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A superficial investigation and a photo... now opinions please

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posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:03 PM
Ok, there are lots of lexically correct words that I use in my original language that is not English, so this�ll maybe sound estrange or incorrect, anyway I�ll try my best.

I m from a small Spanish town ( which I hate by the way ) located at the top of a hill surrounded by 2 rivers, the Adaja and Arevalillo rivers both small in�. bed? ( you know, the channel, the river width ). Almost nobody but the oldest go there on today but I usually like to go to take a walk or simply stay there quietly just thinking.

The fact is, that on one of these days I found strange marks clearly visible in the mud, I supposed that they were normal, cause I�m not any specialist in footprints but I was thinking and talking about it whit some friends and some days before I decided to go take some pictures of it and to take some info which I show here.

The footprints Appear to have 6 fingers, 4 at the front and 2 at the rear, they are usually not close one to the other, but I cant secure cause I don�t know how to follow tracks, but of course if raining you don�t leave as clear marks on the grass, which is highly flatted, and there are mayor zones of grass than mud. Those footprints has also the same size, 40 cm long, 20 cm width and 6 cm depth in the mud.

A possible theory is that they can be cow or sheep footprints ( 2 frontward at one in the opposite direction ) but it seems too exact for me in disposition and sizes, moreover, the one at the photo isn�t at the normal route for those flocks, and yes, they move on flocks, so the result would be a bunch of unrecognizable marks.

I�m actually confused, the footprints seems to end at three zones ( large size? Well, an human whit 2 foots cant event sink 2-3 cm on the mud here, but yes, this could fit whit cows ) and there is even evidence of tall grass flattered whit what appears to be the same mark on them, but not bitted, how a cow or sheep would do.

I made the photos whit a digital camera, so they aren�t really are the best quality proof, but shows enough ( of course there is only one and quite resized, any page in which to upload more for free? ).

Any idea, suggestion or something? I also admit constructive critics about my English level.

Changed the picture, this one looks clearer? Still searching for free pages to upload bigger ones and more...

[Edited on 25-4-2004 by ello]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:06 PM
to be honest, i can't see what the # is meant to be there. Im going to save it to my computer and take a closer look

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by ello
Any idea, suggestion or something? I also admit constructive critics about my English level.

I don't think you have to worry about your English. You're doing better than most...

What you need to do is get yourself some money. When you get the money, I'd say about 20 grand, go buy a thermal night sight from a TOW missile launcher (not the missile itself, just the sight). They should be available from any local al-Queda operative in your area. Take another 5 grand and purchase yourself a Barrett .50cal sniper rifle (make sure you exhale before you fire, or you'll find your lungs laying in front of you in the glorious muzzle flash!)

Set those bad boys up on the highest hilltop you can find, sit out for a couple of nights and scan, scan, scan your sector. Now hopefully you've spent some loose change on some ammo, cause when you find your target, which you undoubtedly will, you're going to want to shoot it. To do this, just take aim, and squeeze, I SAID SQUEEZE the trigger!

Go out the next morning, and take a picture of something other than dirt.

I'm sorry, was that too fecetious? I hope not.

Welcome to ATS, I'll be your smartass for the evening. Just let me know what you need to drink...


[Edited on 24-4-2004 by DeltaChaos]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 08:27 PM
Well its hard to make out with all the litter around it. All i see right now is an imprint in the ground.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 09:01 PM
I can't really see anything there besids little indentations in the ground. They almost look like a part of a tire tread.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 12:29 AM
Any deer in your area? I'm sure there is, as these appear to be tracks of a deer, maybe a buck (big track-) and a doe or yearling walking in it's steps.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 12:53 AM
To get a clear view and have a lasting impression just take some plaster of paris with you and a plastic bag, mix according to directions pour in the footprints and you should have a good impression of the feet, also take a ruler and measure the distance, do this of course after making cast of the animals footprints you don't want to be scooting around all over them doing measuring first it will mess up the impressions. Then maybe get in touch with someone who is familiar with the normal footprints of animal in your region and go from there. Let us know what you find.

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Journey
Any deer in your area? I'm sure there is, as these appear to be tracks of a deer, maybe a buck (big track-) and a doe or yearling walking in it's steps.

I agree with Journey. They look like deer tracks--just multiple tracks on top of each other. Or maybe goat or sheep tracks like you suggested.

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:08 PM
Why does no one ever suggest miniture cyborgs? I mean large cyborgs are commonly found in nature through out the northern hemisphere, so why isn't it possible for there to be miniture cyborg?


posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:32 PM
One question DeltaChaos, what happens if the target finds the poor guy first?

He says they move in flocks. How would you prepare for the possibility they flock up on you?

What he needs is Al-Queda aerial support for Kamikazee ops. He can flock 'em all with one pass!



posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by garyo1954
One question DeltaChaos, what happens if the target finds the poor guy first?
He needs a spotter to provide security!

posted on May, 10 2004 @ 06:45 PM
I've volunteered for some stu.....errr, things in my time, but running around in a flock, pointing fingers at targets is not my forte.

Any takers?


posted on May, 10 2004 @ 07:01 PM

Any takers?

I'M IN as long as we use a rail gun instead of a lousy 50 cal rifle. With a rail gun you have no bang but a nice muzzle flash and a projectile that will go thru just about anything.

posted on May, 11 2004 @ 11:39 AM
Hmmm...ok. Here is my take on the photos. I do hunt deer on occasion and those do look like deer tracks to me. The bigger print at the back of the photo looks like it might be from a buck that was following a group of does (the prints at the front of the photo).

The area you describe sounds like good deer habitat. The matted down grasses could either be paths or bedding areas depending on size.

As far as tracking, here is an easy way that's pretty effective. First, find 2 prints made by the same animial as it was taking a step. Second, note the distance between the two prints. You can use anything for this, a stick, your stride, whatever. Now, start at the second print you used to measure distance. Take a look around the print at the distance you measured. Somewhere in roughly that distance from the print you should find another print. Its slow, but its simple and it works pretty well unless the animal jumps, alters its stride or gets into an area it doesn't leave prints.

posted on May, 13 2004 @ 10:56 AM
Who says I cannot beat a flock of beasts!? Just bring me the correct equipment and I�ll kill them all one by one or even whit my bare hands if necessary!
Errr� I meant�
No deers at my zone, but I m almost sure about the sheep�s theory, I just need to fit some things.

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