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Mystery expert at ground zero

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:52 PM
yes they have a montage of these actors who pretend to be a regular person inserted into their special ops just like this a-hole.Of course they think we are the dumbest critters as well,and we are.there is one about a postman actor too who was a witness and was shown in commercial as a post man. sickening."dues to structual failure of jet fuel melting steel it just fell down nice n purty like"

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:21 PM
You guys are right. He looks exactly like I would dress someone if I wanted them to look like someone on the streets of new york. Lets give him a baseball cap cuz lotsa people wear those. And of course we want him to look like a righteous American so lets give him something with an eagle on it. I know. How about a Harley shirt? Yeah. American product with an eagle on it. And jeans. Everybody wears jeans. But lets make sure he’s clean. Wouldn’t want him to look like a bum. People wouldn’t believe him. And of course he has to sound intelligent. Yeah. He has to sound like he has an AMAZING GRASP OF THE OBVIOUS.

Some of you people amaze me.
I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall.
But then again. Maybe I’m a plant. It could happen.

BTW. Rob has been promoted to Lt. Colonel. But you didn’t hear that from me.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Grimst-ad
Some of you people amaze me.
I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall. But then again. Maybe I’m a plant. It could happen.

I don't think you're really being honest with yourself.

Buildings globally collapsing from fire is not a common occurrence, when was the last one you saw, excepting 9-11 of course? Thinking that the least probable cause for the collapses is what a random guy on the street would come up with is ridiculous. Let alone it being the same LIE that the government coughed up.
Buildings globally collapsing from fire is not the obvious choice.

In fact the first thing that REAL witnesses, fire crews, reporters etc., that were there, thought was....roll of drums please...BOMBS.
Go check it out...

And yes you're a plant, I suggest some miracle grow...

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Well the no reply, dead silence on Riggles part speaks VOLUMES.

Also since the "real Harly guy has never shown up EVER since that interview, (why didnt he do any other interviews, I mean he was spot on?).

Cause you can't go to the well too many times thats why.

Sheesh those pictures of Riggle in Iraq, and the Harley guy are taken nearly 6+ years apart, yet, he wears the same style hat, and looks almost exactly the same. It's uncanny.

If Harley man is not Riggle. Either Riggle needs to adress this (unless he's dead already), or the Harley man(which I believe is as real as Santa Claus) needs to stand up and say hey it was me.

I can't wait to see the terrible stand in they use. After seeing the Bin Laden fake....

Also the amount of dis info, and thread derailing , is noticibly increasing within the last 3 pages, which means.....

Yep you guessed it. We are onto something.

Keep this thread alive and hound this guy.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Grimstad
He has to sound like he has an AMAZING GRASP OF THE OBVIOUS.

An amazing grasp of the obvious is not always a sign of intelligence, after all, magicians rely on the tendancy of people to have an amazing grasp of the obvious.

I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall.

Do you mind saying where you were when you saw them?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Nola213

I still can't get to the block of Fox coverage on suspected to contain the Harley Man interview. I believe the segment has been removed from the server.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

I think youre mistaken.
That guy sounds and looks nothing like the guy from the daily show.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:15 AM
I think it would be quite a good idea to find out what happened to Riggle AFTER 9/11 too. When he came back from active service...what jobs did he get? And maybe even more telling...who were the emloyers? What connections did he have. How did his rise to fame come about? I am not american so I have never heard of Riggle but it sounds as if his TV career took a "swift" upturn. If it is Riggle he would be rewarded "for his service to the cause" in curious ways.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by Odessy
I think youre mistaken.
That guy sounds and looks nothing like the guy from the daily show.

Wow. It's nice to have you on the forum Mr. Riggle.

Tell me. When you were young, were you like Dick Cheney growing up, aspiring to be Benedict Arnold?

(Just kidding.)

Although I think it's worth pointing out that I myself look and sound nothing like the guy I was eight years ago.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by Grimstad
He has to sound like he has an AMAZING GRASP OF THE OBVIOUS.

An amazing grasp of the obvious is not always a sign of intelligence, after all, magicians rely on the tendancy of people to have an amazing grasp of the obvious.

