posted on May, 16 2004 @ 12:48 AM
Originally posted by iceofspades
I had this discussion in my theology class and no one seemed to honestly be able to answer it;
Does God create handicapped people?
Consider this.
Think about all of the people who are touched by that persons challenge in life. The workers who help them, and watch them grow, extending thier own
heart out to someone who needs to be assisted. The family who loves this person, this person themselves who grows up facing many unique challenges.
Many many lives are touched and hearts are opened, minds too, by people with handicaps.
Are they suffering? Many times no, they are happy with themselves.
Being one who has worked with physically/mentally challenged adults for years, and feeling the happiness and wonder in thier day to day lives, and
knowing that my own job was much more than just a paycheck with a higher meaning to it, I can honestly say that these people are a blessing and much
can be learned from working with them. It is not gods fault or punishment. It is a blessing to all those who are in contact with them.