posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:44 PM
The US is phasing out all manned pilots - they say it is like having a sail maker on a nuclear battle ship - pointless. The latest jet the f-22 (i
think) is the last manned only jet which will be produced, it is already being converted to pilotless mode. The current line of pinnacle development
is in unmanned to unmanned combat capabilities.
At the start of the Iraq war there were about 5 simple robots, there are now well over 30,000 in both Iraq and Afghanistan - subs, copters, planes,
tanks, packbots, sniper response, autonomous CRAMS, etc.
The military expects by 2025 all soldiers could be replaced in combat - as in robot soldiers fighting on the field, the scientists believe this is way
to short and it will be by 2020 at the very latest.
The latest graduates from military colleges are already being told they will never fly or see direct combat - however- the the head of this programme
can't remember his name but if you want will look it up, has stated that there "will always be a need for the few brave souls to strap themselves
into machines and be hurled across the heavens"..
All of this comes from "Wired For War" Peter Singer = read it.
Super Solder - mechs.