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REFRESHER on why FOX is NOT a reputable news source!

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:24 AM
I have to go out ... I'm on my way to the Farmers Market in Philly ... But I'll give you this to chew on ... some Scott McClellen quotes ...


"In terms of the vice president, I don't know," McClellan said. "There's a lot of suspicion there."

Suspicion. No facts.

However, McClellan said he did not have direct knowledge of who specifically was responsible for the "culture of deception" he frequently referred to in his book.

"I do not know whether a crime was committed by any of the administration officials who revealed Valerie Plame's identity to reporters. Nor do I know if there was an attempt by any person or persons to engage in a cover-up during the investigation.''

Smith questioned McClellan's motives for writing the book: "It's hard to take Mr. McClellan or this hearing seriously. Despite what Mr. McClellan says regarding Iraq, three different studies... conclude that intelligence reports were not altered in the lead-up to the war.''

"Since Mr. McClellan has included no footnotes in his book and few direct quotes or written memos are cited, is this book just a typical opinion piece without evidence to support his assertions?'' Smith asked.

There are tons of such stories and quotes by McClellen.
He wrote a book based on insinuation and suspicion .
He gave no evidence and no quotes ... no back up.
He just wanted to make money and the best way was a hit piece on
an unpopular administration.

But this isn't a Scott McClellen thread ... it's your Fox thread.
So I'll stop there. As I said .. plenty of McClellen quotes out there ...
He even admits his book isn't fact.

I'm off to the Farmers Market. mmmmm ....

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by mental modulator
BTW he's lousy??? I know its early so... Get some cwoffeey

McClellen admitted that he has no proof about his Fox Network allegations. When the book came out he tried to weasle both ends of the audience. In other words .. he got caught stepping in a pile of crap. His allegations may or may not have been true, but the tool just mumbled through and said he couldn't prove anything. It was really pathetic.

So yes, he's a lousy source. By his own admission.

As for FOX .. yep, it's skewed to the right.
As for CNN .. yep, it's skewed to the left (but not as much as it used to be).
As for MSNBC .. yep, it's BEYOND REPAIR.

The reason why I suggested that YOU start a MSNBC thread was because you seem so gosh darn vigilant this morning and I just know you'd love to expose MSNBC for the corrupt organization it is .... being the fair and balanced person that you are and all.

OH I'm fair FF... and it is nice that someone still thinks I'm balanced

I'm not focusing on MSNBC CLAIMS CNN AL JEEZRA ....

Just FOX

I did link my favorite new sources at the bottom of the OP though

your so spry this morning

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I have to go out ... I'm on my way to the Farmers Market in Philly ... But I'll give you this to chew on ... some Scott McClellen quotes ...


"In terms of the vice president, I don't know," McClellan said. "There's a lot of suspicion there."

Suspicion. No facts.

However, McClellan said he did not have direct knowledge of who specifically was responsible for the "culture of deception" he frequently referred to in his book.

"I do not know whether a crime was committed by any of the administration officials who revealed Valerie Plame's identity to reporters. Nor do I know if there was an attempt by any person or persons to engage in a cover-up during the investigation.''

Smith questioned McClellan's motives for writing the book: "It's hard to take Mr. McClellan or this hearing seriously. Despite what Mr. McClellan says regarding Iraq, three different studies... conclude that intelligence reports were not altered in the lead-up to the war.''

"Since Mr. McClellan has included no footnotes in his book and few direct quotes or written memos are cited, is this book just a typical opinion piece without evidence to support his assertions?'' Smith asked.

There are tons of such stories and quotes by McClellen.
He wrote a book based on insinuation and suspicion .
He gave no evidence and no quotes ... no back up.
He just wanted to make money and the best way was a hit piece on
an unpopular administration.

But this isn't a Scott McClellen thread ... it's your Fox thread.
So I'll stop there. As I said .. plenty of McClellen quotes out there ...
He even admits his book isn't fact.

I'm off to the Farmers Market. mmmmm ....


that first quote reads sort of funny...

how about context?

So Scott is a liar?

you make is sound like his book is fiction based - "GEORGE and DARTH"

Don't know FF - I think you are doing what we do here - I will point out again the many public statements to underscore his statements....

Watch the video -

I'm not trying to sell you with this thread - I am trying to get the tea baggers on this thread so I can see if the NON PARTISAN stuff is honest.

I'm sold on FOX's status as you are hot for Jon G and his where abouts.

I want tea baggers to defend fox or to shed um-

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Newt Gingrich's 2009 CPAC speech will tell you the entire plan. Listen to it from an NLP perspective paying particular attention to gesturing and emphasis. If you don't agree, tinfoil hat me if you like.

At around 30:00 he calls out the tea party so clearly, as I recall being mentioned in your other thread, FOX did NOT manufacture it.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

Anyone who solely relies on ANY mainstream media for their information is being misled.

Some willfully submit, hence the various supporters for one outlet or another.

I suggest that any advocate for any outlet is a dupe or advocate, there is no middle ground.

I've seen good reporting on CBS and bad reporting on FOX. So what?

