Just wondered what people thought of this...My first thread folks...It may die...but I am sure it will be interesting.
It's quite bizzare isn't it?....I talked to my OH who is a very scientific person about it who found it 'unbelievable'..Now for all you Organic
Chemists/ Biologists out there.....
This is obviously rare...but for some reason (if it is true) the Spruce Fir in question... must have somehow been in the right conditions...So my
friends of the chemist/biological world. enlighten me...LOL..what exchanges in the lungs could facilitate such a rare occurance...Over to you!
[Self edit - didn't see notice of the other thread on the topic.]
I've heard weirder things growing in bodies. The plant world is quite amazing in it's ability to take root and flourish even in the grimmest
environments. Ideally light access and certain ranges of chemical conditions are optimal, but not absolutely essential.