Most individuals within the scientific establishment are very much trapped within their field's paradigm, and when they look at the world around
them, they tend to really take it at face value. When Dr. Kaku makes assertions that Levis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madonna, etc., are signs of the
emergence of a Type 1 Society, I think he's really appealing to those common cultural aspects that we will likely come to share as a species. It
would indeed be questionable if all we had to base our civilization's development was on the general human population's knowledge of a pop singer.
There are however traits and ideas and concepts which seem to permeate across boundaries and cultures. Many faiths have peace amongst human beings as
its core principle; whether those principles are corrupted and used for political and personal gain is another. Since there is a higher population of
those who follow a particular faith, than those who choose not to, it would be difficult for both to disagree in that if anything, all we want is
liberty and peace of body and mind.
True, the emergence of trading blocks like the European Union and NAFTA signify the first signs of a Type 1 Economic System, yet this paradigm cannot
be sustainable if the "free market" is mired with cronyism and malevolent practices. Free market ideology has been completely corrupted and co-opted
by a select few, much like the pure, peaceful aspects of certain faiths have been corrupted and co-opted by a select few for generations. Corporate
practice coupled with widespread humanitarian abuse and complete disregard for the consumer base, with a myopic focus on "profits", even if said
wealth is inexistent, an aspect widely mentioned by this group. This system is unsustainable at best, catastrophic at worst.
A Type 1 Civilization will most likely depend on the rapid development of science and technology, a trend we are currently witnessing, rather than the
hope that those that govern the global system will simply walk away. As breakthroughs are made, shifting societal paradigms--think of what the
Internet has done for this generation--the closer we will get to breaking out of this static and stagnant system that so many still hold as the only
way possible to run a human society. We know better though. We do not want to continue this endless cycle of abuse and retaliation without progress,
liberty, or peace. I cannot imagine anyone present in this forum that hasn't at least dreamed of the possibility and the wonder of a Type 1
Civilization, where want from the basic necessities of life is obsolete. In this 21st century of ours, we should have seen a wide reduction in the
level of human calamities that still occur everywhere. No country is free from one sort of abuse or another, and some suffer to degrees unimaginable
nearly six decades after one of the most devastating conflicts we have seen in our brief human history.
So, consensus here seems to be an emancipation from the old paradigm. This generation has looked at what the global governors have to offer, and we
honestly do not like what they have to offer. We want better, we are willing to work for it, and we will get there, whether they step out of the way
or not.
I would like to share with you all, a revised (draft) Declaration of Independence from that very global ruling class, from whom we must separate
ourselves if we are to get anywhere near an RBE and hopefully transition from a Type 0 to a Type 1 Civilization. Please visit our site
Type1Civ for further essays, one of which is a draft constitution for how such a civilization might operate.
Please criticize any and every aspect of these writings, they are meant to represent the collective spirit of this generation that refuses to live
under these antiquated standards of governance. Thank you all for keeping discussions like this ongoing.