It's like having a favorite cereal or intoxicant. Your choice does not make either the best or the others the worst.

Unless you've already been proselytized. Then, you have no credibility anyway. They can feed you fedes on a spoon and you'd love it!

Deny Ignorance!

[edit to add feces]

[edit on 16-4-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Newt Gingrich's 2009 CPAC speech will tell you the entire plan. Listen to it from an NLP perspective paying particular attention to gesturing and emphasis. If you don't agree, tinfoil hat me if you like.

At around 30:00 he calls out the tea party so clearly, as I recall being mentioned in your other thread, FOX did NOT manufacture it.

Oh jesus - EYE OF THE TIGER - ok... if I have to watch Newt try to give outfoxed
a shot... I suspect you have it easier then me on this one...

Oh the humanity - He and Blagiovich should have a hair off dance battle to the death.

I will report back latter

and thanks

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

You SLAY me...

You use quotes from PRISON PLANET and HUFFINGTON POST to discredit Fox then say

the BBC and CNN is the truth.

Funniest thing I have read in MONTHS!!!!! Stop it I can't take RIBS hurt from laughing...

Stop it...

No really you are a comedic GENIUS.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

A clueless left leaning, anti-American, kool aid drinker....

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

I don't understand how you take analyst's views and try to paint them as 'news'.

FOX's hard news is as objective as any media's.

Their analyst views are as biased as any media. No more and no less.

There is a big difference between the two.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by mental modulator

Anyone who solely relies on ANY mainstream media for their information is being misled.

Some willfully submit, hence the various supporters for one outlet or another.

I suggest that any advocate for any outlet is a dupe or advocate, there is no middle ground.

I've seen good reporting on CBS and bad reporting on FOX. So what?

It's like having a favorite cereal or intoxicant. Your choice does not make either the best or the others the worst.

Unless you've already been proselytized. Then, you have no credibility anyway. They can feed you fedes on a spoon and you'd love it!

Deny Ignorance!

[edit to add feces]

[edit on 16-4-2009 by jdub297]

I am just trying to point out that FOX is not "FAIR and BALANCED" - I believe they (fox) are trying to capitalize on a movement that does not represent CONSTITUTIONALIST political objectives. I believe FOX has latched on to this movement to further certain political objectives, one of them being GOP resurgence in one or all three houses of the government.

I think the fact that RPers and libertarians are going to be very disappointed with the results of their movement. Which will be the GOP ( one of the two evil parties) regaining a strong foothold in active government. The movement as I understand it is an attempt to be POST PARTISAN I believe. FOX's motive is not
a post partisan cooperation - it is the same old Partisan stuff we all know.

I also dislike FOX on a personal level...

I understand many want the GOP back in power, it will happen with time...

Pardon no sleep in 36 hours

I'll be back

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:26 AM
Originally posted by mental modulator

I will point out I want tea baggers to defend fox or to shed um-

You've obviously drunk someone's Koolaid. What would YOU have them choose? To be just like you?

What kind of ad hominem is "tea bagger" anyway. I know your guy Anderson Cooper uses the term, but he's one anyway (if you know what I mean).

If it's a reference to "Tea Party" advocates, you must not be aware that Libertarians and some Democrats do not approve of taxation without representation.

I guess you do.

As for your "AWESOME" media, NPR and PBS are farther left than NBC would ever dream of being.

I love programs on both, I listen to NPR every day (Diane Rehm show is on right now), but that doesn't mean I agree with their opinions.

Do you ever read? There are no written media in your list.

How about the Guardian? Politico? Wired? RealClearPolitics?

My "Media" folder has 25 sources, and that doesn't include my "Links" and "Fun" folders. Sources range from "Coast to Coast" to "Skeptical Inquirer." That's a range, no?

Granted, no one can cover all sources all the time, but if you don't look you will never find.

Anyone who relies on any MSM for their main source of information will be misled, and is likely an advocate.

If you choose only one or two "flowers," you will miss splendor of the "garden." And there's a fair chance you'll pick a weed!

Deny ignorance!


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
reply to post by mental modulator

You SLAY me...

You use quotes from PRISON PLANET and HUFFINGTON POST to discredit Fox then say

the BBC and CNN is the truth.

Funniest thing I have read in MONTHS!!!!! Stop it I can't take RIBS hurt from laughing...

Stop it...

No really you are a comedic GENIUS.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

A clueless left leaning, anti-American, kool aid drinker....

"Anti American" - You prove the OPs point sire - star for you

BTW I'm completely the wrong feller to be clowning upon - when I awake latter I will
show you a thing or two about creative foolishness.

anyhow why in the hell are all of you descending on me like a pack of wolves???

protecting Brit Hume???

This feller got the hots I suspect...

At least you didn't say grape kool aide though

Also - I have made two foes with this???


You guys must be share holders...

Will have some fun latter mr funny man.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by crmanager

Funny, you took some of the words right out of my mouth. We must have been writing at the same time, but I tend to run on and you were right to the point! (I could start a killer thread on this one: "Do ATSers see each others' files")

Posers are so easily exposed, no?

They always try to "reveal" just the right picture, but if you look behind the curtain, you see what/who is pulling the strings!

