posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 12:03 PM
Congratulations Fox, Glenn Beck and the tea parties
Obama is securing a second term.
How do I know this?
In 1997, Britain elected Tony Blair as their Prime Minister, a centre-left politician. The Conservative party suffered their worse loss in history,
their reaction was immediately to vacate to the right.
Socialism, socialism, socialism was their chant. Blair response was simple, he moved and located himself on the centre ground - which was free because
the Conservatives were so far to the right. Blair won another landslide in 2001.
Even though the British moderate voting block didn't agree with Labour, Britain did not want a right wing government. The British conservative party
should have won the 2005 election, but lost because of an extremely right wing manifesto.
Present time: America. All these protests, condemnations and criticisms against Obama are labelled as "conservative" or "right wing", moderate
America does not come into the fold. Obama can easily communicate to the moderate voters, who will feel isolated by the right.
As long as the Republicans believe America is a conservative country, the Democrats are guaranteed power until the right finally wake up. If not, one
party state until the foreseeable future.
[edit on 15-4-2009 by infinite]