As of late, my frustration with this forum and its back and forth stance on MSM has reached new levels. Anyone who has read my posts will notice my
great disdain for MSM and it's use on this forum. Additionally, at the beginning of MSM' amazingly well planned, snuggle up to Conspiracy Theorists,
I was outspoken about why they were doing what they were doing well others pushed their propaganda. My efforts though, have not been good enough as
the forum is continually bombarded by MSM at every corner, and since my posts seem to be lost in lengthy threads, I am writing this in-depth thread to
hopefully bring serious light to this issue and its importance on this forum.
Mainstream media has always had one main purpose. To sway public opinion to one direction. This goes really bad for the average person, when the
people who own these media companies, are the same people lobbying in the politicians that write the laws for the average person. It is a situation
that breeds corruption, and pushes media into becoming biased hit men, who's only purpose is to change your opinion, to one that suits them.
What we are left with everyday, is the MSM cramming useless information down our throats, as well as changing facts, destroying well meaning peoples
credibility and the use of a multitude of gimmicks to sway your opinion.
Thankfully, to help illustrate my point we have just experienced the Tea Party 'event'.
What happened with the media and their coverage of Tea Parties?
Here's how it played out:
Cnn - Took the anti tea party stance.
Fox - Took the pro tea party stance.
At this point, even conspiracy theorists are confused. Why, why is fox backing them? Why is CNN attacking fox for backing them? So again, just like in
politics, we have what appears to be "two sides to a coin", but as we soon found out, they are infact still the same coin.
What did BOTH organizations do when they got to their Tea Parties? They ridiculed people, made them seem extreme, and discredited them at every turn.
Another dirty trick is their use of a form of NLP on interviewees. I point it out in this
Here's what I wrote:
This is a branch of NLP whether she knows what she is doing, or shes just doing what she is told. She askes a question, his subconscious delivers the
answer to his conscious and he starts talking, this is when she immediatelly chimes in with a further, absurd question forcing his subconscious to
scramble to pull out a good answer.
Now this is important, because when you watch the Video this is exactly what she does. She asks the gentleman a question, and while hes anwering she
throws him for a loop so that he is now just babbling, appearing delusional.
This was her EXACT purpose, now why this is extremely important is cause 80% of the population, who gets their news ENTIRELY from the MSM, is now
gonna turn off their TV with the mindset that "tea party attendees are just delusional morons with no point in their claims"
Which to me, sounds like Mission Accomplished.
CNN Clip I am talking about:
Now lets get back to Fox, which before the Tea parties were labeled by both conspiracy theorists, as well as other MSM media outlets (namely CNN), as
supporters of the Tea Parties.
But, they too were only there to play the exact same game as CNN, ridicule, belittle, confuse. Leaving the viewer, with the exact same message, these
people are morons!
Heres a great clip of that:
At one point saying "hopefully Obama is at home watching all these arrogant Americans"
So we can now see thanks to this incident, the first case of MSM coming into an non mainstream event, playing both sides, but both having the same
goal. But hopefully now, as I am explaining this, you are also seeing how well planned and coordinated their tactics are and look around it works
MSM Snuggles upto Conspiracy Theorists?
Again, just as with the Tea Parties, recently we started to see Fox suddenly snuggling up to Conspiracy Theorists.
Alot of the people on the forum said, why? Why are they doing this? Others stood by their hate of these fraudulent fascists, and some others, fell
into their trap. Posting thread after thread of MSM snuggling up to conspiracy theorists. This was when I really got concerned, cause for the first
time they were making a blatent attempt at infiltrating the movement.
But what truly alarmed me, was how fast so called opposites, gravitated to support of Fox. How quickly they could go from being hated, to being put up
with was soo startling.
And again, when it was all happening, I was outspoken. Because them snuggling up, is the absolute worst thing that can happen to this movement. I
explained why in the past, and I will again here:
When mainstream media starts snuggling up, slowly but surely (as noted) they start to sway the opinion of truth movement and conspiracy movement, as
well as other non mainstream movements.
The media already controls 80% of mindless Americans who simply gobble up MSM propaganda and spew it around every corner. So they aren't concerned
with them anymore, what is important is for them to capture that remaining 20%, which includes the likes of me and you.
So as they pick up steam and start to sway more and more opinion, this is when things get very bad. Because the next time any major event happens,
they are going to be the ones deciding the facts, deciding who gets to have their opinion displayed without being attacked, ridiculed, and belittled,
essentially they write the history.
We need only look back 8 years to see the power of Media writing history.
Additionally, while they're not skewing the opinion of conspiracies and non-mainstream movements, they are busy distracting us.
Most can recall the bailout bonuses scandals, yes?
Now can we all realize, that not only did media waste a large percentage of several days arguing about this issue, but also this forum did as well.
The problem with that, is we were arguing over 100's of millions, at a time where 100's of billions were exiting our country, and going into
everyones pocket BUT OUR OWN, while we picked up the tab. Does anyone see the problem with that situation?
What I want from this community
I just want people to please recognize what the media actually is, and understand that they are pushing the Agenda. Understand that when you are
watching their shows, you are not listening to factual news reporting, you are hearing a slanted view every single time. They will attempt to use
quick flashy stats, graphics and so called "experts" to sway your opinion exactly where they want it.
What would I actually like? If everyone unanimously quit watching MSM, if you actually want to make a difference in this country, the MEDIA HAS TO BE
How do we accomplish that? By forcing their change, if 90% of their viewers either quit watching, or started mass mailing demanding TRUE journalism
from them. I think they would have no choice but to change their BUSINESS MODEL, and remembers, that's what they are, a BUSINESS.
I'll end on a quote, cause someone once told me that it's likely someone has said it better before - and a video, OUTFOXED, a must watch for anyone
who frequents this forum.
Thanks everyone who took the time to read, and hopefully we can do our part in denying ignorance, and informing our friends, family and loved ones,
that the MSM is not looking out for our best interests, and should never be trusted.
“The media tends to report rumors, speculations, and projections as facts... How does the media do this? By quoting some "expert"... you can
always find some expert who will say something hopelessly hopeless about anything.” - Peter McWilliams
[edit on 17-4-2009 by king9072]