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Obama wants to build a nationwide light rail system

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posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Its all about control. If you can get people off of highways and into trains, then you can control where they can go.

If you don't believe trains are about control:
Auschwitz and Dachau had railroad tracks running into them.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by k3456789

We already transport cargo with the trains we have. Is it really worth 100's of billions of dollars to get it there 3 or 4 times as fast?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

Why do you think they have such a high need to control where we go? I am just curious to know what you think.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:36 PM
First thouhgt came to my mind..wa maybe these light railraod trains could be also for FEMA purposes, if martial law was ever imposed on us.Outside of that, it has its good points..less pollution, economical. BAd sids,you are stuck in a moving steel can with total strangers...rememebr last year, the chinese guy who used a hammer to decapitate the stranger infront off him ,t hen started eating his neck stump? Youde end up with some badassess, ex convicts, drug dealers,, possible serial kilers sittin next too you....and you knida are forced to give up one of americas favorite past times..the right to drive free.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Folks...nine pages based on a false premise, from the title of the OP.

The proposal was not for a 'Light Rail' train system!!! 'Light Rail' is what you see for the Subway or Metro Intra-Urban systems.

The idea is to develop a 'High-Speed', Hi-tech rail system, similar to Europe and Japan.

Some people like train travel, especially as compared to the hassels of airline travel. And, to answer a question up above, the current network of freight by rail does well...this idea is for passengers, mostly.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Well if you want me to change the name to reflect high speed rail as opposed to light rail then maybe you could tell me how to do that.

IMO, it doesnt matter. We dont need to be spending money we dont have on a light rail system or a high speed rail system.

We already have trains, trucks, planes, cars, ships...etc... We have it covered. If we need to ship stuff a little faster then maybe somebody can unmothball all those 747's or B-52's in the desert and start loading them with cargo. A bunch of jet fuel has to be cheaper than building this thing out. Plus, whatever company uses them to do the shipping can just charge a little more for people being in such a big hurry

[edit on 20-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I don't know....could be good for the infrastructure, and the and stuff, re-tooling automobile plants that are going slack and using them to build trains and related equipment.

In WWII auto plants were mostly shut down (well, steel was needed for the War effort) but much of the machinery for War was built in those factories. An aggressive economic stimulus would be helpful, especially if it continues for decades...private industry will smell profits, and step in....IF it is handled correctly. Doesn't need to be only tax money here....

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I am all for private investors building it. If they see a potential profit they would already be doing it. But I dont see them getting in line to throw money down this hole.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I am all for private investors building it. If they see a potential profit they would already be doing it. But I dont see them getting in line to throw money down this hole.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:16 PM
Since Italy, France and other European countries opened their high-speed rail lines, rail’s market share in Europe has dwindled from 8.2 to 5.8 percent of travel. If high-speed rail doesn’t work in Japan and Europe, how can it work in the United States?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

GM and the other U.S. automakers have simply gotten beat by the competition, but the over all automobile industry is doing quite fine. Thirty years ago, GM was the biggest company in the world, several times over, so at least at one time they knew what they were doing. As far as covering oil companies during hard times, maybe you haven't been paying attention, but these certainly are hard times, and the Oil companies are still raking in the money. Sorry, but once again, I think you are listening to the wrong radio shows, cause that is a major deal to overlook.

If taxes on gasoline were to reflex the true cost of keeping the oil supply flowing, they would cover our huge military costs to maintain control over the oil supply. Most of that 13T DOLLAR debt that was built up by repub admins was spent to keep the oil supply flowing.

How have we been enslaved by the auto/oil/banking industries through our vehicles?

For anybody paying attention, the automobile has been the key component in making us all slaves to the system. Most of our liberty, money, and time have been taken away by the automobile.

Anytime you get on a public road in a vehicle, under our current system, you essentially surrender your rights in order to operate your vehicle on a public road. Yes, there are safety reasons behind these laws, but is an extremely convenient way for the PTB to take away our rights.

With planned obsolescence, most people wind up buying new cars every five years. If you are buying an average vehicle, that would be about $25K every five years on purchase price alone. In thirty years you have spent close to $200k on vehicles with nothing to show for that expense, then of course there is full coverage insurance, interest on the loan, and of course upkeep.

Besides cost, we must also have roads, and places to park these vehicles, which has lead to suburban sprawl. This has lead to our spending more and more time in our vehicles driving around the large areas our communities now occupy. This has also lead to increased cost of housing, longer and longer commutes, having to drive our kids to activities, all of which pours money into the profits of oil companies, banks, insurance companies, and automotive companies.

