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Ark of the Covenant- What is it really?

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:27 AM
Who said athiests cant keep a job?
I suppose thats the kind of opinionated crap, self righteous back slapping I would expect from some government/religious brainwashed sheep.BAAAA BAAAA

Anyways, I had a nice Lamb Roast with the family on Easter Sunday! Which in fact is one of my days off. Although I did work on easter monday at the fine rate of 2.5x normal pay!
So I suppose Christianity is good for something after-all!!!

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:58 AM
Fascinating thread. Haven't had time to read it all, but a while back I made a couple of threads detailing theories I have about the nature of the Ark and its contents:

The Codex, The Grail and the 10 Commandments

Do the Ten Commandments Simply Symbolize DNA?

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

OK so effectively the Knights Templar could have taken the Ark prior to building (or during I guess) Rosslyn. What evidence do we have that the Knights Templar ever stepped foot in Ethiopia?

In Hancock's Sign and the Seal he believes that he found a Templar cross carved into a church there that was hewn out of the rock.
This could be evidence that the Templars had indeed travelled to Ethiopia because of the relief in Chartes which hints at the Ark being taken.

Does anybody else have any research on the Templars possibly travelling to Ethiopia?

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by george_gaz
reply to post by KRISKALI777

OK so effectively the Knights Templar could have taken the Ark prior to building (or during I guess) Rosslyn. What evidence do we have that the Knights Templar ever stepped foot in Ethiopia?

In Hancock's Sign and the Seal he believes that he found a Templar cross carved into a church there that was hewn out of the rock.
This could be evidence that the Templars had indeed travelled to Ethiopia because of the relief in Chartes which hints at the Ark being taken.

Does anybody else have any research on the Templars possibly travelling to Ethiopia?

I have heard of the story of the Templars taking the Ark to Ethopia, but thats about it. I havent seen any research based on it.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by undo

reply to post by undo

understand the holy of holies is your head
the cherubim on the ark are the 2 halves of your brain.
the mercy seat is your third eye -- the seal of God in the forehead.
solomon's temple (a human body template)

Actually this is incorrect.

The temple wherein the ark is placed is of course the most sacred temple of all ... The Temple of Man

The holy of holies is not at all the brain for the wisest of the races, The Ancient Egyptians drew it out through the nose and discarded it as so much garbage and the brain actually stops the feelings from the heart. Yes it is the heart that is the seat of all the wisdom and knowledge, it is the heart that is the Ark of The Covenant and within this most sacred of places, this most holy of holies was placed the most awesome thing ever devised, the thing that could destroy armies and allow you to talk to "god". And this all powerful force that could do anything ... this amazing power was simply and beautifully ... The Truth. And you want the truth Jack Nicloson says, you want the truth ... but most of you wouldn't be able to stand the truth.

Don Barone

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by serbsta

Does anybody else have any research on the Templars possibly travelling to Ethiopia?

I have heard of the story of the Templars taking the Ark to Ethopia, but thats about it. I havent seen any research based on it.

OK so maybe we should start by doing some research on the church in question?

I believe that the church is Church of St. George in Lalibela, however, I would have to double check that in the Sign and the Seal.

In regards to this church some interesting (albeit unsubstantiated) claims come to light:

Further links to both the search by the order for the Ark and to its discovery of ancient secrets of building are supposedly suggested by the existence of the monolithic Church of St. George in Lalibela, Ethiopia, which stands to this day but whose construction is incorrectly attributed to the Knights Templar.

Knights Templar Legends

So we will need to find out more about this church to clairfy Hancock's claims because if this is in fact a Templar building then it will hold serious credibility to the fact that they were in Ethiopia and could have potentially removed the Ark from Axum.
After all, there are many celebrations used as decoys in Ethiopia where they use "fake" arks. The ritual is in place to confuse treasure hunters so maybe they confused the Templar and they left with nothing, or maybe the ritual continues to this day because there are so many fakes that nobody knows which is real

reply to post by huckfinn

I like your idea about the throne. One thing I have always wondered is why it is called a "Mercy Seat". Were people intended to sit on this? If so, why? Because surely the Ark would have vaporised them if they touched it ... or was it a form of redemption? Like throwing witches in the river ... if they float they are a witch, if they drown ... erm well they are not a witch anymore

edit:fix quote

[edit on 14-4-2009 by george_gaz]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:05 AM
I thought the Ark represented the Y chromosome, being part devine (law/word of God) and part mundane (law/word of Man).

