posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:06 PM
MSM is not about information, it's about entertainment. If they're airing more stuff about UFO's, it's because we're demanding it, not because
there is any lessening of censorship. They'll make more money from programs that are open to UFO's, and that's all that matters.
MSM doesn't make money from telling the truth. No one wants to hear the truth. They want to be told what they already believe, have it fed back to
them with embellishments. They want drama and excitement, death and destruction and extraterrestrial beings. Forget about reality - that's boring.
Give us drama every time. That's all that matters.
When the majority of viewers wants "common sense" and "down to earth" stuff, MSM will provide it. When the majority wants the bizarre, unknown,
outlandish, that's what they'll get. It's all about profit, not truth. The reason that MSM *is* mainstream, big, is because they cater to the
crowds. Alternative news sources are small, poor, and often unheard because they don't cater to the masses, but rather try to tell the truth.
There's no profit in that, because so few people want to hear the truth.