I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall.

Do you mind saying where you were when you saw them?

I was standing in a coffee shop in Woodinville Washington watching on a big screen TV.
And when I saw them fall, I never for 1 second thought anybody blew it up.
I understand that jet fuel burns very hot. It probably burns hotter than any material in that building.
And I also understand how those buildings are put together. I work in the ceiling spaces of office buildings all the time. I know theres only a handful of big bolts holding those floors to the outside supports. And you don’t have to melt steel to make it fail. When you heat it, it looses its temper and gets softer. Not melt, just softer. And there are very specific strengths required to hold it all together. When 1 beam goes it loads any adjacent beams. And when those beams fail it loads the floor below. And it’s a chain reaction that can happen very fast. And floors are not that strong. They are usually a heavy corrugated steel (not plate steel), with a relatively thin (up to a foot or so but usually 2 to 6 inches) layer of concrete. I quite often have to have holes cored for the work I do. They are only strong enough to support all the furniture and people that occupy that floor at any given time. Drop a few hundred pounds on a floor and you can feel it probably up to 100 feet away or more. Those buildings are made to sway in the wind. They bend and flex LATERALLY. They aren’t made to flex up and down. Drop 20 stories of building 24 to45 feet (the height of 2 to 3 floors) and it is going to max all the supports it loads onto. And the chain reaction is on. Now I don’t remember if I was thinking about that before they fell but when they did, I had no problem understanding why they did. And nobody had to explain it to me.

EDIT And I can think of at least 2 other actors that look like that guy. One is the guy who plays Matt on Heroes and the other is a character actor that I have seen in a couple series. If I could think of what I'd seen him in I could probably pull his picture or at least his name off the net. But he looks just like him.

Correction. It wasn't a coffe shop. It was a diner that didn't open till lunch. The guy opening up let us come in and watch and made us coffee. I was working a job site a couple stores over and I had the luxury of being able to hang out for a couple hours.
[edit on 17-4-2009 by Grimstad]

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Grimstad]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 07:41 AM
Just because he's an actor, it doesn't mean it wasn't a real witness report from him?

Yeah it's a bit suspicious..but I'm not sure?

Also I thought that most people assumed it collaped because of fire at the time.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 07:50 AM

posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by Griff

SPreston said the interview was at 9:40 but he didn't say AM or PM. I'm beginning to wonder if it was in the evening. I'm going to check that out when I finish the current block I am watching.

I had it relayed to me that it was about 9:40 (But that guy lives in a later time zone) and apparently live with Rick Levanthal. Obviously it had to be after the South Tower collapse at 9:59 or perhaps after the North Tower collapse at 10:28. I remember seeing the Harley Davidson guy skit the first time on the morning of 9-11 (my time zone was one hour behind New York) and repeated later in the morning on other stations. Since it wasn't dark, it had to be morning, assuming this info is accurate. Obviously there was a recorded feed, of the South Tower explosion which happened earlier at 9:03, running with the interview.

[edit on 4/17/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by CityIndian

Originally posted by Grimst-ad
Some of you people amaze me.
I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall. But then again. Maybe I’m a plant. It could happen.

I don't think you're really being honest with yourself.

Buildings globally collapsing from fire is not a common occurrence, when was the last one you saw, excepting 9-11 of course? Thinking that the least probable cause for the collapses is what a random guy on the street would come up with is ridiculous. Let alone it being the same LIE that the government coughed up.
Buildings globally collapsing from fire is not the obvious choice.

In fact the first thing that REAL witnesses, fire crews, reporters etc., that were there, thought was....roll of drums please...BOMBS.
Go check it out...

And yes you're a plant, I suggest some miracle grow...

You know nothing about that guy. You have no idea what his level of knowledge is or in what field. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean he doesn't understand.
Real witnesses? You mean people in the heart of the terror? By that logiic the people in the stairwell would be the most relible of all. While I on the other hand had a nice comfy objective view of the whole thing.
And I prefer a nice organic compost.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Grimstad
EDIT And I can think of at least 2 other actors that look like that guy. One is the guy who plays Matt on Heroes and the other is a character actor that I have seen in a couple series. If I could think of what I'd seen him in I could probably pull his picture or at least his name off the net. But he looks just like him.

