posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:24 AM
Do you want to see an email from the hoaxter who planned the Crabwood prank?
You can actually track him back. The trail ends at an anonymous email sent to Linda Moulton Howe from
Yeah, right. Some anonymous dude claiming "A large part of my full time job is decoding ciphers and reverse enginereering communication protocols"
just so happend to have the idea that the image contained ASCII code encoded in a spiral beginning at the center, extracted the "bits" from some
fuzzy image and decoded the message WITHIN LESS THAN 3 DAYS (crop circles: August 15, 2002; email: August 18-19, 2002) and let some mystery/ufo web
site know about it in an anonymous email. (Hey, any serious full time cipher decoder would do just that!)
I would be tempted to buy that if the bits were arranged in groups of bytes, but sorry, I don't buy that somebody has the idea to read ASCII out of
some disc on a supposed alien crop circle (in no time). Why would he? That doesn't make sense in the first place. It doesn't make more sense than
the silly "alien message" (And sorry, Ansiroth, the message doesn't contain 151 characters. It just does so in one of many different versions found
on the internet. So David Flynns number games go off in a puff).
The dude who planned this prank put actually a bit of thought into it, trying to hide an ASCII message in it. But he was also impatient. He could not
await to tell the world about how complex his creation (which he deservedly was proud of) really was, about the message, which nobody but him would
have ever found there.
If you want to find the "aliens" who made that crop circles, find the originator of that email.
[edit on 7-5-2009 by Verklagekasper]