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why do we have Déjà vu?

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posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by kiwifoot
maybe we're living through the same day over and over like a mirror which reflects back to us, and filters some information about the day into us, in which it perceivs to us that it is a Déjà vu, but it could in fact be that we're catching up with the day.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by Welfhard
i'm sorry to hear that, but if Déjà vu could explain why we see things and experience things that we swear we've seen before, then isn't it plausable that we might be living the day over and over again?.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:57 AM
My experiences with Deja vu lead me to believe that we first dream the Deja vu, but it cannot be remembered until we actually experience what we dreamed. IMO it's like having a dream that you don't remember until it happens, then you (I) think wtf i dreamt that months ago......

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by jellyman1991
i'm sorry to hear that, but if Déjà vu could explain why we see things and experience things that we swear we've seen before, then isn't it plausable that we might be living the day over and over again?.

.... Uh no.

And don't be sorry, synaesthesia would be an awesome things to have, my form was neither good or bad for me.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by SKUNK2
i know it's pretty weird when it happens, but what's even weirder is when we say Déjà vu once it does happen i wonder why we say that??.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Welfhard
well like i said before, if you travel back in time to this day, and you see something as you've seen when you we're on this day would that be Déjà vu?.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by SKUNK2

IMO it's like having a dream that you don't remember until it happens, then you (I) think wtf i dreamt that months ago......

Something in your direct surroundings triggered a memory of something similar - like word association.

I saw a fountain once and it triggered a memory of a fountain in a dream from many months ago. It wasn't a prediction or anything, they are just associated.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by jellyman1991
reply to post by Welfhard
well like i said before, if you travel back in time to this day, and you see something as you've seen when you we're on this day would that be Déjà vu?.

No. There will be a slight feeling of familiarity but it wouldn't be the powerful feeling of repeating something exactly as it happened previously.

You'd percieve the occurrences differently and as such your brain will interpret your surroundings differently that to memories of the first time you were there.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:17 AM
Why are people talking about precognition, psychic stuff and dreams here?

The whole point of Deja Vu is that you "Feel" as if youve experienced something before when you haven't. Thats why the theory about the short / long term memory recording it slightly before youre percieving the situation is the best one, because you KNOW youve never been there / done that before, you cant predict whats about to happen (thats part of it being deja vu and not "knowing the future :p ) yet you honestly feel like its all happened before.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by darthStar
anyways, does anyone else have de ja vu regulary?

When I was much younger then I am now, I went on a white water canoe trip down a river I had never even seen before. We started in the high plateaus of the Rocky Mountains and made our way through the foothilss to the great plains. All along this trip, I was struck with the absolute certainty I had been here before. I could almost predict confluences of small creeks and the bends and eddies in the river before we came to them. It was very odd.

When we camped that first night, I instinctively pulled into what looked like a very lousy camping spot. As we climbed over the riverbank, I was almost knocked down with the feeling of Deja vu. There was an old deserted log trappers cabin tucked away in a thicket, and it was impossible to see from the river. The landing area around it was rocky and terrible for pulling canoes up. The only reason I stopped at that spot and found that cabin, was because I "Instinctively" pulled into shore when I should not have. I can't explain it, but it is a regular stop now whenever we take that particular river run.

To this day, whenever I visit that river or the area around it, I always feel as if I have spent a lifetime there, and I always feel very much at home. I have no idea why, I only know it is a very real emotion to me.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by jellyman1991
reply to post by XXXN3O
thats a good thought, when we go through life do we ever not watch tv or read books or talk to people?, that influences us in some way,
if we dream do we not dream about tv shows, books, or talking to people?,
i suppose thats what Déjà vu is all about, the mind who filters out all of the stuff we've seen and imprints it into our minds untill we see it again in the near future.

Let me tell you one thing that happened to me that made me change my stance from completely logical perception. Coincidence or a sign?

I had this dream that was vivid. I dreamt that I was in a particular area on a bright sunny day near a forrest fire panicking for some reason, I then saw a dead man tell me not to worry.

I woke up sweating thought about it for a second but shrugged it off as there was no need for me to be anywhere near the particular place in the dream.
A week or so later it was a warm sunny day and I decided to go for a drive with my partner. Surprise, surprise, I was driving past the exact place of the dream and there was a forrest fire. I called the fire service and left after calling thinking nothing more of it. I opened the local paper a few days later to see that a man had been killed just down from the place I was by a fire engine that hit him on its way to a forrest fire.

