reply to post by zazzafrazz
3:-4:AM, ...Thursday
...last dream of the night as i am up usually at 4:30AM daily.
I recall clearly, there was a massive group of survivors, or call us a forced migration... keeping just ahead of attack by hostile enemy, we were all
driven more by fear than actual rifle or cannon/missile fire.
as all us, dirty, tired, hungry, fleeing hords were traveling 'West' and seeking cover under overpasses, bridges etc.
We could see the vast & colorful parade of troops, militia, large 3 storie conveyences that transported (perhaps) men and munitions...
this large caravan was traveling 'East' to occupy the places we had been removed from...
this caravan Army, were made of Turkish troops & soldiers
and by colorful parade, i mean that they all wore various costumes like parachute pants and colorful turbins...but i seen nary a rifle or RPG...
it seemed these modern day Turks were costumed like the Byzantine empire folks in traditional heritage garb, including oranges/reds/purples/mauves, et
al... and were migrating Eastward to meld=unite with their greater-Persian & Syrian 'brethern'
even as all 'Westerners' were evacuating that part of Eur-Asia,
also America, EU, NZ, Australia, etc....[ unsure just where in the 'West' was their destination that was 'West of West']
but i am sure of the lucid dream orientation, because the vision was in the direction of the setting/afternoon sun=>
and upon waking i reaffirmed my physical observation point had our 'Westerners' migrating toward the inland whereas the Turks were in their
procession toward the ocean towards the East.
thanks for any light you wish to share on this.
[? might this have anything to do with the Blue Flu/ Blue
Plague arising from our GOM contaminated waters?]
i read into this account the obvious... but i'm looking to you as to this Lucid dreams' significance