posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 04:46 AM
Hi there, new to this site...and i must say, i really love what i see here. Like REALLY!
For those that are knowledgeable about The X Files, you might remember the cigerette smoking man once had one of his stories published in Roman A
Clef, under the name Raul Bloodworth. Well, say hello to raul bloodworth!
Im in my late 20's, im from Sydney, Australia. I go to University, studying IT.
And what led me to this website??? - My fascination/passionate interest in all things aliens and space...when will their existence be confirmed? When
will an official public appearance take place (and with which government orchestrating it?) What will our future relationship be like with them? I
would really like to know!
Anywho, just thought i would say hi
[edit on 15-4-2009 by raul bloodworth]