A young boy in China has been found to have "glow in the dark" eyes and excellent nightvision. Doctors believe he was born with a rare condition
where the pigment in his eyes is less protective then usual and so is more sensitive to light. This kid can actually read books in complete darkness
word for word.
Incredible, i am totally jealous of this kid. Though i guess it would hurt being out in daylight right?
That is pretty awesome! No doubt the Chinese government will be experimenting on him by the end of the week, or rolling hi into some sort of special
ops programme!
there was a thread on this when it was actual news. it doesnt make a great story because there is no picture of the boys glowing eyes, and could have
easily been made up to fill some space.
That would still be a very interesting thing to have to be able to see in complete dark. I wonder what happens when he tries to go to sleep? Does he
have any light sensativities?
Nothing can see in complete darkness (not even animals with excellent night vision) there must be some light, if only a little.
Animals eyes glow because the back cells are light (to reflect light and improve their night vision) vs human eyes (which have dark cells in the back
and which aren't that good for night vision).