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What ever happened to the ANTHRAX case?

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posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:29 PM
Certainly appreciate the information Shoktek, great job.

Again, as I mentioned, what I presented is not necessarily by consorted belief. I think what some don't realize is that in my methodology, I present information to counter sometimes for the sole purpose of getting people off of solely thinking the things that they think; to explore other alternative possibilities; to do a bit of open-minded research.

I noticed that some information that you provided mentioned Iraq. This would be consistent with what I posted when I brought forth the article referencing that possibility. No, I am not saying that it (the anthrax used) was conclusively from Iraq, but I do not see where, even with the information you have provided, it conclusively proves that the US did this either, correct?

I have some feeling that it may have been an 'inside' job for a number of reasons:
> to encourage further support (populance and Senate, Congress, etc. since government officials were targeted) for actions to be taken with regards to Afghanistan, ie: the war on terror(ism).
> may have been a test to see how the populance would react to such a bio-threat.
> other possible scenerios exist.

Thanks for the information and your efforts.


[Edited on 24-4-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:44 PM
The last I have heard of the investigation, the FBI was looking at those labs where the Ames strain was sent, and investigating the people working there...the best we can do until (if ever) the government releases conclusive information, is assume that it was someone working in one of those five labs, with access to the strain, as well as the means of safely and secretly transporting it around the country (or into the United States if it was a lab from outside our country, the lab in England received large amounts of the strain, and was under investigation by the FBI after the attacks). Thus, there were two parties involved, someone on the inside (govt. employee), and someone else who wanted it such as a terrorist/terrorist group, or possibly someone in the government who was behind it for conspiracy theorists, we really can't know for sure until more information is released, and of course it never is...this fact leads me to believe it could have been the government. Again, if they found it to be a terrorist or terror organization, or a lone person working at a lab, they certainly would have released information of their investigation...the only reason they wouldn't is if it incriminates our government in doing so, which is why we haven't heard much about the case since 2002, and I suspect we never will.

This was from the first Wash. Post link:

"FBI investigators say they have no evidence connecting the anthrax cases with the bin Laden network, although they are operating under the presumption that there could be a link. The three letters recovered include references to Allah and vows of death to Israel and the United States, but many investigators suspect the language is purposeful misdirection."

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
I noticed that some information that you provided mentioned Iraq. This would be consistent with what I posted when I brought forth the article referencing that possibility. No, I am not saying that it (the anthrax used) was conclusively from Iraq, but I do not see where, even with the information you have provided, it conclusively proves that the US did this either, correct?

Well the origin is the US, but that does not mean that it couldn't have been leaked from one of the labs and sent to Iraq or anywhere else...I assume the process to eliminate electrostatic charges was done later, possibly in Iraq or the United States...doesn't seem that it would be Russia. Conclusively we know the original anthrax was created in the US, sent off somewhere, and then someone somehow got some of it, and treated it with this process...only those in the DoD or CIA with top level biowarfare access could have done this in the United States, and it is possible it was done in Iraq as well...hopefully we will find out sometime. There are ways to tell which country "enriched" the anthrax, as each one uses different methods, and last I heard they were investigating, and then nothing else. This would lead me to believe it was done in the United States, thus our lack of follow up information...but anyone can draw their own conclusions for what happened.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 01:57 PM
I know this might be hard to take, and it's a very slim possibility, but the Anthrax attack might have been part of a simulated attack, perpetuated by US authorities, that went wrong.

Before anyone dismisses this you have to remember that in the past it has been commonplace for "crash" BW simulant programmes to have taken place in public areas of both the UK and the US.

Note the use of the word simulant. If there is an air of urgency, as in the aftermath of 9/11, the authorities aren't that fussy about health implications of a simulant.

In a recently declassified Ministry of Defence (UK) document it has been admitted that in the past, the MRD Porton had disseminated avirulent strains of Y.pestis and Brucell abortus. Although these organisms had been attenuated to the point where it failed to kill animals they remained pathogens.

Remember that any simulant would act in every way the same as a real BW agent, in size and anti-static pre-treatment.

It is possible that the virulence of the simulant was not attenuated enough.

just a thought,

zero lift

ps over here in the UK, during November 2001, the Health and Safety Laboratory conducted a "crash" programme of experiments in 3 working Royal Mail Sorting Offices.
The trials involved the release of a BW Anthrax simulant, Bacillus subtilis. The bacteria were released during trials at:

Sheffield 10 November 2001

Nottingham 18 November 2001

Mount Pleasant, London 23 November 2001

The bacteria released, Bacillus subtilis, is recognised by the Health Protection Agency as being a cause of food poisoning.

The trials were conducted with the co-operation of DSTL Chemical and Biological Sciences/CAMR Porton Down.
The Sorting Offices carried on working as normal.

The Health and Safety Executive were censured by the UK Parliament for conducting these trials without Government consultation.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Certainly appreciate the information Shoktek, great job.

I have some feeling that it may have been an 'inside' job for a number of reasons:
> to encourage further support (populance and Senate, Congress, etc. since government officials were targeted) for actions to be taken with regards to Afghanistan, ie: the war on terror(ism).
> may have been a test to see how the populance would react to such a bio-threat.
> other possible scenerios exist.

I agree with your assessment here, Seekerof. Good job one and all. There's so much info. regarding this subject and so little time to post!

Keep up the good work.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:23 PM
Thats an interesting theory Zero-lift.

Hows this for a 'theory'
The government has carried out experiments on civilians in the past.(MK-ultra for one)
If said experiments become exposed a 'fall guy' or cover story is put in place. ('crash' simulant test?)

Its easy for the gov. to blame 'rogue programs' or 'faulty information', or 'terrorism'.

If your theory is correct, and the anthrax incident was a
'case study', then that raises even more questions.

1. Who is carrying out these studies, and for what purpose since it is pretty evident VERY FEW nations are even capable of 'weaponizing' anthrax. Is this infact a test to see how effectivly THEY could contaminate a populace?
2. Why was the anthrax NOT DEGRADED to a point where it wasnt dangerous?
3. Perhaps most importantly, is there not some other substance that they could use for these 'crash' simulations? I have seen on TV how they can detect residue of coc aine on money. Why not use this powdery substance, or flour, or ANYTHING other than a biological agent?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:27 PM
One more question to add to that - how does the Bush administration explain why they were taking CIPRO before the attack? They had to know what was going down.

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