posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:02 AM
This is what I think is facing us:
1.) Environmental collapse. As evident by the Holocene Extenction, we are living in the 6th mass extinction in the lifetime of this planet, and we
are the primary driving force behind it. As in many mass extinctions, things may look like they carry on ok, but as thousands of years go by, certain
critical organisms that have died off create an effect known as Dead Clads Walking, which implies that a species seeming to survive the extinction
event, dies off thousands of years later because the ecosystem collapses. With mass population and a world that seems to give a rats ass about the
environment, we are certainly going to pay a price for our gluttony and greed at the cost of the environment, but this may take another hundred years
or less based on our current trends.
2.) The accelerated race towards world-war-III. Either North Korea, or Iran or both are going to ignite what could be WWIII. Not that they are going
to start it, rather the US and Isreal will start WWIII, they have already laid the stage for it, primarily the US by attacking Afghanistan and Iraq on
false pretexts, not to mention if you believe 9/11 was an inside job, this kind of aggression in a nuclear armed world is maddness.
We are edging on the abyss of WWIII and it will be nuclear. Already is if you count depleted uranium as radioactive waste. (Uranium decays into
Radium, Radon, and Plonium which are far more radioactive states then 234)
This will certainly be a test of survival for us as it most likely will be the big SHTF.
3.) Economic collapse, that is most immediate and affecting ATS members right now, if it continues to a greater depression, we are already in a SHTF
scenario and should be preparing as much as we can right now while we have the means, if we have the means.