posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 07:18 PM
I have seen more and more reference to microchip implantation by the governments of the developed world just lately. There have been people actualy
REQUESTING this technology be added to thier bodies! I would link to some videos explaining this , but really , such videos are readily available if
you have a scoot around the youtubes.
I have to ask, since the centre of the upsurge seems to be in the United States, I would like to know if the US has turned its back on the Christian
faith altogether? I mean are people there now freely willing to accept the mark of Satan , or has the wool gone so far over thier eyes , that they
cannot see the danger of such devices?
Here in the UK we are watched, almost every hour of the day , save for those hours we spend in our homes (unless theres some REALLY clever spying
happening) , but you can bet your last penny , that when they come to chip me, they will find that my arm belongs to God , and no man may sully it
.They may wish to implant my forehead, they will be denied untill my death. Am I alone in being extremely worried by such control mechanisms as these?