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Additional humanoid shapes in the Mars "statue" photo?

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posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
I designed the Mars rovers 1987.I designed the JPL logo on the Mars rovers. I made sure the cameras showed many angles at different magnifications and with filters and motion detectors to capture live approaching entities....I designed the rovers to look like an animal to attract animals.

And now you've designed the martian rovers...


Come on man, I'm trying to help you!! Stop with this nonsense!

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
How can you be so proud of your blindness if you can't see that the head moved and that Nasa blacked out the face on 99% of the pics you findin a google search for Mars Statue ?
I suppose your post is an answer to my previous post, I will answer it based on this assumption.

The head may look like it moved if you look at the anaglyph because it was made with two cameras that take photos from slightly different positions, so what one camera sees is slightly different from what the other camera sees.

And Google is not the original source of those images, that is one of the things that makes me think of all your work as a waste of (your) time, you are working with bad data, and as the saying goes, "garbage in, garbage out", if you start working with faulty data you cannot get fault-free results.

Please stop using images found with Google and go to the original sources, at least the Mars Exploration Rover Mission website, where you can find the photos posted as quickly as they get them and convert them to JPEG, but as this conversion is not the best, you could (should) use the images available to the scientific community and private individuals like ourselves, like the PDS Imaging Node or the PDS Geosciences Node.

And I wonder where did you saw any pride on my post, I am not proud of what I see or of the way I interpret things, I always think that my interpretation as the first week link in any evaluation of any data, because that is my "interface" with the rest of the world, and if that fails all my thought processes may be working with faulty data (once more, "garbage in, garbage out").

If you can't see that the head moved from bowed down to upright and staring at the rover,then I have no faith in your words.

You don't have to have faith in my words or in anyone's words, but you should not have a blind faith in your words either, anyone can be wrong, why don't you even acknowledge that possibility in all the posts that you have made?

I just plain see it and you either don't or can't.

I have told several times that I can see some of the things you see, the difference is in the interpretation.

If those heads are not IDENTICAL in all aspects then she moved her head.
Different photos taken at different times of day in different days can show things slightly different, and that does not mean that things changed, only the position and intensity of the light source.

When you use two different cameras things get even more different, obviously.

The pet in her lap is all but invisible and masked out in her lap in the 99% of google images where I have shown the detail I teased out and unmasked showing a second symetrical head you all missed completely.

You are not the first person proclaiming that they can "unmask" photos, but one of them as proved that they can do it when presented with simple images.

Also, there is no way of unmasking a JPEG image if you do not have the original mask, and what you do is not even unmasking, its just changing the images to bring out the details you see better, so you are the one altering the images.

Not only has Nasa cowed you,but you also defend how you've been duped.Maybe you have the SWINE FLU.
NASA has done nothing to me, I am not one of those people that think that what NASA says is as good as proved (maybe because I am Portuguese), but I do not think that what anyone says is true just because it goes against what NASA says.

And no, no Swine Flu here, the only Portuguese cases (two) were not even as strong as common flu, we Portuguese do not care much for those things.

I designed the Mars rovers 1987.I designed the JPL logo on the Mars rovers. I made sure the cameras showed many angles at different magnifications and with filters and motion detectors to capture live approaching entities.
The cameras have only one magnification, as anyone can see on the thousands of photos published, so even if you designed anything (for which I am still waiting some evidence) NASA did not used it.

Image you get to see the rocks and I get to see the live stuff because I look for irregularities,what you perceive a "noise".
Who said I perceive it as noise? I see irregularities in the photos, but they are normal on that type of environment.

The difference is that I do not invent explanations for things I do not understand, I keep them in a "back-burner" for a future time when I have more data about it.

PS: it's probably useless to tell you this, but you need a program capable of reading IMG files to see the photos from PDS sites.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
Up until now you thought of most mouths as horizontally oriented on the face.Verticle mouths are not so common on Earth.

There is a good website that shares your views... don't know if you have checked it out yet...

There is also this...


And the Guru of Mars Anomalies Dave Beamer

Your gonna love this one... they used a pulse weapon with a laser to cut the wedge...

Dave Beamer Finds Mars Anomalies

Dave Beamer finds NAZCA Spaceship!

Google Video Link

That ought to keep you all busy for awhile...

To ArMaP...

