posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 10:40 AM
First off if you think by being a world bully is what makes our nation great you may as well stop reading this post as you cannot understand it.
Bush ruined the reputation of our American Nation. His actions tarnished YOU. It is not Chavez or the King of Saudi Obama speaks to through his
handshakes and bows. It is the people's of those Nations he speaks to through his gestures.
Chavez is a crank, obviously. Castro is a cruel dictator. Our embargo's, scoffs and disregards of these "Enemy States" have proved 100% fruitless.
In fact it has caused new generations of their countrymen to be born with disdain for our Country. These people alive today were born after the
atrocities of Castro. They only see the "evil untied states".
Unless your ready to just kill them all you need to wake up to the reality of human emotion and physiology. They being Innocent of past atrocities,
only see the us that we present to them. They carry no remorse for things done by long gone people. They live in a world were they wake up having
miserable lives partially because the Big Bad USA has an embargo on them. That is all they know of us.
To change the hearts and minds of our enemies does not take killing their fathers, brothers and friends. It requires them to get to know the REAL us.
You know the good, honest, caring America. Not the fear mongering, vengeful, misguided thugs that Bush has turned us into (Remember, I am talking
about our world perception not who YOU really are).
The bow and handshake in my perspective, was not to the men that stood before our President rather it was a bow and Handshake to the People's they
represent in a manner in which those people would understand.
It is respectful to show others you are trying to understand them as they are. Doing so garners trust instead of fear.
No, Obama does not make he or us look weak. He is making us look like America has a Brain. A Brain much smarter than most can even comprehend. If you
do not get it, I suggest you take some History, Physiology classes or just find some books about how humans tick. If you do not get it, then you are
operating from ignorance, and I do not mean to call you ignorant.
Try to use you logical, knowledgable mind rather than your emotional responce to the world and you will see. You will not however be succesful if you
have not read and or learned about we humans.
The conspiracy here is that Obama is using his knowledge of humanity to change and coerce our enemies into friends. Americans (us) interaction with
Cubans (in Cuba) would eventually lead to a change there, were years of embargo's and hate have failed.
"Its the people stupid", the guy representing them changes all the time.