Why do we need batteries and hydrogen systems when it would make more sense to plug into the grid when we drive, rather than depend on charging our vehicles, or buying hydrogen? Pay into the system for the power usage, and then we could save a lot of up front money by not having to buy big expensive batteries or hydrogen safety systems.

A big important point that people don't see is that electric motors are extremely easy to maintain, and have very long life spans, especially in relation to the automobile. With the development of frequency drives, there is no need for brushes, which means the only thing that will wear out is the bearings, as they are the only moving parts on the motor, and they will last a very long time. Even the frequency drives will last a long time. You could cheaply refurbish the vehicle every five years, instead of having to buy a whole new vehicle. Your vehicle could actually be like an investment. Not only that, but refurbishing vehicles would be a highly marketable business for small businesses.

Then we could use computers to navigate through the system, developing a rail system for personal owned rail cars, which means that people wouldn't have to drive. All you would have to do is plug in the destination, get onto the system, and then while traveling, you could do what ever you wanted to do, work, help your kids with their homework, surf the net, exercise, whatever. All that commuting time would become personal time.

In addition, there would be no need for traffic cops. Your driving would be controlled by the system, so there would be no need for cops going around making sure everyone was following the rules. There would be no need for traffic stops to issue safety citations.

There is only one reason I see that such a system would not be built, and that is because the PTB, the NWO, or more accurately, the CWO, big oil companies, insurance, and banking institutions, not to mention our current police state, would not want such a system, because it would allow us to escape from their slavery.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Come on lets all take some personal responsibility. No one has to buy a new car every 5 years unless they choose to. I have a honda accord that is 18 years old and still runs great because I take care of it.


People chose to move away from the cities so now they spend more time in their cars. It was their choice.

Are you really trying to say that people are so freakin stupid that they only do things because the evil PTB make them do it? Just because you watch a tv show or commercial doesnt mean you have to run out and do what they say. Unless you are stupid or somethin' Forrest.

If you think you are surrendering rights to drive your car now how much of your rights do you think you are going to be giving up when you have to be on a rail that someone else controls?

I agree electric motors have some benefits. Great! As batteries get better and more affordable over the next few years people can start buying more and more electric cars WITH THEIR OWN MONEY!

I know it hurts you to think some evil bastard will make a profit selling them electric cars and batteries but then people get what they choose as opposed to what the government decides is best for everyone.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude



So you think that everyone who was ever a slave volunteered for the position?

You don't think people can be manipulated? You don't think the banking and investment communities have any say where people live? During the 1980ties when defense industry spending was about the only thing keeping our economy afloat, you don't think they had control as to where the jobs were available?

Do you think our liberties are automatic and guaranteed? You don't think there is any economic manipulation that goes on to keep people paying into the system?

Most people can't keep a vehicle running for more than five years. People who keep their vehicles longer than five to ten years are the exception. I always hang onto my vehicles for a long time, but it is not easy. If you don't know how to work on your own vehicle, then you will most likely buy a new vehicle every so many years. If you have a family that depends on their vehicle, chances are that you will make sure the wife has a relatively new vehicle.

I have to ask, do you think it is wrong for people to advocate for things that they feel will improve their life styles?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 08:01 PM
Yes everyone who has ever been a slave had a choice to fight back or refuse to follow their masters. It might of cost them their life but they wouldnt have been a slave. Not that I dont have compassion for anyone who was made a slave, because I am sure that sucks.

If people cant keep their cars going for more than 5 years then they must have bought a Chrysler
All you have to do if you buy a well made car is change the oil regularly and replace the wearables (brakes,tires) every few years.

People who borrow money to buy a new car every 5 years do so because they have no concept of money. They just want the next shiny new toy. To blame that on anyone but them is beyond ridiculous.

You said: "I have to ask, do you think it is wrong for people to advocate for things that they feel will improve their life styles? "

I say: Yes it is wrong if they expect anyone to pay for it but themselves.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

You have to replace a lot more than tires and change the oil, water pumps, radiators, alternators, shocks, electronics, seats, window motors, ball joints, ect.. Most women get very touchy when it comes to driving a vehicle they do not feel safe traveling in.

If everyone should have to pay for what they want, then all the people who support our huge military should should have to pay for it, and the $13T in debt built up to pay for it. The same goes for the police state, and the bailouts.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Oh yeah, you always have the choice to die fighting in order not to become a slave, but most people feel that living as a slave is preferable to death.

Of course, the other alternative is denial. People tell themselves they are not slaves to the system, as they sacrifice more and more of life's rewards to serve the system. Rather than fight to maintain their rights, they continue to do what the system demands to make ends meet. Rather than fighting for more control over their lives, they pretend everything is hunky dory when things are really pretty bad.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

You have to replace a lot more than tires and change the oil, water pumps, radiators, alternators, shocks, electronics, seats, window motors, ball joints, ect.. Most women get very touchy when it comes to driving a vehicle they do not feel safe traveling in.

