If we really are in a fiscal crisis tantamount to an economic "Pearl Harbor" as many economists have described its scope, why is it that the
wealthiest 10 percent of Americans don't wish to contribute more of the enormous profits they made up to the point of the last election, if only to
help restore the country's stability, infrastructure and good standing among world nations?
The wealthy got their tax cuts, lavished upon them to the tune of over a trillion, budget dollars and this during a time of war, when we could have
easily predicted a drain on federal dollars from the nation's coffers that would precipitate huge deficits for the foreseeable future and, cascading
budget disasters for the states.
But they promised it would lead to more jobs and higher incomes for Americans, rif you recall.
They got their de-regulation too, opining that nothing other than the un-shackeld, free market could lead to further prosperity, promising a boon to
the nation's economy. Yet, here we are, eight years later and shamefully far behind where we were as a nation then, with a multi-billion dollar
budget surplus and poised to eliminate the entire debt by the year 2010.
It seems that the greatest disaster to this country, even more so than recent terrorist attacks, was the flawed election results of Bush vs Gore in
2000. The course we have only now set upon under the current administration, towards green energy, 21st Century Education planning and infrastructure,
universal healthcare, was being laid out then by Al Gore and by now, would have been in full throttle.
We would not even be talking about the nation's debt or clamouring for taxation redress, but instead, leading mankind to ever greater social and
technological hieghts, busy protecting and restoring the planet and conserving its resources, finding cures for disease, eliminating world
hunger...the rest of the world marveling at the capacity for good that Americans have heretofore laid claim to possessing in greatest measure, against
all other nations.
But that was then, this is now, our treasury has been looted in passing and we are currently facing the prospect of open rebellion, misguided "Tea
party" demonstrations heralding revolution and yes, even talk of secession (see Texas Governor's recent Ceccessionist Rant) and all because of an
impending, three percent increase in tax rates for the very wealthiest citizens of this country.
I didn't see anyone dressed in 500 dollar suits at those tea parties, yet people who make more than $250,000 a year were likely the ones behind it
all, because they are the citizens upon whom a lot of the burden of restoring this countries way of life, its stature amidst the world's economy, and
its fiscal soundness will ultimately fall, when the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010.
But who knows what will happen to our economy and country before then? A total collapse? Civil war? Hardly anybody's wealth will mean a thing at that
stage. I can just hear he pangs of regret by once wealthy businessmen and stockholders, Americans wishing desperately that they had been accepted a
three percent tax hike, over martial law, chaos, hunger and an end to the last bastion of democracy.