posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 09:56 AM
I am a big fan of the idiots guides for some reason. I have read many of them on various topics. I was on their site and could not find one about
UFO's or Aliens or anything of the sort. Now they have them for Vampires, which I have and read, so why not one on aliens and ufo's? I like how they
structure the books and information and how they have many links in the back to various information. I used the one on Ancient Egypt when I did my
research paper years ago and it was great! If anyone has seen one on ufo's or aliens let me know. Maybe I am typing in the wrong search on their
site. I would think if they had one on vampires they would have one on aliens
If this needs to be moved that;s fine, I didnt know where to put it.