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Timeline to 2012 by Ivan "Evon" Stein

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Timeline to 2012 by Ivan "Evon" Stein

This video explores the timeline of events leading up to December 21, 2012. Topics of discussion include: the next Ice Age, Galactic Equator, Mayan Calendar, Future Prophecy, Conscious Evolution, and how to prepare for the upcoming events. This is not all about doom and gloom! The silver lining for the future will be discussed in detail along with what you can do to prepare materially, physically, and consciously. This presentation correlates scientific data with ancient historic records, current events, and prophecy. A Timeline of events between today and Dec. 21, 2012 will be outlined including: Economic Depression, WWIII, North American Union, Martial Law, Mass Chaos, Geophysical Changes, and the New World Consciousness. This is not about Armageddon, but it does involve an understanding of past and future Cataclysmic and Catastrophic events.«
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:32 PM
Hiya ATS
This is my first post so take it easy on me
. I have been lurking for a few weeks, I came across the above video today and did an ats search on this guy for more info but came up empty. Anyways I find this to be one of the easiest 2012 theories to understand, they guy does a very good job backing up all of his points. I am just looking for other peoples thoughts on this video and any criticism of it is most welcome
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:36 PM
awww crap, this landed in the wrong forum, my apologies
I meant for it to be in the 2012 area if a mood can fix it that would be great

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:40 PM
"next Ice Age, Galactic Equator, Mayan Calendar, Future Prophecy, Conscious Evolution"- All of this is suppose to happen before 2012? LOL well it better get on the ball!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:32 PM
I'm halfway through it, I LOVE IT.

It's all gloom and doom, terror, shock and awe.

He speaks calmly of it though, almost like telling a Nun to walk down the projects and saying, well it might be ok, but you have to walk through them.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:17 PM
I'm listening to the video now while I work. I'm only 8 minutes in, and what he's said so far is plausible. Isn't it funny how so many people have come up with the same date in our future that is expected to hold important events for mankind.

I want to put forth another idea that parallels Stein's cyclic view of history. If you haven't heard of Terence McKenna, here is some information you might find interesting. I just posted most of this on another thread and felt it was valid here as well.

As we approach 2012, the entire human experience of time, life, existence, etc is speeding up and getting crazier and crazier. Whether higher-ups planned all this, or chaos and complexity are accelerating, I have found one thing about the human experience to be absolutely true: history repeats certain 'themes' via a fractal process. The current theme is revolution.

Cycles of the same 'themes' of experience repeat in the same order over and over throughout human history, however each cycle happens quicker than the one prior. These cycles began as epochs in length, and now they only last a few years. This idea was developed by Terence McKenna and is referred to as Novelty Theory (Timewave Zero). A few other that have put porth similar ideas are Gregg Braden and Jose Arguelles.

See the comparisons below.


We are currently at the end of the 67.29 year cycle (see my signature for the exact location). Here is another image illustrating the spiral overlay contributing to the repetitive nature of our experience.


Below are screenshots from the Timewave program showing our current place on the graph. This first image shows April 17 (the peak we're currently ascending).


I'll now take you back in time to each instance the pattern emerged in history. The first shows our current position is equal to that of 1776 (the American Revolution, founding of the Bavarian Illuminati), hence the theme of 'revolution' and 'upheaval.'


And these take you even further back:



Likewise, this takes you into the future to the next time we experience an even more highly compressed version of now - November 30, 2011.


And the one that follows that is December 20, 2012 (10:08pm):


So as you can see, if this graph does accurately represent the entire historical human experience (which I believe it does - it's all there), then it explains why we percieve things to be so crazy right now. Novelty, chaos, perceptions of change, expectations of change, stress, technological progress, speed of information, communication, awareness - it's all accelerating, and will continue to do so until infinite compression is reached. Once that happens, no one can tell what life will be like. It's beyond our capability of knowing.

Aside from the Mayan long count calendar ending, this I believe is the definitive 2012 prediction. Everything else is on the level of Nostrodamus riddles and scary stories. This is what's happening, and we all feel it.

If you're interested, you can have a look at my thread on the subject: Timewave Zero - a closer look.

Here are a few videos I put together on the subject as well. The first a timelapse sequence of screenshots mapping 2009.

And here is a little video where McKenna speaks about time acceleration (I uploaded one to ATS Media, but it was a bit jumpy):

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:26 PM
I noticed that he doesn't state where he plans on going. Greedy bastard.

I have never seen the Mayan evolution of consciousness before, interesting stuff. Same as what Evasius was talking about.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:47 AM
finishing the video now -- I appreciate the fact that he's coming from a perspective of spiritual potentialities of enlightenment, without ignoring the current societal events as well as the predictions about the control grid's upcoming moves..

can't seem to find a website or blog on this guy, which is curious.....

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:02 AM
I have a question for I.Stein...
Shifting pole scenario is in fact magnetism theory (possible happend).... How not anybody tell us why happening with Moon? Is a huge magnet, and magnetic influence I believe is important, and also position arround the Earth... So Moon go away?, crashing Earth? or have more or not influence anything in this case.
In my opinion is too much factors witch scientists ignore or new factors appears (earthquake, volcano, radiation,...) and nothing is sure. Go where for salvation? It is unpredictible, so make your life day, month, year, years.... not matters

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:12 AM
I am watching this 2012 stuff with much interest, not so much because I think something remarkable will happen.. more of a morbid curiosity to see what the diehards are going to do when not a damn thing happens. Also, what are the multiple gravy trains making 100,000's of dollars on 2012 prophecy going to go after next?