I'm really very new to ATS, but am amazed by the plethora of idiots who think they can be objective. Our schools have really dropped the ball.

I thank Zeus that I was born when I was and had a real education from teachers who didn't feel the need to politicize or blind their students.

Sometimes it's amusing to see this stuff, but some of it is truly terrifying!

"Did Jupiter Ignite" runs dozens of pages, yet "Mexican Border" gets barley a nod. What a trip.

Good sleuthing. s4u.

Deny ignorance.


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by crmanager

Funny, you took some of the words right out of my mouth. We must have been writing at the same time, but I tend to run on and you were right to the point! (I could start a killer thread on this one: "Do ATSers see each others' files")

Posers are so easily exposed, no?

They always try to "reveal" just the right picture, but if you look behind the curtain, you see what/who is pulling the strings!

I'm really very new to ATS, but am amazed by the plethora of idiots who think they can be objective. Our schools have really dropped the ball.

I thank Zeus that I was born when I was and had a real education from teachers who didn't feel the need to politicize or blind their students.

Sometimes it's amusing to see this stuff, but some of it is truly terrifying!

"Did Jupiter Ignite" runs dozens of pages, yet "Mexican Border" gets barley a nod. What a trip.

Good sleuthing. s4u.

Deny ignorance.


Posing as what???

A liberal

A terrorist Lover commie socialist liberal lazy???

I am what I am- I make NO bones about it-

Your the one trying to step in softly so you can kick me with great "surprise"
FOX is propaganda

the three sources NPR - CSPAN and PBS represent REAL news

NO CORPORATE shilling there

But I suspect you like your bias and a little bit of corporate with your shill, a?

Fine with me

just don't tell me it is NEWS

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

You get some sleep, you must need it. When you come back, see the post above your reply to me.

1st Rule: "Analysis" and "Commentary" are not "News."
2nd Rule: The Big 3 Networks' "News" is now "Commentary."

It is no longer objective and is a violation of the trust given them when they were first granted bandwidth in the kHz spectrum.

They should be ashamed, but instead they gloat.

Deny ignorance.


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
reply to post by mental modulator

I don't understand how you take analyst's views and try to paint them as 'news'.

FOX's hard news is as objective as any media's.

Their analyst views are as biased as any media. No more and no less.

There is a big difference between the two.

Until you do this

"Two thousand protesters gathered on the washington mall last week, SOME WOULD CALL THEM UNPATRIOTIC TRAITORS but they were there to protest the..."

YOU see that was a FOX NEWS broadcast-

the subtle interjection of rhetoric sandwiched in between "factual accounting"

its not a secret guys.

Be happy and proud , just don't try to BS me or others.... I just want to point this out to
the POST PARTISAN TEA people... they can decide for themselves -don't you think?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by jdub297
reply to post by mental modulator

You get some sleep, you must need it. When you come back, see the post above your reply to me.

1st Rule: "Analysis" and "Commentary" are not "News."
2nd Rule: The Big 3 Networks' "News" is now "Commentary."

It is no longer objective and is a violation of the trust given them when they were first granted bandwidth in the kHz spectrum.

They should be ashamed, but instead they gloat.

Deny ignorance.


10 - 4

have a good day

see you then

I will be working on a hum dinger...

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

NPR is news only in the sense that they report only the facts.


"In ABCDE today, x civilians were killed when a bomb exploded in a downtown marketplace".

How can you argue with that?

It's only when someone starts analyzing it...who was responsible and why...that the arguments begin. There are always at least two sides to every story.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by mental modulator

But the fact is, some people would and do call the protesters unpatriotic traitors! How is that lying?

Hugo Chavez calls his detractors 'unpatriotic traitors' in front of the cameras.

He may be lying by calling them that.

But reporting on it is not lying.

Closer to home, DHS calls many of us 'right-wing extremists'. Is that true? No. Is reporting on it lying? No.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:09 AM
Good stuff! If the peeps dont want to see it,
thats not your fault! Its ugly stuff! And thats being nice!
With CNN you only get half the(edited)picture-on a very good day,
but Fox? I'll let the video speak for itself.......

I hold these peeps directly responsible for alot of the
problems in this country. By perpetuating the very problem
and thereby allowing the brainwashing to continue, unabated.
Does not matter whos telling it, its only half right anyway!
I'm just glad the peeps are waking up .....finally.
I know it hurts and some will manage to hang on to their past prejudices
regardless of the evidence in front of them. It's the fear thing again.
Star and flag for gettin it out there, wherever it may hide!

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:10 AM
You know the scat is getting deep, when the MSM tells you the actual truth from a source that they've previously disreputed. Oh, the satire of it all.

Fox executive: "Oh, I have a plan! Let's make a circus sideshow that keeps the masses quiet and distracted, while the big-boys set the stage for the big-show. And, when they crowd sees the clowns as clowns, we'll have the clowns introduce the main show by telling the audience the truth! Brilliant! What a show it will be! They'll never see it coming!"

(Why does it sound so inanely Vaudevillian?)

Disgusted with human beings' lack of reason and insight,

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