Whilst I accept totally, and know a lot of information about, both the current and long standing, use of both Sound and ELF and other waves to control
the Populations, both as in MKULTRA in the USA on their own civilians, and also as in the case of the UK around Military Bases
Cyprus Mind Control by British Microwave and as is CURRENTLY happening
in the Uk with the implementation of the TETRA system which is on nearly every road, and block of houses in the UK here:
Tetra is another highly suspicious addition (1, 2, 3), along with the deaths of 22 Marconi scientists suggesting a mind control function in
addition to disease inducing
and here:
Concern about ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) pulsed radiation effects goes right back to the 1960s when Eastern Block countries started experimenting
with 'mind-control' non-lethal weapons. By 1976, a US Department of Defense document [DST-1810S-074-76] was reporting: "The potential for the
development of a number of antipersonnel weapons is suggested by the research. ... Sounds and possibly even words which appear to be originating
inside the targets head can be induced by signal modulation at very low average power densities. ... Animal experiments have demonstrated the use of
low-level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching the blood-brain barrier." Work
in these areas continued as confirmed by a talk on the "Application of ELF Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons" at a classified Los Alamos
Conference in November 1993 during the period when the TETRA Standard was being developed.
Also here:
Further Excellent Proof HERE
Which has as well as used on their own civilians, been used by other governments for many years notably the Russian/USSR on the West, especially the
proof of "Operation Woodpecker" which is described and documented in much depth on the Internet and elsewhere, HOWEVER there has been much spin and
media manipulation of this, and many in the Conspiracy Truth movement have now ignored Woodpecker as they believe the Leaked documents that state NATO
and the US had found it to be a type of Over the Horizon Radar that could detect a ICBM rockets effect on the upper atmosphere, and also as the
original propogator of the mind control elements of this Woodpecker signal was later convicted of murder and rubbished.....
However as is the case in much of the truth movement and also Conspiracy circles, these people also are used to feed disinformation, and like UFO's
only about 1-10% of it is true, Woodpecker unlike many believe is NOT DEBUNKED as the below shows:
a whole list of Ph.Ds has added their support for such conclusions. David Brinkley testified about the Woodpecker signal on NBC Magazine, broadcast
on July 18, 1981. Dr. Andrew Michrowski, Technologies Specialist with the Canadian Department of State, and President of the Planetary Association for
Clean Energy (PACE), wrote that the signal was “from a number of Tesla-type transmitters” and that the “U.S.S.R. signals have been assessed by
the Environmental Protection Agency […] to be psychoactive.” Dr. Robert Beck measured the Woodpecker signal, concluding: “We found the Soviet
signal coming in like gangbusters […] right in the window of human psychoactivity.”
Alas, the true purpose of the Woodpecker remains the subject of speculation, largely because in the public mind, it is “merely” tied to a single
allegation of a convicted murderer. But even if that were the case, what few have realised, is that Einhorn at least to some extent has been proven
So to surmise, any hardened truth researcher, who is not a school kid just scanning for a couple of hours a week, or the Wacko's our communities
sometimes attract KNOWS that everything you state as in the potentials of this are, real, been used, ongoing and worldwide, infact are increasing as
TETRA proves.
So this brings me to the question about YOUR OP.
You release WAY TOO much Personal information, on education, places of study, father's history and stationing etc for you and your family, with no
You seem to be at least close to the intelligence you claim from your Degrees in your manner and style of writing, sentence construction etc.
A political degree is very telling indeed
I also like the touch about Alcoholism and absent father, very rapport building with the readership
please see below *)
So therefore, being soo smart you cant also be soo dumb?
If everything you say is TRUE you are flagged and Marked by TPTB and I doubt if your life will now run smoothly, especially if as you claim you are
bringing "NEW" information to a already very well documented, researched and important part of the current reality of the TPTB manipulation of
If what you say is true I can only give you some advice though, do not do it because I say so, I AM ONLY saying what I WOULD DO as follows:
Pack up, dissapear and get of the NET in all things, not internet, banking, cameras etc everything. For a very very long time, because if what you say
is true, about yourself, family, and that you have just outed this, you without a doubt have a CIA or such like, probably deeper operative within
100ft of you from 24 hours after posting this, 24/7 and I doubt your life expectancy will be that Long, as accidents do happen, if you know what I
Therefore as I doubt that infact this is true in totality, I would like to suggest to most readers to take a hint of caution with what you have added,
to research the HUGE amount of both Government and DOCUMENTED proof of how ELF, Sound and Microwave etc , have been, and still are used to control,
thoughts, emotions and behaviour of individuals and populaces.
To then see what is SPIN within that, and coverups, of coverups, (as the link I provide for Woodpecker shows), and realise that all the effects and
types of experiments the OP describes are known, do happen, have and continue to, but it is impossible to validate what he says, whera's others are
validated and not let the water be muddied any further, by this Potential disinformation.
Have to be Honest OP not personal, and in the extremely likely chance that all you state is true, and you are not just making up a story, a Foreign or
domestic to the US Psy Op operative, you are both braver and madder than me.
Kind Regards,
* I personally experienced both of those factors, so if it is true for you, or any readers this is mentioned, not to rubbish or offend, but to
show the Language (not microwave lol) used to manipulate our emotions and thoughts/beliefs if as I suggest above the OP is a PSY/OP or storyteller
[edit on 23-4-2009 by MischeviousElf]