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 06:51 AM
Any one else notice the subliminal book sales crap?

Its one frame 8:56 and 8:57 and again after 9:18 in the video posted in the first post. Conveniently either side of when he talks about the book.

He's just lost alot of his credibility with me.


posted on Jun, 2 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by who-me?
Any one else notice the subliminal book sales crap?

It looks more like poor editing or some sort of glitch in the video, because as you can probably see, it happens alot throughout the presentation - the video freezes but the audio continues playing. And it appears to happen alot when an attempt is made to show full screen images like graphs etc and the cover of his book also of course.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:07 PM
I love how he basically says, I don't care which doomsday scenario you subscribe to, I'm just going to concentrate on the scientific and historical data made available and not focus on the religious aspects of it (only enough to compare similar events occuring across the board)

why is no one else talking about this?!

It's all so logical.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by who-me?

You know, you see this a lot. It's happened so often that people try to capitolize on others fears, that EVERY time we see dollar $ign$ we have become automatically conditioned to assume 'fraud' or 'scam'. I have an alternate theory here...

If you watched enough, you know that he sold EVERYthing - he is not materialistic.

He's doing us a favor: in the form of a HELL of a lot of research. He'd like to help any of us who are willing to take the time to listen to his theories.

Again, he's doing US a favor. He has made a startling revelation here. Now, He's trying to (perhaps he feels obligated) do everything he can to disperse this information as far and wide as possible, using any means necessary. Some of those means come at an expense, why should HE be expected to fund the whole thing himself?!

Just sayin'.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:13 PM
One last thought - the necessity and evidence for every other popular 'conspiracy theory' on this website can be attributed to this guy's findings!

Save the UFO/ET phenomenon: which begs the question - how will their presence and perhaps involvement help or change things, if his theory is correct? Or the unspoken technologies clearly made available to our gub'ment, if you're not on board with Aliens.

[edit on 12/20/2009 by SquirrelNutz]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
I am watching this 2012 stuff with much interest, not so much because I think something remarkable will happen.. more of a morbid curiosity to see what the diehards are going to do when not a damn thing happens. Also, what are the multiple gravy trains making 100,000's of dollars on 2012 prophecy going to go after next?

I have a feeling you're the one who is going to be surprised when something DOES happen.

You know, it's really funny to me, how the masses can be so obtuse - we recognize that the universe is a violent place - stars are born all the time, stars die all the time, cosmic objects collide all the time, cosmic objects influence one another all the time through gravity, radiation, etc - why is everyone so quick to dismiss that EARTH could be affected by outside forces just as all other stellar entities, especially considering that the evidence is there that we've been impacted BEFORE! Jesus... Wake UP!**
[hnmmmm, I think I just created a new thread - brb]

Did you even WATCH the video(s)? I'm going to go ahead and assume 'No' since if you had, the SCIENCE (read that again) will tell you that something is coming.

I am not a religious person, but did it ever occur to anyone that the stories of the Bible just might actually be TRUE for scientific reasons!?

Quit burying your heads, people.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:14 PM
I must admit this presentation opened my eyes quite a lot. This guy seems genuine and some of his information co-insides with David Wilcox (not that I think this is the place to talk about him). But he was saying the planets in our Solar System are warming up too. There is also evidence that there has been pole shifts before on Earth,

Also it is believed that the earth looked like the picture below with one continent called pangea, so what is to stop the earth’s crust reconfiguring to form and destroy continents.

all the images are taken from Book 2 of the open university S104 exploring science course book.


[edit on 29-12-2009 by gareth01422]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:21 PM
I have just watched this enthralling presentation and I am totally amazed by the amount of investigation that this guy put into it

This explains more about global warming than any politician could ever do.

This is a real eye opener. I would head to the hills, but they aint safe. I will just have to wait for the inevitable to happen, and wish all you survivors the best of luck.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 08:31 PM
Ok lets look at some points from this guy -

The video was from 11/9/2008

1) He postulates that "next year" will be universal depression

2) WW3 will (maybe start) next year

3) The NAU and the Amereuro "will be in place" before 2010

Did i miss something happening this year?

Like all prophets - trying to tag dates has a slight problem.

He's got a bit of a catch all approach - fair play to him for trying - but id love a reverse angle on the size of the audience - Id reckon about 20 people in total.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Silk
Ok lets look at some points from this guy -

The video was from 11/9/2008

1) He postulates that "next year" will be universal depression

2) WW3 will (maybe start) next year

3) The NAU and the Amereuro "will be in place" before 2010

Did i miss something happening this year?

Like all prophets - trying to tag dates has a slight problem.

He's got a bit of a catch all approach - fair play to him for trying - but id love a reverse angle on the size of the audience - Id reckon about 20 people in total.
nobody expected him to predict what will happen precisely in 2010? he just informed us the future events with serious back up,it's up to you to believe

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