posted on May, 2 2004 @ 07:48 PM
...I think that if you are bad you will come back as another human and unfortunately have to suffer until you realise such truths but once
you do learn truths then you go onto to another level to experience the self even more.
Back as another human... Not these days. It used to be like that before. Now a consiousness (soul) which was given a 'Man' type biomachine during
the previous numerous incarnations, is more likely to turn into a galactic fuel than to receive a chance of another life in a different human body.
Annihilation may be of three types or their combinations: simple annihilation, annihilation along the involution, annihilation along the involution
with suffering.
In the case of simple annihilation there's an opportunity to resume one's development starting from light and sound bands.
The second case is a continuous gradual annihilation with the payment of all one's karmic debts. Until you pay all your debts you'll be incarnated
in the involutionary ranks of animal, vegetable and mineral realms for reprocessing of negative psychic energies into positive ones through your
biomachine. The order of repayment of involutionary Karma is as follows: death - partial annihilation of repaid Karma - incarnation; death - partial
annihilation of repaid Karma - incarnation, and so on. The process of annihilations goes on automatically until the Universes stop to compress -
unless you manage to repay all your karmic debts ahead of time - which is very, very doubtful. There's only one way - downwards to the final
annihilation with the dissolution of the remnants of the deceased into the Working Emptiness.
You'll give back all you've taken in excess, you'll receive and experience all the grief and evil which you have caused to others during your past
lives. This procedure of development along the involution reminds a slow execution used by japanese: today you lose a nail, tomorrow - a tooth, the
day after tomorrow - a slice of a finger phalanx, and so on. The execution could last for years. There's not a chance for survival, because one
secret point of yours will be pierced and that already means a slow death. Such retribution was usually used for traitors and those guilty of serious
violations of tribal laws, which could automatically cause death to all, but mainly for traitors.
Annihilation along the involution with suffering is the same as the annihilation along the involution - only all the incarnations will process in
suffering (
the same slow japanese execution, only with daily tortures and lashings).
More details can be found in
Lyrical-dramatic Information #4 and
Cosmogony of Majtreya
"Earth - the planet of biorobots"
[Edited on 5-2-2004 by Vitalij]