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UFO's on CNN now

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posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by grantbeed
wow. what a day for believers. Something is truly happening folks. Like previous posters have said. Why have many countries released their files in the last 6 months ? why not 5 yrs ago , why not in 5 yrs time......... why now???

Why now? Well, because of this, perhaps? Link:

I think this sentence says more than thousand words; "They have given the US government until then to prepare humanity for this event. "

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:23 PM
1 p.m. est 4/21:

Kyra Phillips, on CNN, will be having another segment this hour on aliens.

I wish they wouldn't trivialize the issue with caricatures, cartoons, of greys. I'm sure the segment will be accompanied by creepy music and tongue in cheek attitude.

And we must consider what Crakeur said as well. I think the uni/muliverse is more chaotic then we'd like to think. Full of all kinds of various forms of life. Not all of them benevolent coming here to save us from ourselves.

And how very human is that? Waiting and hoping for some other entitiy, call it God, angels, or aliens - coming to save us instead of humans doing the footwork to enlighten themselves or begin to heal the planet on their own. Like even the littlest things in life I hear so many whine "It's just sooo haaaaarrrrrd"; "I can't dooooo it by myself - help me help me" Pfftt.

Some would argue well, why haven't they done it, extermination, by now? They've probably been doing their research, finding the quickest way to dispense of us and mine the earths resources.

I'm just a spewing spray of sunshine today eh?

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Whisper67

I read or watched somewhere, wish I knew where it was now, sorry, don't have the source that if UFO's came here they would almost have to be peacefull. Something about the only way to advance that far is to get rid of violence and things of the like, again, wish I had the whole thing to reference.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:33 PM
I would not bother watching any shows on cnn about ufos, or any other main stream news, like fox or nbc. Useless shows, as far as i can see.

Once you have learned everything on the subject that is public, you cannot really learn anything new about this subject anymore. Tv just makes it boring, and personally i cannot stand the people who do ufo shows on american tv.

I would tell anyone, that is looking into this subject read the montauk series of books, and you will have all the info the public will get before any disclosure(which probably will not happen in my life).

My advice do not bother with these cnn rubbish shows, read the montauk series of books, and thats all the info you need.

[edit on 4/21/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:40 PM
Segment coming up next! Oh look at my precog abilities! They used X-Files music and were dangling a Yoda through the studio.

Agreed, of course, about using the MSM for any real news. Just hoping it will motivate others to look more closely, deeper for their own answers.

Here it is ::scurries off::

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Updates, we need updates people, I am at work!! lol I bet it will be same as yesterday tho, we need some good evidence

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:45 PM
edgar mitchell is supposed to have an interview sometime after 2 PM EST on CNN. Just watched it, nothing really said, just asking about Obama releasing info on ET's.. Then they said Mitchell will be talking in next hour (so Sometime after 2pm EST)

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:46 PM
People you're not getting it. This is going to be an opening up of UFO files to the public, and the US and Britain show that they are going to be expecting some visitors here soon. Hell in Britain I think its legal to have UFO's land there.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:49 PM
It was just a re-hash of everything that's already been said here. Kyra Phillips couldn't get through the segment without chuckling the whole time.

Clips of Obama being asked about aliens during a debate. His answer, in true politician form: "I don't know if there's life on other planets, but I do know there is life on this planet." Other Obama clips when asked how he'd deal with aliens he stated "It depended on if they were Republicans or Democrates."

The most interesting revelation: Apollo astronaut Mitchell will be on live next hour!

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:52 PM
Like i said, why do you guys bother with watching those shows. You get some clown presenter on that is going to ridicule the subject, and it is just a waste of time.

Would rather watch paint dry, then watch cnn, fox, nbc talk about ufos. We all here have watched the decent ufo docs, that have been made. The normal news will not get anywhere near those shows, so why bother watching.

[edit on 4/21/2009 by andy1033]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Ugh, those politically correct answers, WHY, just once, can't a politician be a man or a woman and step up and not give a BS answer. Its not just about UFO's its about everything, the NEVER give a straight answer, not any on them, makes me so mad!! They will only give a pre scripted, pre approved, poll friendly, dairy free, no salt added, trans fat free pile of big stinking BS. Come on Obama, grow and set and tell the truth, cut your puppet strings. You preach change, well how bout releasing the truth and REALLY Changing the world

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Whisper67

Whisper you posted my thoughts! They just asked for emails about the need for disclosure at [email protected] so I sent on off. I also mentioned the way their network ALWAYS plays X-files music, has little animated green men on the WH lawn and the way the anchors are ALWAYS making degrading comments about the topic. They cannot ignore these stories anymore, they need the ratings, but by their very attitude prevent people from taking this seriously.