Do you think you could post URLs to these guys photos on the web? That might be doing Rob Riggle a huge favor, unless he is also the guy that you have seen in these other places, of course.

As far as what you said about how buildings are built and how hot jet fuel burns, I think I'd rather address that in another thread where it wouldn't be straying off topic.

I think the fact that you were so cool and quick to know what was going on might be because you were so far away and relaxing in a coffee shop. Most people on the street outside the towers looked pretty shocked to me and just glad to be alive, except Harley Man of course, who was cool like you and almost happy.

Cool and almost happy. Go figure. Oops, I forgot. We already have gone and figured.

Edit to add: Do you suppose Harley Man's mood could be described as "Dancing Israeli High Five-ish"?

[edit on 17-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by SPreston

I watched everything on the Fox 5, site up to noon. I didn't find him. Most of their footage except for early in the morning is of Washington and the Pentagon.

There is a block in the evening, including 9:40 PM which was not on the server yesterday. There is New York stuff on it. I think Rick Leventhal interviews a man in the next block of coverage after it, so I'm thinking that the Harley Man footage could very well be in the missing block.

The last block from earlier in the day that I watched ended at 1:23. I might methodically go through the other footage as I work on other stuff around the house today to see if I can find an airing of the interview.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Grimstad

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by Grimstad
He has to sound like he has an AMAZING GRASP OF THE OBVIOUS.

An amazing grasp of the obvious is not always a sign of intelligence, after all, magicians rely on the tendancy of people to have an amazing grasp of the obvious.

I had absolutely no problem drawing the same conclusion as I watched them fall.

Do you mind saying where you were when you saw them?

I was standing in a coffee shop in Woodinville Washington watching on a big screen TV.
And when I saw them fall, I never for 1 second thought anybody blew it
Correction. It wasn't a coffe shop. It was a diner that didn't open till lunch. The guy opening up let us come in and watch and made us coffee. I was working a job site a couple stores over and I had the luxury of being able to hang out for a couple hours.
[edit on 17-4-2009 by Grimstad]

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Grimstad]


I knew EXACTLY where I was that day, there's no possible way I could not.

Your admission right there makes you very suspect. How's that Govt. job working out for ya?

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by tezzajw

You're right....except if you'll look, what I'm guilty of is responding directly to another poster who brought up 'free-fall', we're both guilty.

Think of it as an intermezzo while waiting to hear back from Rob Riggle's publicist.

Mr Weedwhacker and fellow ATS'ers:


This is getting more and more suspect by the minute.

Also, any response from other sites? (i.e. Prison Planet, loosechange, etc.)?

[edit on 17/4/09 by MajesticJax]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Come on guys!

"Harley Guy" looks absolutely NOTHING like Riggle.

Riggle has a very distinctive pear shaped head and face:

Harley Guy has a round head and face:

The speculation over who he is grew last month as he was outed as allegedly being Canadian actor, Mark Humphrey:


IMDB page

I'm not saying it's for sure him but it sure looks like him.

He had a big role in the movie "Iron Eagle 2":

Iron Eagle II is a 1988 action film about a joint United States/Soviet task force formed to counter the threat of an unnamed Middle Eastern country.


Iron Eagle II was filmed on location in Israel. Filming locations included the Israeli Air Force base near Haifa, the desert flatlands, the mountains, and the coast of the Dead Sea. Israeli Air Force pilots performed the aerial maneuvers for the film.


I'd say if it IS Mark Humphrey the "coincidence" of the political propagandist nature of this Israeli filmed spy flick is rather telling.

I still haven't seen the flick to compare voices but again, they sure do look alike.

Regardless....there is no way the guy is Riggle.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Craig Ranke CIT]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Craig Ranke CIT

Oh dear! They're gonna eat you alive here, Craig!

But, I think you can handle yourself...

Good find, nice work. Me, I think it's a tempest at a teabagging party...erm, I mean, IN a teapot. (TeeHee...Frat humour).

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:13 PM
ooops sry

[edit on 17-4-2009 by CityIndian]

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