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You are all RACISTS..!!!

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posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by OneTruth Seeker
Blonde jokes aren't racist, just as brunnette jokes arent racist, blonde jokes are to make humour of the small part of blonde WOMEN who are stupid, if anything it's a sexist joke, but then again, the fact that you wrote a thread like this just strenghthens your own point of white people being idiots....FOOL

Nice to know that you are one of the people that are convinced that racism only occurs to people other than whites. The majority of jokes that so many claim are racist are just the same as the blonde jokes only instead of using blonde they use what ever ethnic group they want to poke fun at. Yet when you make a joke with the same gist as a blonde joke, about another ethnic group, you are then making an offensive and "racial" joke and said ethnic group gets mad. So yes when held to the standards of what a "racist" joke is then all blonde jokes are racist.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 01:43 PM

I must say that the discussion about racial issues on this site is a very interesting one.

As I've read the various posted comments on the subject,for me,when one looks at the issue from a blbical perspective,one see's that the confusion on the subject is cleared up greatly.

In Gen.10th chapter we are shown that a chapter called "THE TABLE OF NATIONS CHAPTER".This chapter reveals one man had 3 sons,and from the loins of these 3 brothers came 3 family branches which made up the *RACE of HUMANITY(AFTER THE DELUGE)!

The various ethnic groups around the world fall into the catergory of being HAMITES,SEMITES OR JAPHETHITES!.Thus, one must conlude that if these 3 men had the same father,There's no such thing of racial superiority and that the so called races are actually family branches which make up the *HUMAN RACE.

It's clear that H.G.Well,Margaret Sanger,HIlter Etc Etc... really polluted many minds with their pofane ideas on race.You can't leave out those of African American descent,who embraced the idea that the Black man was the original man(AFRO-ASIATIC).There's no family branch of humanity that superior to the other,as we all all human,not sub-human.D_R!

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by DANICA_RISING
In Gen.10th chapter we are shown that a chapter called "THE TABLE OF NATIONS CHAPTER".This chapter reveals one man had 3 sons,and from the loins of these 3 brothers came 3 family branches which made up the *RACE of HUMANITY(AFTER THE DELUGE)!
The various ethnic groups around the world fall into the catergory of being HAMITES,SEMITES OR JAPHETHITES!.Thus, one must conlude that if these 3 men had the same father,There's no such thing of racial superiority and that the so called races are actually family branches which make up the *HUMAN RACE.

OK....but if we look at this in a realistic and factual the hell can one man have three sons of completely different race, that go on to be the three main races of humanity??

Explain to me how that is possible and what relevance it has to this discussion?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:53 PM
What I see is a bunch of whiny parents, who are too scared/intimidated by social conditioning to grab a belt and spank their child properly when they back talk/misbehave.

My children are reprimanded for bad behaviour which includes bullying, name calling and being generally disrespectful. They are taught that it is NOT OK to steal, lie, cheat or do drugs.

This all relates to respect. There is no respect anymore for anything. If we can't repect each other, we will never learn to get along. We also have to respect the past in order to move forward in the future. Not everyone is racist. Some people just can't let go.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by secretstash

On this we agree.
Back in the day a good swat was all it took and now they call it child abuse.

Well so what! When my kids were little it only took one or two times and from that point forward whenever they were out of line I gave them
The "Dad" stare, that's all it took from then on out.

You had a lot of well behaved children!

[edit on 20-4-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by secretstash

YOu nailed it on the head. I can't stay around some of my younger family members for that reason. A good kick in the ass solves a lot of problems.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by silent thunder
I remember when I was in college a professor making the argument, very seriously, that it is impossible for any whites to be the victim of racism, ever. I wish I could remember the exact line of argument -- it was about 20 years ago so my memory is a bit hazy -- but I think it must have had something to do with how the inherent "skin privilage" of being white would always offset and negate any possible racism. I remember thinking this was very wrong at the time but I said nothing because I didn't want to get on the prof's bad side.

Personally, Even when a Professor makes/states an argument, that is also a challenge to his/her own students to make/state an counter-argument, and specifically a smart, non-confrontational one. No student can really get on the bad side of any teacher, unless, its dumb, confrontational, and so on... My mom used to be a teacher, and has taught me a few things. but I do understand why you didn't, but maybe next time, you can do so again, to anyone.. Just wanted to teach ya abit here..

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Rasicm is kinda cool, it makes you like another person becaus he is black , coz if you dont like him, your an racist. That is basicly what has happend to the racism topic.

if two black guys hold up an white man, it is a robbery, if two white men hold up an black man, its racism...

Who believes this, anyway, aside from us white folks? That sounds like the sort of nonsense my racist family members believe--if they believe that black people have this belief, it's okay to keep on hating black people for being black.

