorized
that, because of the island's isolation, the species evolved differently, similar to the large lizards and small elephants, because there were
different (and less) environmental resources than that of on the continents. Some believe that the Floresians descended from Homo erectus, who might
have ended up on the island around 840,000 years ago, allowing a great amount of time to evolve into a smaller species. Michael Morwood theorizes that
the Floresians also had a type of primitive language used to communicate during hunting and tool-making, but this is debated among experts. The first
remnants of modern humans on Flores date back to 11,000 years ago, which is fairly close to the 12,000 year old Floresian remnants. This means that
not only did the two species exist at the same time, they may have existed in the same place. The modern humans may have migrated to the islands and
then hunted the remaining Floresians into extinction.
Some people believe that the Floresians are actually a type of modern human of the Austrolomelanesid race, dating back to only around 1,500 years. It
has also been suggested that they are modern humans with microcephaly, a "dwarf" genetic abnormality. The chances of this are slim if you ask me,
because the chances of 9 people suffering from microcephaly in one area and time are practically none. Some people have marked similarities between
the bones found in the cave and those of a person with microcephaly from Crete, however the credibility of the comparison has been debated. Also, they
may be ancestors of the pygmy inhabitants of Rampasasa, a village in Flores near the cave where many of the bones were found.
DNA testing could be helpful in discovering the place of the Floresians in the complex web of hominids. However, no usable samples have been extracted
from the bones. It is interesting that the inhabitants of Flores believe in the Ebu Gogo, little hairy people who also live on the island today. It is
thought that the Floresians were wiped out by the volcanoes, which may have erupted around 12,000 years ago, and it is possible that some of these
Floresians survived. The Ebu Gogo are described as being 3 feet tall with long arms and fingers and are capable of speaking to each other in a
primitive tongue. The last report of a sighting of the Ebu Gogo on the island occurred before the 16th century when the Dutch settled the island,
probably killing off any remaining specimens.
On another Indonesian island called Sumatra, located near Flores, there have also been sightings of the Orang Pendek, another 3 foot tall, human-like
species. In the Kerinci Seblat park in Western Sumatra there have also been reports of a strange primate/hominid, even documented by zoologists for
over 150 years, and hairs and footprints have been found! Many believe that these are related to the Floresians, and that it is likely they are
exactly the same species, or that the Floresians survived until very recently. Many scientists judge by the recent findings of unknown species in
Southeast Asia that it may be very likely that a live specimen of the Floresians may be found. This species was unknown until very recently (2003) and
there is a lot of room left to research them.
I have to make a point about the cryptozoological exploration of the Floresians. I do not support catching them in any way shape or form if they do
exist! These are hominids. They have tools. They have a language. Clearly they are intelligent and can think, and are more like us than possibly any
other animal known to man. I even shy away from using the word animal, because the descriptions I have read seem to indicate that they are much more
like humans than animals. I believe it would be incredibly cruel to capture and study anything capable of thinking and anything that has an identity.
There is not much cryptozoological information in this book, but that is generally my stance on things like that. Bigfoot may be intelligent. Most
hominids and great apes are, and it would be –incredibly- unusual for us to be the only hominids on the planet. I wouldn’t want an orangutan to
capture me and stick me in a cage and poke me with needles and separate me from my friends and talk to me in strange tongues and do tests on me. Not
cool. I really have an issue with the way the end of this chapter was presented because I do not support the capturing/hunting/removal of Floresians
from their natural habitat, or any other human-like creature. For that matter, I really don’t support any of those activities in relation to any
living creature. That is my stance and my lecture on why this chapter was really awesome and then made me mad."