posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer
I had to come out of the woodwork and register on ATS, to express my view on this; enough leeching and lurking, so here goes for my 1st post
I think Mandelbrot fractals are halfway there to explaining the Multiverse, but the bigger picture is complete if you also consider the fascinating
world of
Basically, i believe that enclosed resonance constitutes all Ethereal matter. We all exist in a quantum foam and from the E=MC2 equation, energy and
mass have equivalence - they are transmutable and are exactly the same thing.
As mad as it sounds, i believe that mass does not exist as particles of tangible matter; instead mass is just balls of wavelet energy resonating in
its own dimension that we view using our spectral analysers (eyes).
If you could resonate electro-magnetism at some fundamental frequency related to the Golden Ratio and perhaps exacerbate the energies with a few Tesla
coils, then the mysteries of the Universe would show themselves.
This supposition then follows that you should be able to walk through walls. The Pauli Exclusion principle states that quanta's of energy can't
exist in the same energy levels. This is why you would get a bloody nose if you tried to walk through a wall. However, if you were able to wear an EM
suit that resonates localised energy at the Ethereal frequency then maybe, just maybe you could transcend all matter and travel in dimensions where
walls don't become solid.
We are just caveman, each living in a dark cave with a candle. We can all speculate upon what great wonders the cave beholds if we could illuminate
the whole cave but at this moment in evolution, we can all but guess from what our little area of lit cave shows. It is inevitable that one day, one
man / woman will find the light-switch with their candle and thus showing us once and for all, the true beauty of the very womb we have been nurtured
in for a millennium.
We need to stop G'ment control with insidious exploitation of Joe Public and harness star travel to go back to our roots of deep space
Just my 2c worth