If everyone should have to pay for what they want, then all the people who support our huge military should should have to pay for it, and the $13T in debt built up to pay for it. The same goes for the police state, and the bailouts.

Well all I can say is you need to start car shopping a little smarter. Buy Japanese or Korean. Also, you know they have this thing called savings where you set aside a little money every month to pay for maintenance instead of financing something you cant afford. Ask your grandparents they can explain it to you. Also, you have to sometimes be a man and tell your wife what she doesnt want to hear. Things like no you cant have a new car no matter how much bull crap you make up so you can get one like your friend Suzie.

Ok my 18 year old Honda. I spend like $300/yr on maintenance max, except for every three or four years I have to spend like $400 on replacing the timing belt. But none of that matters because that is less than 1 months car payment.

Ok as far as the military goes.. we do all pay for it. Its called taxes. Plus I will say like I have 100 times before in this same thread, go ahead and cut military spending some reasonable amount. I think we should CUT ALL GOVERNMENT SPENDING.

I am not sure what you mean by a police state. If you live a normal life the police dont really harass you. As far as bailouts go, I dont agree with them either. I think the government should have stayed out of it. Life would probably have sucked for a few years, but we would have licked our wounds, learned our lessons, and be a better country for it. Its kinda like busting your kids butt. Nobody wants to do it, but everybodys better off once its done.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Of course, the other alternative is denial. People tell themselves they are not slaves to the system, as they sacrifice more and more of life's rewards to serve the system. Rather than fight to maintain their rights, they continue to do what the system demands to make ends meet. Rather than fighting for more control over their lives, they pretend everything is hunky dory when things are really pretty bad.

Let me reword that for you.
Of course the other alternative is denial. People tell themselves they wont become slaves to their government, as they beg more and more for government to save them. Rather than fight to maintain their rights, they continue to give up their freedom in the hopes that government will solve their problems. Rather than fighting for more control over their lives, they pretend its everyone elses fault and things will get better when the government makes everyone play fair.

[edit on 20-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I would say that your maintenance costs are greatly lower than what most people wind up paying. It costs more than $400 to have your water pump replaced, or your struts and shocks. My ex has Honda's, and I own a Hyundai, and even Japanese and Korean cars break down. I had to repair the electrical harness on my ex's old Accord, and that would have cost far more than $400 in the shop. I don't care what car you buy, after 100,000 miles, they all start having problems and become susceptible to breakdowns. When you depend on your car to get back and forth to work, do all the shopping, run the kids around, you can't be without a car, so when your car breaks down, you have to obtain alternative transportation, and that also costs money.

Buying your wife a new car every so many years so that she has reliable transportation has nothing to do with keeping up with Suzie next door. Breaking down on the road is scary enough as a guy, not to mention completely frustrating, and very inconvenient, especially when someone is waiting for you, but for a woman, it is down right terrifying. No matter what macho BS you want to buy into about controlling your woman, or woman's liberation about a woman being able to do anything a man can do, women are far more vulnerable than men, and you especially don't want your wife's car breaking down with the kids in it. Now days with cellphones things are much better, and it is much easier to call a tow truck and a cab, but then again, those will cost you money. Then, when you go on vacation, you also don't want the risk of your vehicle breaking down in the middle of nowhere where your cell phone won't help you. Most people find the mounting costs of maintaining an older vehicle combined with having to deal with break downs and down time during repairs are not worth the effort.

Maybe you call buying a new car a convenience, but most people consider it a necessity. Either you have been very lucky, have a situation where you don't really have to rely on your vehicle, or simply aren't honest with yourself about vehicle costs. Most people wind up buying cars every so many years because they need reliable transportation.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I don't know anyone who begs for government to save them, that is just another neocon propaganda slogan for suckers. You might want to read up on the principles the U.S. was founded upon. Government was created by the people for the people, but it doesn't happen automatically. You have to get involved with government, and become part of the process, in order to get government to do what government is supposed to do, which is serve the people.

Ever hear of K street? or lobbyists? Would you describe this as being giant corporations begging government to save them? Oh great government, we can't compete if we can't poison the air and the water, we can't compete if we have to pay taxes.

You don't think you can be enslaved by powerful corporations, that government is the only threat to liberty? You don't think corporations use propaganda to fool the masses into becoming their slaves? If so, you have been bamboozled. If you really think that people demanding that government do that which it was created to do is nothing but begging for government to save them, when the purpose of government is to serve the people, then you have already answered these questions. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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