Its a loosing battle

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by zorgon
Blimey! That Dave Beamer caught my attention on the first shot he showed of the notched rock. It looked very interesting. I paused it and downloaded the tif from PIA09085 to check it out for myself. Disappointed again. They are just rocks and the explanation attached is suffice to explain them...

The upper portion of the crater wall contains a jumble of material tossed outward by the impact that excavated the crater. This vertical cross-section through the blanket of ejected material surrounding the crater was exposed by erosion that expanded the crater outward from its original diameter, according to scientists' interpretation of the observations. Below the jumbled material in the upper part of the wall are layers that survive relatively intact from before the crater-causing impact. Near the base of the Cape St. Mary cliff are layers with a pattern called "crossbedding," intersecting with each other at angles, rather than parallel to each other. Large-scale crossbedding can result from material being deposited as wind-blown dunes.
Source as above.

I watched the rest of the video and compared his accounts with downloaded tif. Just not seeing what he sees

I grew up just a few hundred yards from a working stone quarry and used to trespass on the edges as a kid to watch them blasting and the big vehicles working etc. Quite a good playground for climbing and sliding down shale deposits

What struck me about Beamer's account is the sheer difficulty aliens would have created for themselves if it was true. Quarries usually begin from the top down and then work into the sides exploiting natural fissures and weaknesses that experienced quarrymen learn to spot. Sometimes they start with easily accessible cliffs. It's easier to transport the recovered rock from the ground. In this example they have apparently started somewhere above the middle
If they were going to 'fly' it out of there, it would still be easier to recover from ground level. Now, I know they would be technologically advanced, but why go about it the hard way?

Having watched the rest of the video (interesting), I'm curious as to where Beamer's certainty comes from. He describes technology like it's out of some readily available Mars JCB catalog. Also, with his people, (the dreadlock alien and the female) he mixes his scales up slightly. They are as big as the 'mech dozer.' Why is one of them cutting into rock with a freakin' laser weapon? Explosive (or alien equivalent) shatters and displaces rocks for later recovery. It also creates and exposes further flaws and fissures for more blasting...Very dodgy interpretation...

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Dave Beamer Finds Mars Anomalies

Is it me or did he filmed the screen because it would have a "sharper resolution"?

How ignorant can he be about the tools he is using?

To ArMaP...

Its a loosing battle

Maybe not, I can only know that at the end.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
.....or are you the people they pay called disinfo agents?

Damn it, you caught me! And I thought I was doing such a good job, too. Now that the cat's out of the bag, could you at least let me know what it was that gave me away?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

There is a good website that shares your views... don't know if you have checked it out yet...

Ohhh boy. I clicked on "NASA Photos of Mars Wars," and soon found myself looking at pictures of rocks and soil with captions like, "Victoria Crater, 2007 summer. The entry into the military base is visible; and the party attempting to rescue American scientists left there in 1962 is searching for a woman officer, captured on that day."

And that wasn't even one of the weirder ones.




posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:48 PM
That David Beamer video was just super-sad. I've scratched my head before, looking at his e-book and Web page materials, and just laughed. Actually seeing his face and hearing his voice, though, I am just overwhelmed with a sense of sorrow for the man. He strikes me as a likable person, and to see him devoting so much time and energy to, well, nothing...

I can't laugh anymore, 'cause it's more sad than funny. I sincerely hope that he finds a more direct route to real happiness and fulfillment.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:45 AM
In the video at 4:04 when Dave zooms in and says"petroglyphs..these are amazing" in the left-hand part of the screen seems to me to be a carving like the letter "R" in block style lettering that is pretty large and clear.It looks like Dave can spot the tools I can't and has some familiarity with the subject of working stone.The "R" letter hits me like a billboard on the highway as some sort of marker.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 04:36 AM
Remember the watering hole scenario of how diverse animals gather at watering holes.I believe that craters serve a similar function and are vital to Mars ecological system.The loosened rocks from impacts avail digging and access to underground water.You have your own theories of why life CAN'T exist on Mars from faulty info.I'm here to correct that.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by vze2xjjk]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by flightsuit
I can't laugh anymore, 'cause it's more sad than funny. I sincerely hope that he finds a more direct route to real happiness and fulfillment.

The problem is he has a devote following...

That is the scary part...

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
Is it me or did he filmed the screen because it would have a "sharper resolution"?

Must be you

Maybe not, I can only know that at the end.

