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USA vs. the World

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posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 01:58 PM
This is turning out to be a very interesting little debate.

First it's important to look at the world's current alliances and what the United States' strengths and weaknesses are. Remember: there are many forms of warfare, so you have to think way outside the box here. Oceans aren't gonna save anyone anymore. And our military would be of little use, being that our regular forces, reserves and National Guard are spread out all over the world. Everywhere but here.

Here's an interesting fact site:

The subject stated is the USA against the world at large. Of course, America would have maybe a few allies; but not many in this scenario.

Let's say China, Russia and the European Union ganged up on the U.S. And all of their client-states fell in with them.

What could possibly bring these forces together? OIL and the world's finite reserves. The US' current policy focus is to accumulate and control as much of the world's vital resources as possible. This is a direct blow to the needs of China, Russia and the EU. If they put their heads together and decided an alliance between them would be more beneficial than not, the U.S. might be much deeper shyte than any ever realized.

What are they to each other under that alliance?

    China: A massive number of troops. Expendable. Body wave after body wave, if necessary.

    Russia: Nuclear weapons. Large military.

    European Union: The money men. Nuclear capability. Special Forces.

Let's say OPEC decides to join the alliance and they strike the first blow - changing their oil currency to the Euro. That would be the first volley of the war. Without the money our economy makes off the daily trading, our economy would collapse. We would be faced with a depression that would make the great depression look like a pic nic.

Secondly, Blackmail. The Soviet Union lets the U.S. government in on a little secret. (Something Nobel Prize-winning mathmetician John F. Nash knew a little something about. Some say it may have driven him mad. Soviet agents during the cold war planted suit case nukes in cities across the U.S. and in the waters off our coastlines. They warn our leaders that to retaliate with our nukes would be utterly futile. They are prepared to detonate the nukes at once. Just to prove their point, agents of our government are pointed to one of the suitcase nukes. They find and confirm.

Our fearless leadArs take to their underground bunkers and prepare themselves for all out war.

England, by this time, has joined the EU and told Canada to ready itself for the coming of an EU invasion force. All of Latin America is another staging area for ground forces. The United States is hemmed in physically from North to South.

Some thoughts at this point:

Our economy would be in tatters.
Fuel is rationed and scarce.
Food, goods, medicine shipments are in complete disarray b/c of fuel shortage.
Martial law in effect?
Looting, chaos, crime explodes.
Penniless Americans left to defend themselves against a massive invasion force penetrating Canadian and Mexican borders.

Do our leaders initiate a first nuclear strike?

What would the outcome be of a second Revolutionary War?

What is the possibility of this scenario playing out?

What would happen to Israel without our financial/military support?

Would this scenario bring about the end of the world?

One thing is certain, however powerful the United States of America is, there is no way we could fight the entire united world and hope to win. It is impossible, in my opinion. Our leaders would nuke everyone else right off the planet with us.

It's high time we get our diplomatic/foreign policy act together before this very scenario or one similar actually unfolds. It is, I believe, much closer to midnight than any of us are willing to imagine.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
HOW MANY TIMES DO WE NEED TO SAY THIS the UK is not just england get it there are 4 countries in it !!
not 1 but 4
thats right little old england isnt the only country here and another fact 60% of UK SF are scotish!!

YEAH!. I live in England , but have Scottish and Northern Irish heritage.I feel not Engish, not British but United Kingdomish. Big up Scotland and Northern Ireland; especially Erskine clan and members of the SBS.

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by minimi]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Feeling United Kingdomish, eh? Never heard that one before.

How do you all feel about the US need for dominance? Do you see the EU ever siding against the USA?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:40 PM
A war like the one we are discussing here would benefit no one.

The only outcome I can see from a war on such a scale would be "Mad Max."

The US and Russia along with the rest of the atomic capable countries have enough nukes to plunge all of us right back to the stone age. (a reality that I hope is never realized)


posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:50 PM
Mad Max definitely comes to mind. Wouldn't that be a fun existence?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Mad Max definitely comes to mind. Wouldn't that be a fun existence?

It would be the best! Shooting each other over the last can of dogfood sounds like a great time!!!


posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Facefirst

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Mad Max definitely comes to mind. Wouldn't that be a fun existence?

It would be the best! Shooting each other over the last can of dogfood sounds like a great time!!!


Woof woof!

