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Janeane Garofalo And Keith Olbermann Calls Tea Bag Protesters"Racists"

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posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 01:54 PM
about a year before the election I predicted that Obama would be the next president -- I remember thinking to myself.. 'it's perfect, no one will be able to question his administration, actions, or policies, unless they want to risk being labeled as a racist - he's the perfect puppet'... well, looky here -- the moment the dissent begins to boil, right out on cue marches Garafolo to fuel the fire of programmed divide and conquer.. the damage began decades ago, and the Manchurian Obama is just the next chapter towards total control; as long as the MSM keeps leaning on the faux 2-party paradigm to keep people divided, they'll keep most of the sheeple asleep; but more and more of us are waking up..

.. the tea parties were nothing about racism; the Bush family planned this; they ran the ship into the iceberg, and they're getting the hell out of dodge; they won't be around when this country sinks; so it's easy for the MSM to make it look like people are bitching about Obama, when really they just want their country back...

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 02:59 PM
The funniest thing is that the Republicans kind of took over the tea party protests, as it was originally organized by Libertarians.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by lunarminer

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
I work in a newsroom with people who got what it meant and we were furious that the term was being used. It's a not so subtle way of calling the protesters faggots, which is pretty shocking coming from democrats.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

What i was referring to when i said the left (the "progressive" movement) infiltrating the right was the "neo-con" party. There is no more republican party, and it's been that way for quite a while. The republicrats and the demicans are one in the same.

neo-con definition

And, yes, i am generally opposed to the policies of the democratic party; i am an free market capitalist.


posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 04:45 PM
haha wow.
its not racist or anything. its in protest of all the debt and all the BS taxing thats being done. nothing about how theres a black president in office, its funny now that seeing if you have one bad thing to say about how this govt is doing or about the president its being "racist", hell maybe the next thing they do is say if your racist your a terrorist. im not racist by the way

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by tiger_tts

99 percent? You sound almost like olberwoman or that buffalo chick, the dems controlled the house and senate when bush was in office, how does the right shoulder the blame?? barney frank, obozo, fannie/freddie? does that ring a bell?? these fools were cashing in on the very heart of what is todays open wounds............. educate yourself before inserting foot!!

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 06:20 PM
Great clip.

I've always said that I would have never believed that both parties are controlled by the same interests and we are all slaves to the bankers/corporations/nwo if it wasn't for the mainstream media. Their lies and bias and spinning of the truth are what finally convinced me that something was awry with our world.

So this clip is fantastic as another example of the fact twisting garbage that is spun from these outlets. Don't get mad at Olbermann, be happy that he is so blatantly biased! Show some friends this clip and hopefully they'll realize how everything that comes out of these peoples mouths (and by these people I mean pretty much all of the mainstream media, republican and democrat) is garbage.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Unstable

Really? YOU asked all those folks questions which gauged their knowledge of economics and taxation. obozos policies, political savvy, and experience, well, it speaks for itself!! and then you edit your post and completely retracted your comments accusing those people of what that idiot "buffalo" said about them. you know for a fact that ALL those people dont know ANYTHING about politics, economics, the original boston tea party or anything about anything?? We cant call ZERO a complete blithering moron because that is RACIST? the man knows nothing, he has no experience and pulled a nancy kerrigan knee bash on his opponents to gain his first seat in the senate, it was soooo funny to hear all these uneducated people say palin had no experience compared to obozo during the election. I think yours and that washed-up hack of a comedians opinion of the tea party people is unfair and off-base with no evidence to substantiate your claims........... go back to school janine.....

[edit on 19-4-2009 by XD9611]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by XD9611]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by XD9611]

[edit on 19-4-2009 by XD9611]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 07:23 PM
One by one we are getting there. I have been protesting globalism
in earnest for over 5 years now. And I have seen the number of rabbit-holers increase more every year. But we are in a war with the elite scum that run this world. They own all major companies, major media, major political parties, etc. Their tentacles are all over. Our mission is not an easy one. the American sheeple have been dumbed down, mind controlled and who knows what into believing things that are just complete illusions. Most people don't know what the hell is real. And the worst part about it- most don't care. sobering thought. anyone affiliated with MSN is a shill- and everyone that calls himself a real patriot should know this. This is an absolute fact- everything said on MSN is calculated. Then there are parasitic alternative news outlets that you have question too. That's the way you have to think about it. You have to filter all the bull and look for the right things. I believe a lot like the people on this thread- that the American average everyday patriot is being setup here. plain and simple. enough said. And enough is enough. But in some circles, I am a terrorist and a racist. We are being setup. We are being demonized. The elite scum want this one world government- and what is happening now in America and the rest of the world is just part of the endgame- I know you have heard all of this before. I just feel like talking about it. take care. kind of releases the
but does not extinguish it!

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:16 PM
It is a simple tactic orchestrated by the far left. Mock those who disagree with you... The left is renowned for it.

These Tea partys were something far more significant than what these two bumbling leftist morons could possibly comprehend. They dont understand it, so rather then trying to do that, they mock it.

[edit on 19-4-2009 by Fox News]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by vardlokkur
The funniest thing is that the Republicans kind of took over the tea party protests, as it was originally organized by Libertarians.

Good point. Republicans were on this like a fat kid on cake... But you cannot really blame them for "trying" to take advantage of the situation.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:53 PM
Racists my arse.
Garafalo, Olbermann and the rest keep poking double entendre jokes at the tea party protestors, but tomorrow they'll be crying when they claim these same folks have stolen the election.
They better start paying attention today.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 08:55 PM
I would have to disagree with some of the respondents who see this as a problem of media bias, left or right. That old dichotomy outlived it’s usefulness for the powers that be as soon as it became apparent, as witness Mr. Res Ipsa’s discomfort with what is clearly an attempt to cast the participants of the Tea Party Protest in the light needed to marginalize them, and thereby disparaged the reason for their protest. No, this is a concerted effort to ‘spin’ the protest from the right and left in a way that will keep the vast majority of Americans, who are upset about the very same issues, from standing up and joining this surging undercurrent to return our government to its constitutional boundaries.