I'd be willing to bet that most reasonable people see it like this: If two white guys rob a black guy, it's robbery. If two white guys beat the snot out of a black guy for having dark skin, it's racism. Maybe you'll see one or two morons on the evening news who'll claim it's racist. That's their views, and only their views; projecting those views onto an entire race of people, or onto an entire population, is gross overgeneralization!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 08:04 AM
You are completely right. For example, how often do you watch movies or TV and there are black actors and comedians that make fun of white people, it is VERY often. Now if whites did that to blacks that would make them racists right? Of course! People are now trying to say if you disagree with obama you are racists, yet when it is the other way around it is okay. It is a double standard that will never go away because of the "poor me" ignorance in this country.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:50 PM
I just wish everyone can stop being so oversensitive. Racism will get a lot better if we stop accusing everone of a different color of being racist when they are not. I live in South Africa and I'm afrikaans. Whenever we express our culture without even slightly referring to other cultures we are called racist just because of what white people before us did in our country.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Emile124]

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Emile124]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:30 PM
growing up i didnt really notice all the racism. i guess because i was a kid. but as i got older, and just seeing the news, how people act differently towards others in different neigborhoods i really started to see it. going to public schools (especially in chicago where im from), i even noticed this "class" system based on race that was unspoken. you couldnt quite put your finger on it but it was there. i think racism resides in alot of people in one way or another. it has infiltrated the thought system, right down to how people in general make everyday decisions. its really a sad thing. how can WE as a SOCIETY expect to grow with the petty, and moronic problems we cause ourselves like racism. I work with a few racists. my own boss is one. he'll say something racist about a customer, right after the guy handed him a check for $5000 for equipment. its disgusting. im sorry if i rambled on but this thread really struck a cord with me.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:40 PM
I don't consider myself a racist and I don't harbor beliefs that are racist. However, I do think nobody has the "right not to be offended" by things. be they regarding race or any other aspect of life.

Our culture took a serious wrong turn when it began trying to protect people from verbal discrimination based on race, gender, etc. By this I refer to the whole project of "political correctness" -- changing words, restricting what is permissible to talk about or mention, etc.

Even if the intentions were good, this project is doomed to failure for so many reasons...The Indian sage Nagarajuna said, in order to avoid cutting your feet on sharp rocks and sticks, it is easier to cut two strips of leather to protect your feet (i.e., make shoes) than it is to carpet the entire surface of the planet in leather. What he meant by this is that it is ultimately easier to change your inner orientation than it is to demand that the entire world change to accomidade you. I see the whole drive of "political correctness" as a kind of futile attempt to carpet the whole world in leather, to use Nagarajuna's analogy. People need to learn to grow tough inside and to laugh off, slough off, or otherwise mentally transcend the pain that comes from ignorant remarks.

When you try to restrict discourse or "hush up" things, you create taboos. Taboos bring their own allure, and only make the "forbidden" topic more attractive and more subject to obsessive behavior. Honest questions fester in the dark and grow malignant when they cannot be asked and discussed freely. When society places taboos on certain ways of speech or even inquiries into entire topics, the end result is only more sickness and rot, which grows into dangerous directions when hidden from the light.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by mac2010

Originally posted by silent thunder
I remember when I was in college a professor making the argument, very seriously, that it is impossible for any whites to be the victim of racism, ever. I wish I could remember the exact line of argument -- it was about 20 years ago so my memory is a bit hazy -- but I think it must have had something to do with how the inherent "skin privilage" of being white would always offset and negate any possible racism. I remember thinking this was very wrong at the time but I said nothing because I didn't want to get on the prof's bad side.

Personally, Even when a Professor makes/states an argument, that is also a challenge to his/her own students to make/state an counter-argument, and specifically a smart, non-confrontational one. No student can really get on the bad side of any teacher, unless, its dumb, confrontational, and so on... My mom used to be a teacher, and has taught me a few things. but I do understand why you didn't, but maybe next time, you can do so again, to anyone.. Just wanted to teach ya abit here..

You are probably right and I probably should have shown more spine and stood up for my beliefs, etc. but at the time I just had my head down and was going through the motions so I could get my diploma and get out in the world and feed myself. I disagree with your statement "student can really get on the bad side of any teacher, unless, its dumb, confrontational, and so on"...This would be true of good teachers/professors but when I was in school I witnessed so much blatant discrimination (not based on race but based on whether you held the polically correct opinion or not) that I just got numb to it after awhile.

Sad to say, what I learned in college was that the most important thing was just getting a piece of paper that said you graduated. All the important learning that has stuck with me I did on my own or by talking to friends. College is a racket alright.

Anyway that was as I said about 20 years ago. Times have changed, I have changed, life goes on....probably I'd be more confident and assertive now as a more mature adult...

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by LeaderOfProgress
The other night me and some friends were sitting around the shop just talking about this and that. Well the subject of racism came up as it does so often when talking politics these days. It just so happend to be that this night there was mix of several ethnicities in the shop. It became an epiphony for most as I proved how racist everyone was.