Imagine that all flooding into perspective when it hits.

That is when it gets very scary.


I have had many more since then and still get them but theres nothing you can do about it.

Its also impossible to make sense of it until it passes.

Telling this to someone who does not have experience of it is like telling someone the sky is purple when it is clearly blue. It just wont be accepted.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Welfhard
yes i agree, but if you remember seeing something from your memory is it not Déjà vu?, if it is then why do we not remember straight away?.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by UrsusMajor
very interesting indeed, Déjà vu must have led you to it, which is
why you must have felt so strongly about going their.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O
it seemed intense, it must have made you think what was going on, it's really interesting to know that we dream about what's going to happen before it happens, does anything we dream come true i say yes, but sometimes we experience Déjà vu and not anything else but sometimes we have the vivid dreams with more of an outcome is this too Déjà vu?.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by jellyman1991

Well its similar.

I didnt remember that dream until I opened the newspaper.

Guess its not exactly the same as Deja Vu but its simlar only the feeling is answered by the event being self explanatory.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O
and you say you've had more that must be hard if it comes true i suppose it is sort of similar, but also interesting.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by jellyman1991
reply to post by UrsusMajor
very interesting indeed, Déjà vu must have led you to it, which is
why you must have felt so strongly about going their.

I agree. When I was younger, the moments of recognition were very frequent. Whatever it was drove me to visit this place once or twice, even three times a year, searching for an answer. I have now been doing that for over 25 years. Now the moments are much less frequent, probably because over the years I have overlayed a number of actual memories on top of the "Deja Vu" ones. I don't know, I am speculating.

I do know this emotion or whatever it is has played a role, even been a driver in parts of my life. It is the main reason I know portions of the Eastern Slope of the Rockies as well as I do. For years I have been hoping to solve the riddle, but I probably never will. Great thread.

Deja Vu
by David Crosby

If I had ever been here before I would probably know just what to do
Don't you?
If I had ever been here before on another time around the wheel
I would probably know just how to deal
With all of you.
And I feel
Like I've been here before
Like I've been here before
And you know
It makes me wonder
What's going on under the ground

Do you know?
Don't you wonder?
What's going on down under you.

We have all been here before
We have all been here before
We have all been here before
We have all been here before

Take care;

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Funnily enough, I almost started a thread on this very topic a couple of weeks ago after having read a piece on Anthony Peake's latest book.

Peake's theory deals with a way of explaining déjà vu, near death experiences as well as various other phenomena. Simply put, his theory starts with a notion that's becoming quite common in pop-culture and science and will be fairly familiar to a lot of ATS posters; the brain has a 'holographic' structure and basically encodes and stores every single piece of data that we ever experience, whether consciously or unconsciously. To all intents and purposes we 'back-up' our whole life within a partition within our own brain. Literally everything is saved there.

Upon death, we experience a type of organic hardware failure. The whole back-up is then replayed (as with 'life flashed before my eyes' type of near death experiences).

However, because this is actually occurring during what amounts to the hardware actually decaying, the 'playback' of the life is corrupted as is the actual data itself. Peake suggests that the two hardware partitions in our brain (the consciousness which he calls 'the Daemon' and the storage/playback area, 'the Eidolon') actually start to bleed into each other slightly. This results in the consciousness - the aware sense of self - being occasionally aware of the life review, but is ultimately unable to do anything about it as the whole thing just rolls by. Hence the knowing that this has happened all before.

This theory also has various other ramifications as the two partitions of the mind occasionally connect, such as phantom visitors or the idea that we are being watched (we're actually watching ourselves). Perhaps, depending on your outlook, the most worrying of all, is that we - as individuals - perhaps are already dead; this life we believe we're experiencing for the first time has actually already ended and we're no more than ghosts of our former selves.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by jellyman1991

Yeah and they are not all bad although a few have been.

My most recent one is about a new home.

I dont know how that is even possible because right now I dont even have a damned job

Everything is panning out exactly as I saw it though. But a house could be a reference to me or someone who lives with me having a change etc. I dont really know until its passed. That is where the coincidence part can come in as a rational explanation.

Im just going with the flow and waiting to see what happens. All that can be done. So far its not been wrong otherwise I would have thrown this out the window as far as possibilities go.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by UrsusMajor
maybe you had a more significant Déjà vu, to go their, maybe you new that in the future you would go to this place so it kept reminding you of the place, so when you found it, it came less frequent becuase you found what you're looking for.

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