posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:34 AM
About six years ago, when I was rather rudely awakened, I experienced insomnia as well. My advice is to accept it as best you can and start some sort
of method to learn meditation. I was directed toward qigong by a series of "spam" emails to my work account. I worked in an embassy then on a high
secure section so the chance of specifically my email getting onto their mailing list was rather unlikely.
And that's another thing: Start watching for signs. They are always there but maybe more so when you're first awakened. Put nothing down to
coincidence. If you get two (or more) of the same thing in a short period of time, it's a sign.
This is not a short process. I've been at it for years and still consider myself a novice, though I know that's not at all the case. It's all
just sometimes very hard to accept but it has to be done. There are no shortcuts. Of course, you can always go "back to sleep" but that would be
ill-advised, I suspect.