I am also very offended at the response they just showed from the interview with Obama during the primaries and at the debate. I am so tired of the sarcastic patronizing attitude of those in "power".

I also wonder something. With all this talk about the bank stress tests coming out just terrible if all this press coverage about ET life and the press for some disclosure by May is a sort of distraction from the mess that may be revealed. Just a side thought.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by redhead57

I just sent them an email, I'd ask anyone who is watching to watch for it, but no one knows my name, lol oh well, as long as my point my hopefully get accross.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM
When I just came back online I noticed on my opening screen Edgar Mitchell in his younger days in his Astronaut Uniform and his story about ET's, UFO's confirmed. WHAT can be clearer then that...UFO's CONFIRMED.

Also CNN was supposed to have this after commercial but when they came back they went straight to White House Briefing about Interrogation convenient.

I do have to admit this even has me taken back a little...I think all this timing is curious and I am wondering what's up with it. As with everything... time will tell and whatever is to be will be.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by observe50]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by observe50

I am feeling the same thing as a stated either on this thread or the other one about this topic, I can't help but find this interesting with this report on the bank stress test causing so much controversy. They are blaming the so called leak of bad news on the market crash yesterday and we still have no information on the report. We all know that news is manipulated and is nothing but wagging the dog, so it is very possible this is all a cover. Time will tell.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:43 PM
It's on now with Edgar Mitchell and even he is saying it doesn't make sense we are the only one. He was going to Roswell High School at the time of the Roswell crash. He says he feels it in his gut hmmmmmm we know how that gut thing is, lol.

Headline says, Believers want truth about UFO's ....asking Obama Administration to come clean.

Think about this also why has the first man on the Moon (Neil Armstrong) not milked his accomplishment for what it was worth, do you really think he was that private of a man, I don't thinnnk so I think he woke up.

They want you to write them at CNN and tell them why you think Obama should release all the goodies.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by observe50]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:45 PM
When I heard the X-files music from the other room I knew the interview was coming on. Her attitude makes me so angry, she grinned her way through the whole interview. Which I might add was pretty weak. No offense intended to Mitchell but it was pretty tame and no substantial info presented.

With all the people out there with credentials and good information I find it so strange that they would only interview a man that admits he doesn't have any great revelations. So on the story goes.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Redhead 57 it a game they play.

I and many members here at ATS know..... we have been on these ships and walked the walk and talked with these beings, we know.

Shame on the smirking ones, there day will come in time.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:56 PM
I have this VERY strong feeling that when disclosure finally happens. (I'm thinking before the end of summer) What people will find out is yes, crashes have happened, debris and bodies have been recovered, but other than that?
The U.S. government nor any other knows much more than we do.

I think the "actual" reasoning behind the years of secrecy is basically our governments embarrassment at NOT knowing "what" the visitors are or "why" they are here.

OTOH, opening the evidence and technology up to civilian scientists of various fields will probably provide a ton of answers that the military couldn't provide with it's compartmentalized secrecy.

Just my opinion.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 03:06 PM
MSM is not about information, it's about entertainment. If they're airing more stuff about UFO's, it's because we're demanding it, not because there is any lessening of censorship. They'll make more money from programs that are open to UFO's, and that's all that matters.

MSM doesn't make money from telling the truth. No one wants to hear the truth. They want to be told what they already believe, have it fed back to them with embellishments. They want drama and excitement, death and destruction and extraterrestrial beings. Forget about reality - that's boring. Give us drama every time. That's all that matters.

When the majority of viewers wants "common sense" and "down to earth" stuff, MSM will provide it. When the majority wants the bizarre, unknown, outlandish, that's what they'll get. It's all about profit, not truth. The reason that MSM *is* mainstream, big, is because they cater to the crowds. Alternative news sources are small, poor, and often unheard because they don't cater to the masses, but rather try to tell the truth. There's no profit in that, because so few people want to hear the truth.

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