We have all made or heard jokes that are based off the traits of each race. I personally feel that most jokes that have to do with traits or ethnic heritage of people, when done without making the ethnic group look to be less respectful than other ethnic groups, are not racist jokes at all. Read that run on sentence again.

Now with that being said what ethnic group has the most degrading jokes made about them?

Hispanic = NO
African American = NO
Asian = NO
Native American = NO
Middle Eastern = NO
Whites = YES

Hold on a second I just said the whites have the most racist jokes made about them. Am I crazy? NO..!!

Think about this, the apex of the white race as taught through out history has been the aryan line. Though I use the term perfect very loose the perfect white specimen is blond hair and blue eyes as taught to us even in school and social situations.

Every "blonde" joke is a racist joke. The jokes that all of us are guilty of saying, me included, are some of the most racist jokes ever said. The line of jokes pertaining to "blondes" covers every thing from being the dumbest people on the planet to being the most promiscuous of the human race.

How is it that the ones who are so often accused of being racist have the most racist jokes said about them? How have we as a melting pot of so many ethnicities become so blind to truely what racism is, that it becomes only racism if it is done to some one that has a skin tone other than white?

I enjoy ALL of the races of this planet and feel that every race should be proud of what we are and respectfull and proud of every diversity that the different races bring to the world. As far as I am concerned everyone is equal until they start treating others with inequality. Everyone should be judged by their actions as a person, not by their ethnicity.

Who would have ever thought of a "blonde" joke being racism?

As an alien visitor, typing on my laptop which I stole during an abduction of some fat kid, I think all racist jokes are funny. If its funny its not racist. People just need to relax about racism, its blown out of proportion, when really every race should be able to look at each other and tell them jokes knowing the other person isn't attacking you, but rather that they want to see if its funny. Besides, there are far greater things to worry about, such as me showing up in your bedroom tonight with an anal probe.

[edit on 17-5-2009 by Ryanp5555]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:13 PM
Racism is simply a distraction, anyone who feeds into the table that is purposely tipped into a state of imbalance, is being manipulated.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by silent thunder
I remember when I was in college a professor making the argument, very seriously, that it is impossible for any whites to be the victim of racism, ever. I wish I could remember the exact line of argument -- it was about 20 years ago so my memory is a bit hazy -- but I think it must have had something to do with how the inherent "skin privilage" of being white would always offset and negate any possible racism. I remember thinking this was very wrong at the time but I said nothing because I didn't want to get on the prof's bad side.

Your professor was probably a ? to weaken the top dogs instincts to defend their territory.

A true racist and race of such will always push laws to make it hard for the ruling dog to keep in power.

Little nips over decades until suddenly the biters are the top dog.

Your Professor was a liar and delberately so.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 12:11 AM
Arguments of racial percentages in the prisons, who invented how much, all racism started with Caucasians, as well as slavery, globalist palaver, finger pointing and an international bickering fest; you have really got to love ATS.

However, if we took a moment to consider the gathering dark clouds that are slowly enveloping the earth, we might notice that we have an Iranian President that is boasting he is soon going to nuke Israel, we have a mad man shooting practice ICBM’s into the sea near Japan while detonating underground practice nuclear warheads, we have Muslims rioting off and on in nearly every Western European nation while calling for Israel’s extermination and Jihad, we have the dollar being dumped as the world’s reserve currency while the US economy continues its freefall with the US Press keeping the band playing “Happy Days Are Here Again” on the American financial titanic, we have the continuing collapse of the world’s financial system with the number of soon to be failed countries skyrocketing, all these topped off with the Russian and Chinese becoming buddy, buddy sensing blood in the water as the soon to fold American economic system necessitates our military withdrawal from the world scene as the British Press writes about the “American panty waste President” the whole world is “giving the finger to”.

Not to suggest these matters are of more import then racism, but I would suggest to my fellow European ATS members that their time might be better spent preparing for the soon coming moment of America’s economic collapse and second revolution. This because you will not have us between you and the bad guys any longer, and with our economy trashed it just might affect yours a little too. The point being that as the whole world is about to go through the fire, might it not be about time to put aside all this racial tripe; perhaps our time being better spent educating and helping each other prepare?

[edit on 5/30/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather

if two black guys hold up an white man, it is a robbery, if two white men hold up an black man, its racism..

I look upon another person as just that, another person, and if I dont like him, I do not like him. Quite simple, realy..

I agree.

You think the people on here have racialist views check this out -- Talk about extremist.

[edit on 30-5-2009 by bronwyn82]

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 12:22 AM
I love the joke....

"I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally!"

posted on Jun, 14 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by LeaderOfProgress

agreed, the ancestors of the middle eastern cultures invented mathematics and laid the groundwork for what became the scientific method, among other things. I'm also certain that those who came to be native americans discovered north america first as well, not the english, the spanish or the vikings.

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