Seriously, it would definitely be a nightmare.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I've seen threads like usa v china etc. How bout what would the USA do if the European Union (prophecy's revived Roman Empire) became so powerful that they could convince the entire body of nations to follow them in a full-scale attack on the USA? If prophecy is any indication, it may very well happen. Are you ready for the mighty USA to become nothing more than a huge third-world country bowing before the newly mighty European Union? Think about it. It could happen. All empires have fallen. We are no different.

well my impression of the book of revelations tells me it will happen but they will lose in the end and the US(and our allies, ie: israel, etc) will have control of the planet and we will have peace forever because all our enemies will have been destroyed or have destroyed themselves.

but hey i could be wrong, we'll see.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:02 PM
Well I am pretty sure that America is Babylon the great, the richest and greatest nation of all time. Some people think that another great system will appear like EU will get super rich but I doubt there will ever be a nation as great and rich as USA again.

It seems to be a consistant thread throughout the bible that tribes and people get together to forge ahead and become a great unit, team but either forget God or go against him in some way.

America is just the final example of this, the daughter from the past of the same thing. America consists of every tribe of people in the world. Is the richest, media dominates the world, all or 99% of the richest men in the world are American, Babylon is a female whore in the bible , did you even know that the name America is a female name? I can get heavily into this and list all the things that ID America but I think I posted about this awhile ago.

Actually the reason for this post isnt to rattle on about America but to ask a question and then to provide my own opinon / answer.

Who can destroy America?

Only the Americans themselves. Just like all the other great empires like Rome, they fell due to decadence, they got fat on their wealth and let it slip.

I believe an American president said a similar thing that America will only truely go down from within not from without. So its a slow process of decline ..basically moral decline...but its been on the go since the 60's.

When God judges people or nations the first thing that is done is that the person or nation is force feed their own sin , a double portion. Then God wipes them out totally. THE worst thing about all of this? It isnt just America , they arent in a vacuum. This applies to EVERYONE in the world, on a personal level. It says in the Bible that you shouldnt be deceived and that God is NOT mocked, what a man sows he shall surely reap. Well take a look at what America has sown in her VERY short life and is yet to reap. # when I think of my life and what Ive reaped so far Im alot more hesitant in certain choices today.

Finally THE most scarest thing that I know of about God is this: God doesnt just wipe a person or nation out without warning and being patient. He gives many many opportunities to repent. But when people or nations reject the truth, then God does something that I perceive to be a horrific thing. God sends a strong delusion to them. God deludes people and nations, so that right up to the final second they believe in a delusion and not the approaching judgement. What makes it scarier? God picks the perfect delusion everytime.

But hey..maybe Im the nut #er whos deluded?!?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:03 PM
"Lie in the dust daughter of Babylon, for there is no crown"

IM gonna miss the Simpsons and South Park....sniff...
have to rely on Monty Python instead

[Edited on 24-4-2004 by TruthStrgnrThanFiction]

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction
Who can destroy America?

Only the Americans themselves. Just like all the other great empires like Rome, they fell due to decadence, they got fat on their wealth and let it slip.
But hey..maybe Im the nut #er whos deluded?!?

I agree with you on the self-destruction part. If the US falls, it will be from most of the large empires have fallen.

But as far as the name "America." It was derived from a man's name.
Vespucci Amerigo, the Italian explorer.

Interesting post.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:24 PM
The U.S. spends more on its military than the next 23-27 (don't remember the exact number) combined. Just a little something to think about

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:27 PM
ok i think i have to get my facts straight. I had read somewhere that America goes back to Ancient Greece, being a female name. I stand corrected.

The whole basis for my opinon is this:

1) God says himself in the bible that he will predict the very end, perfectly..and he does this from the beginning..then he will bring about the end in a way that when its over no one can say they knew etc etc, its a credibility thing i think. Like when God says something is going to happen it always does but often not the way people think. (our ways are not his etc) Take Jesus Christ. The Jewish leaders who had full access to the scriptures didnt recognise the messiah.

2) America is the most powerful nation of ALL time. No one can even come close. And it amassed and gained its power in a # short time compared to all the others.I just cant see God not mentioning the most powerful nation of all time.Esp when you think of it as its not only USA wealth in one area, USA dominates in so many other things and its beamed out all over the world.The very way of life and culture of the states has been exported.

Thing is that you cant approach the bible with pre conceived thoughts or ideas , you cant apply what you want and go and try find it in the bible. you gotta read it and look around. not the other way around. People dont want to hear about the destruction of their country, esp if its the greatests, most proud of all time.

