posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:15 AM
Originally posted by beautyfrompain
If the Martians made huge reflecting shapes so other civilizations could see why not something more universal? Something very plain, simple and
unmistakabled? A symbol or code? Math?
beauty, you are correct on all of your assumptions it is universal the huge reflecting shapes and images. The images from Mars are very plain and
simple but yet to most very complex and at the same time to a few unmistakable. You are totally correct about the mathematical geometric symbolic
code that you are wittnessing from the head shot of Mars. In other words what you have asked about Mars is true.
I came upon the Gematria visual Code on the surface of Mars known as the planetary Grid System Code of the Ancients. I picked up on the visual code
using my 3rd eye and knew I was picking up these digital dot mattrixes and being communicated to that these visual light frequencies were being
assimulated thru my eyes and stored in my brain.
This same Gematria visual Code is present on Earth but I first learned the code from viewing photos from Mars. Carl Munck and others have did
extensive research on the Gematria Code and it is based upon complex geometry that the Ancients knew about on Earth.
It was as though I was lead to start viewing photos of Earth's hidden archeological secrets and within these photograhic images would appear
astounding discoveries that I can see today that most can not see.
On Mars there are symbols, numbers, letters and hieroglyphs just like on Earth but in many ways different and in many ways the same. What I am saying
is true and as time passes this will be proven beyond a shadow of doubt.
[edit on 21-4-2009 by amari]