In my opinion, religion is the biggest conspiracy out there.
It has sucked in more people than could ever be counted and killed just as many.
It is so deeply inbedded in all of us, we have all been infected to some degree.
Whatever your beliefs, take a moment and have a listen to the greatest preacher of all times.
You must have heard of him.
What a genius......
He had the ability to let the truth be told and mask the bitterness of deception with the sweet esscence of humor.
It's a shame his work has stopped, thank God for YouTube!!!!!!!
So sad those who spend their whole life telling the truth over and over again, to no avail.
Religion is one of the best sources of control, but I don't think it's a conspiracy. It's too encompassing. People willingly choose to be fooled,
because they can't handle the truth.
It's not a hidden agenda, everyone has heard of it, by now. It's just pathetic excuses not to change. A way out of responsibility. A self denial,
that's all.
BTW, I'm not an atheist. Someone had a thread not too long ago which showed atheists killed more for their views than religious people did throughout
Carlin was the man. He was raised Catholic, and anyone else that was raised Catholic can see where this man was coming from. In his last routine for
HBO, he touched on religion. The man always made a valid argument, and he did it with some humor.
There we go...small typo error.....I will check link works next time!!!!!!
For the record I am not athiest either.
I consider myself to be spiritually enlightened rather than religious.
To me religion equals deception.
It is an escape for the weak................
There are nourishing tidbits in most religions that can be used to better oneself but all in moderation!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope the link works for you now, and as I said before..............
True Christians hate ‘religion’ also as true Christianity is relationship with Christ; ‘religion’ is man conceived methods of drawing close to
God, Jesus is God’s attempt to draw close to man.
Of interest to note on this thread is the fact that the blind hatred of all things Christian was of course foretold by Jesus Himself; I just wonder
why such visceral hate for a Man who died and rose to set all men free.
True Christians aim to be 'Christ' like, NEVER condemning the sinner, just the sin. Remember, it was Christ who condemned the ‘Religious
Leaders’ of His day; even taking a whip to the money changers who had made the Temple a ‘den of thieves’, sort of like the ‘send me your
money’ mega Churches of today.
I know Jesus personally; He physically healed me and set me free, not by some mega personality, but through the POWER of His Word. If you are
interested in seeing the Mathematical PROOF of His Word being from God, just check out “Ivan Panin” on the Internet. In the original languages the
Bible is mathematically PERFECT. That is why I studied Koine Greek, I wanted to find out what the Bible REALLY said. Amazing.
It wasn't about Jesus, but about being the Christ, which is what true Christians aim at, correct?
No, only to be "Christ-like". Not, "being the Christ". There is only one King.
Do not be decieved! As the Sarge said:
Religion and spirituality are two different things.
One is a gift, to be cherished.
The other is mans feeble attempt to understand the infinite.
Or just a feel-good social club!
I am glad you have recovered from your physical ailments.....
I am not having a go here, and I will look online at what you suggested.
I do believe that the bible is a book that was wrote many years ago.
I also believe that many of it's teachings may have been misinterpreted or lost in translation.
Back to the video, did you watch it?? Please let me know what you think..
The reason I adore George is that he is dtraight to the point and explains things is such a way that even the very poorly educated can process.
Religion is a touchy subject I know and maybe I shouldn't have posted this thread..............too late now!!!
Have you heard of Christopher Hitchens?? He wrote a book called God Is Not Great. I think it's another great attempt at putting things in
Anyone else read his work??????????????
What do you think???
I love George Carlin! Its obvious from my posts.
However I dissagree with him in one area,.. God.
I would rather not think we are nothing more than slightly
advanced monkeys, is all. But, from seeing some of the
stupid things we do, I wouldn't be surprised either......
I dig your avatar and name btw!
Bugs is cool! He always has a snappy comeback!
I love his attitude!
(Mel Blanc is still the best!)
"Outside reviews of his work doubt on the value of his findings. A review of his work on the Gospel of Mark suggests that he freely picked and chose
from various alternative readings of manuscripts, and that any patterns he claimed to have found were in fact his own creation. However, Panin used
only one version of the New Testament, the Westcott and Hort Greek edition. Another criticism is that the same kind of numeric patterns can be found
from any text."
This is part of what I found on Wikipedia regarding Ivan.
The numerical patterns arguement allways puts my back up....
Who am I to argue with someone who speaks to Jesus?!
I don't claim such a thing. I do think that Jesus wanted us all to be Christ-like, as he was, but this is just my interpretation.
You speak of religion as if it's synonymous with yoga, or the merging with god. Is this the way you see it? I was speaking about organized religion.
I think my spiritual concept would be close to your religion, but I'm not gonna make an absolute assumption, like others seem to.
From my view you're deceiving yourself. From your view, I'm doing the same. Nowhere to go from here.
George Carlin's a freakin genious! My favorite comedian, and a HUGE part of my life growing up. Raised Catholic, in NYC, I can relate to to him in
alot of ways. I actually cried when he joke. Prolly the only celeb that passed that had an impact on me.
One thing about Carlin is that he was incredibly intelligent, and I don't think there was any other comedian that could have humorously tranlsated
his poilitical thoughts, human nature, and creative beliefs in such a valid, and finessed way! No matter how raw he brought it to an audience, he
always had validity in his point.
And he did it for more than 5 decades!!!!!!
Wish they thought of cloning him istead if Ted Williams....nah....but....
One thing George Carlin WIT!!!!!! WIT WIT WIT!!!!!
I truly miss him.
*please board on the plane*
GC: "F*ck You! I'm getting IN the plane! Let Evil Kenievel get ON the plane!"