posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:02 PM
Now I am not a negative person, I pride myself in seeing the silver lining of things. In most cases the quest for the truth comes second only the
well being of others but there is a topic to which I have to ask: Why Continue?
9/11--A tragedy. A horrible, dispicable act of violence perpetrated by aleged sources of all kinds. We've looked a the footage, we've read the
documents, we've spoken with the experts.
We've done everything humanly possible to show the world that there is something very off about what happened that day. And even that more than 70%
of the general population in the US and abroad (my numbers may not be exact) think that the truth was being withheld, still nothing happens.
This work, this quest for the truth we have embarked on, will end just like all the others have in regards to conspiracy theories....cold. Mind you
the evidence is mind blowing, the truth is there, yet people refuse to look into it and chalk it up to crazies with Tin Hats.
The dis-information campaign started to deter truthers and debunkers alike is akin to the one being done to keep the existance of ET's a secret from
us. So much has been done to drown this in a swirl of lies mixed with small truths.
So, why, if for no other reason than just knowing what happened, would people 10 or 15 years from now, still attempt to push this idea that the truth
will come out. It never will, not until our present system has been torn down and rebuilt.
Our system is not built on honesty, politicians have to pay to play which in turn moves the decent ones into the corrupt column more and more every
day. I don't mean to discourgage the movement, I think it is very noble and very well deserved, however I also feel as though we are wasting
precious time.
Time that could be spend planning our future after the coming strugle and the present strugle we have today.
What say you ATS?