Well I commend your patience, but they out number us 10 to 1 LOL

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by vze2xjjk

If craters are places where the animals gather on Mars, where are the footprints of all those animals?

In fact, where are those footprints on all the photos? Have you seen any trace of the travelling of all those animals that you see?

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Well I commend your patience, but they out number us 10 to 1 LOL

Yes, but as we say in Portuguese, "um homem prevenido vale por dois", something that can be translated as "a prepared man is worth two", so the numbers change to 10 to 2, and those were the same numbers in the Battle of Aljubarrota, in which the outnumbered Portuguese and English troops (6,500) defeated the troops from Castile, France and some Portuguese nobility (31,000).

So, as this post is off-topic but with a history lesson and an old Portuguese proverb, I will try to make it more on topic by saying that I am prepared (and I am always trying to "upgrade" my preparedness) to analyse and discuss any image good enough to be analyse.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by flightsuit

Originally posted by yuefo
Surely I'm not the only one to notice this. It's very obvious at any or no magnification. It actually appears to be self-luminous.

I'm confused. I see what looks like it might be one tiny, little point of light, but nothing in that image which looks at all human-like. Am I missing something?

No--I'm just pointing out what I think is more compelling in the referenced NASA image than any of the other alleged anomalies being discussed. It isn't a focusing laser as someone suggested, so I'm still curious to know what could cause that.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 09:25 PM
It looks like Bigfoot to me. Maybe that is why sightings here on earth are intermitent. They are actually aliens visiting earth and the moon.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 09:42 PM
vze2xjjk, I think you need serious help. Your pics are insanely hilarious to all of us, but only you take them seriously which really lends validity to the fact that you might be experiencing catastrophic delusions.

I have a question though... is the Alien head in this photo smiling at me? The reason I ask is because I think I borrowed some butter off of him last week for some pancakes and I have yet to reimburse him. I think he's mad at me.


[edit on 1-6-2009 by bloodline]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by vze2xjjk
Remember the watering hole scenario of how diverse animals gather at watering holes.I believe that craters serve a similar function and are vital to Mars ecological system.The loosened rocks from impacts avail digging and access to underground water.You have your own theories of why life CAN'T exist on Mars from faulty info.I'm here to correct that.
[edit on 14-5-2009 by vze2xjjk]

LOL at this whole post, but especially the pics. I love this type of "circle everything and demand that other people see 'life' from rock faces" post.

He vze2xjjk, you designed the mars rovers huh? Please tell us your made up story for our enjoyment.

100% enjoyable thread BTW:[atsimg][/atsimg]

*makes a bowl of popcorn.

[edit on 1-6-2009 by bloodline]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by flightsuit
Dave Beamer is very well on in finding anomalies,limited by the present day technology perhaps to present to others so they too can see.I know he sees the stuff because I can see about half of what he reports. I'm just not there yet as far as totally recognizing everything he points out,as with many others Zorgon knows and has mentioned. Sure anyone can draw circles around their findings.I do it for myself ,thinking that later when I get more proficient and better programs I can present them better. Here's an example of a Mars face I'd be able to present better if I took the time to draw more detail in,so the defects/flaws of the imaging process get reduced. He is alive and aware of Spirit rover in the frame.Some would say"smiling."
OK I fixed the Right Eye...Just DOTTED the EYE.

[edit on 28-6-2009 by vze2xjjk]

posted on Jun, 28 2009 @ 12:13 PM
vze2xjjk, I think your biggest issue is you look at a photo of a section of Mars, and you automatically assume that there are many alien faces and artifacts and such. Then you go hunting for them. Which is bass ackwards from how it should be approached. Three dots in close proximity of each other and reasonable spaced the same distance isn't automatically an alien face — but you seem to think so.

I really want to avoid being overly rude, but you are really, really out there now, as far as seeing these "anomalies" goes. Every single terrain feature is an alien. Rocks, chasm, gullies, hills, boulders, etc. are all eyes, ears, mouths, and other odd alien features. You've gone beyond left field — you are in the next county or even country.

As far as the sitting thing with a snake goes: so, it's apparently more likely is it, than an alien that happens to be rock-colored and has the outer consistency of a rock, is sitting alone, in the middle of nowhere, even while being filmed by an alien probe, unconcerned... where there are no building, no roads, no other aliens, nada. Yea.. I'm not buying it.

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