Knowing that this is not a right or left issue, both sides of the media are working overtime to attempt to make it one. With the attempts to return Republican control to the movement by some media outlets and with other media outlets attempting to make this movement nothing more than angry white men, the desperation of the powers that be is clear; a movement of all American’s united MUST be divided into camps to conquer, and why we must avoid this at all cost. The moment this becomes an issue of a particular political party or demographic constituency the movement is lost. This is why you see the desperation on the right and left to label this movement so it can be marginalized.

This movement to restore the Constitution means that we do so for all, many whose beliefs and political affiliations we disagree with, even in some cases, hate. For this is the beauty of our Republic; that if what you do, say or think does not hurt me or mine, nor infringe on our rights, then it is your RIGHT if it makes you happy. What has been our destruction is this perpetual ‘nanny state’ thinking of imposing what WE think is best on those we disagree with; for when you deign rights to others with whom you disagree, you set the legal precedent for the deigning of your rights also. This is therefore the time to put away our petty differences and remember that we are Americans.

[edit on 4/19/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Alxandro
Racists my arse.
Garafalo, Olbermann and the rest keep poking double entendre jokes at the tea party protestors, but tomorrow they'll be crying when they claim these same folks have stolen the election.
They better start paying attention today.

The fact is, these tea party protestors are americans... They are voters... For people to simply discount them or miss label them, or to look at them as lesser individuals because they do not support the status quo, really pisses me off.

People such as Olbermann and Garafalo hide behind their insults, not the facts. So long as they can throw insults at you, you cannot have a logical debate that shows just truly how screwed up their non argument is.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by TheAssociate
reply to post by mental modulator

What i was referring to when i said the left (the "progressive" movement) infiltrating the right was the "neo-con" party. There is no more republican party, and it's been that way for quite a while. The republicrats and the demicans are one in the same.

neo-con definition

And, yes, i am generally opposed to the policies of the democratic party; i am an free market capitalist.


Well I don't want the neo cons either

And I am generally opposed the the policies of the GOP

fair enough...

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Fox News

Originally posted by Alxandro
Racists my arse.
Garafalo, Olbermann and the rest keep poking double entendre jokes at the tea party protestors, but tomorrow they'll be crying when they claim these same folks have stolen the election.
They better start paying attention today.

The fact is, these tea party protestors are americans... They are voters... For people to simply discount them or miss label them, or to look at them as lesser individuals because they do not support the status quo, really pisses me off.

People such as Olbermann and Garafalo hide behind their insults, not the facts. So long as they can throw insults at you, you cannot have a logical debate that shows just truly how screwed up their non argument is.

Good points in general...

I think the idea is to marginalize the movement - the motive is because the left know the political implications... President Palin - Thats what I see and that would be my motivation as well, for I would rather election a piece of broccoli...

I do not hate or dilsike the protesters generally speaking...

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 10:49 PM
This is just completely ridiculous I cannot believe that this type of bigotry is acceptable by people who call themselves liberals. If they actually thought about things in a liberal sense they would know that expression like this is the definition of liberalism.

However as we all know there is no such thing as a conservative or liberal in the true sense of the words, well maybe a few are left. What is important is that people are not force fed beliefs from both sides and think for themselves and draw their own well thought out conclusions.(anyone should respect such conclusions) The sad thing is most people either don't have the ability to do this (due to long term conditioning caused by MSM or any sort of blind subscription to a belief system be it religion or any other system) or people just don't want to think for themselves.

Its all sad really to see that most of the population has not come very far in the last few centuries and can only comprehend things as black or white with no middle ground.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Remember the "right wing extremist document" from the Department of Homeland Security that just came to light?

Turns out it may have been created during the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

So it's not only one is both....if it is true.

The public is being ridiculed and labeled from all directions.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by mikerussellus
Ignoring a cockroach infestation won't make them go away. Sometimes light has to be shown on them, have people notice them for what they are to fully remove them.

That's nice ...

There are 303,824,640 such "cockroaches" in the US, all with their own opinion.

Are you to remove all those who don't agree with you?

Well now that's the rub isn't it? I would love to thin the herd a bit, but the only cockroaches that need to be squashed are the leadership of the House and Senate and certain companies.

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 11:50 PM
You know... I remember in my history classes, hearing about how communities would often ostracize other members of the communities. Essentially, if a member or members of the community were doing or saying stuff or planning stuff that was endangering the community by abusing legal loops, these members would be IGNORED by the rest of the community.

Now don't get this confused, Ostrization does NOT mean exile, nor does it mean that a community is "silencing" this person's freedom of speech, quite the contrary, the idiots who were trying to destroy the community with idiotic ideas (A.K.A this so called "comedian" in the Keith Olbermann show) were still allowed to voice their stupid voices out and continue with idiotic ramblings about how they're "right" etc. etc. The only difference, was that they were simply ignored in order to not give them any credibility, not give them any kind of foothold in which they can actually act on.

I honestly wonder, can we bring this practice back? not just to this dumb comedian, but to all dumb politicians (both republican and democrat) and simply keep going our merry way? I am honestly considering finding a way to purchase a piece of land that could be considered "federal govt. free zone... only the U.S. constitution is enforced in this property" just so that I can get these hacks... these so called "leaders" out of my and everyone else's hair.

Edited for clarification

[edit on 20-4-2009 by Question]

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