The spiritual side to it accounts for EVERY nail in the coffin, because if you look at Sodom etc they pissed God off due to their behaviour and God took them out , but they werent preaching to the world about following God, and sending out missionaries etc. Thats what the States does, they preach Jesus but do they turn the other cheek? Bush a born againer? wtf does that mean ?? If he has Gods spirit in him why did he avenge America and not forgive? Its like America says one thing and sends out a message that Jesus Christ is their Lord etc, but the self same nation accounts for like 90% of the sin today. Seems a harsh judgement but do you know most of the porn comes from USA? And every dollar bill has small traces of coke on it? States largest consumer of drugs? It all continues to add up and up and remeber God is not mocked, but when your singing Jesus on your lips while doing MAJOR sin you think your not mocking God?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:41 PM
Ok best link I have found. Read the listed points that it applies to America:

Who else can Mystery Babylon be then? Will there be time for another nation or power to get as rich as the states before the end of this age?

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Feeling United Kingdomish, eh? Never heard that one before.

How do you all feel about the US need for dominance? Do you see the EU ever siding against the USA?

I can see France with Mad Jacque Chirac, possibly some attention seeking non Nato countries and maybe some of the less loyal NATO countries (france being an example of one) having designs such as this, but UK, Denmark etc. will still be with the US

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by TruthStrgnrThanFiction
ok i think i have to get my facts straight. I had read somewhere that America goes back to Ancient Greece, being a female name. I stand corrected.

The whole basis for my opinon is this:

1) God says himself in the bible that he will predict the very end, perfectly..and he does this from the beginning..then he will bring about the end in a way that when its over no one can say they knew etc etc, its a credibility thing i think. Like when God says something is going to happen it always does but often not the way people think. (our ways are not his etc) Take Jesus Christ. The Jewish leaders who had full access to the scriptures didnt recognise the messiah.

2) America is the most powerful nation of ALL time. No one can even come close. And it amassed and gained its power in a # short time compared to all the others.I just cant see God not mentioning the most powerful nation of all time.Esp when you think of it as its not only USA wealth in one area, USA dominates in so many other things and its beamed out all over the world.The very way of life and culture of the states has been exported.

Thing is that you cant approach the bible with pre conceived thoughts or ideas , you cant apply what you want and go and try find it in the bible. you gotta read it and look around. not the other way around. People dont want to hear about the destruction of their country, esp if its the greatests, most proud of all time.

The spiritual side to it accounts for EVERY nail in the coffin, because if you look at Sodom etc they pissed God off due to their behaviour and God took them out , but they werent preaching to the world about following God, and sending out missionaries etc. Thats what the States does, they preach Jesus but do they turn the other cheek? Bush a born againer? wtf does that mean ?? If he has Gods spirit in him why did he avenge America and not forgive? Its like America says one thing and sends out a message that Jesus Christ is their Lord etc, but the self same nation accounts for like 90% of the sin today. Seems a harsh judgement but do you know most of the porn comes from USA? And every dollar bill has small traces of coke on it? States largest consumer of drugs? It all continues to add up and up and remeber God is not mocked, but when your singing Jesus on your lips while doing MAJOR sin you think your not mocking God?

Heh. I approach the Bible like every other work of fiction I encounter. Interesting story, but of dubious historical accuracy. It amazes me that some one who's username is what yours is does not realize the difference.... Sorry, I couldn't resist that jab.

Seriously though, using the Bible to prove anything only works on people who, like you, believe in it.

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 05:18 PM
for god sake poeple the UK is in the european union

they only using the US for for a strong voice in the EU

posted on Apr, 24 2004 @ 06:27 PM
firsty after about 70 post of saying the same thing "the uk is not just england " y the (V) do u lot not get it !
secondly what are u on about the uk is only using the US as much as id like to believe that (not much) we're not we are allies, amiegos ,copines,comardes brothers in arms
thirdly why would we wanna join wi the EU they only care about screwing up our farmers!

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 05:12 AM
Ambient Sound

Can I give you one single example of Biblical prophecy that has happened on the exact date it was predicted to happen more than 2000 years before??

The creation of the state of isreal??? from nothing?? a state that had not existed for thousands of years has now come about?? Without this state none of the other predicted end times events could happen. Now ISreal is here once again...a sign that we are nearing the end of the times of the gentiles ..the end of this age...or is it just a coincidence?

Thats just one example. If you do a search of fullfilled biblical prophecy you will find out that what the bible has predicted has actually happened and 70% of it is yet to happen but will. The bible is 90% prophecy.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:13 AM
It is so sick that so many of you are damn paranoid. As if the EU would ever go ballistic against the USA. Or China against the USA, or even Russia. Ahhh.

You damn freaks! Get a damn life, what is wrong with you guys? Watching too many movies, lost contact to reality? Jesus, frustrating! Sick sick sick.

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