The Temple represents the woman, or the body of man. The Ark goes inside the Temple and is housed/clothed by it. The Temple was probably composed of a large center and two wings, representing the Mother and two daughters; the Ark of course was placed in the center portion of the Temple; completing the body of man.

The King is the offspring of this union; the Son. The man who figures it out, is like unto God; the Father.

The Priest is the offspring of the youngest daughter or third part of the temple and the Knight is the offspring of the older daughter. It is in the youngest daughter's wing of the temple where all the abominations are sourced; she's got it bad like that. I think the Dome of the Rock is the one of three parts of an original temple that still exists...the other two parts were razed to the ground. That's how the younger daughter gets down after she murders her family.

The word of God are the laws which govern the universe; the universe is governed by laws is it not? The word of Man are the laws which govern the world; the world is governed by laws is it not?

A throne is the most powerful weapon ever devised. It is the driver of reality and holds it in place. It defeats even nuclear attacks. For the weapons of men to work, the throne has to be brought down first.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by huckfinn]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:15 AM
Vaporized or sanctified? I like the concept! I guess this is yet another question it raises.
In regards to the Templars being in Ethiopia- I'm not sure. I've read that the Ark indeed resided in Axum; I think it was hankocks book. But the correlation of the Ark and ethiopia is a time period long before the templars were known to be existent. We are talking about the days when king Solomon actually lived.
I think I remember the Ark being taken by his son or some relation to Jerusalem, up the nile,for a while at a small island in lake Victoria, stopped at Elephantine, and onwards to Jerusalem.
Inigo Jones ( a real freemason), went to Ethiopia and obtained a text of the Book Of Enoch Circa1800's. From where, not sure. The next copy turned up mainstream with the uncovering of the dead sea scrolls;circa 1994.
Wonder if the keeper of Jones' Enoch was the church at Axum?! Maybe this is a clue to Templar/Ethiopian familiarity?
The mercy seat as a "throne for kings to sit", puts me in mind of the stone that all British monarchs are seated at the time of coronation; which, I think was in fact one of the original lintel stones from New Grange, Ireland-(of grooved-ware heritage)- was given to Scotland, then seized again by England. Enoch was undoubtedly in the British Isles learning the arts of Astronomy from proto-druids.....!!!???

Any thoughts on this??

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by george_gaz

Also, they use fake "ARKS" at Timkat, as only the authorized guardian of the Ark may enter the Inner Sanctum once a year, to be in direct presence of it.
Furthermore, the fake Arks are tablet -like, and maybe attributed to the stone tablet records of the commandments and statutes of the Law; rather than the ARK itself.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by Ahatmose

My gosh. You can attribute this to a lot of things!
How about this scenario: The Ark; is the reproductive organs,
the cheribum are the testis/ovaries;
The Egyptians blowing their noses.........well I will leave that to the imagination!!!

Oh yeah, And the construction of Acacia WOOD surrounded by BEATEN Gold.......Only makes me think of Goldmember- AustinPowers.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:31 AM
Some say it was a battery.

Some say the Israelite Ethiopians have it.

I say who cares.

God will dwell with people who have cleansed the Temple of the Heart.

He's not interested in buildings any more.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

You bring up the British Isles in relation to all of this ... interesting.
I posted a link earlier to a theory stating that Jeremiah brought the Ark to Tara. A possible connection.

In regards to the Templar not being around during the Arks abduction ... that is true but if the Templars did obtain some "knowledge" when residing in Temple Mount then maybe this led them to Ethiopia.
The church in question was built late 13th century I believe and this is a time rife with Templar activity.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by george_gaz

Yeah true man. I think the templars had enough resources behind them to obtain most of their objectives. Lets face it, they were instrumental enough to pull the wool over the eyes of most renaissance authorities, in order to stage elaborate accepted excuses to have a crusade ( but I suppose that was a win-win for them and church!). Templars were eventually excommunicated because of their power and wealth- Phillip IV and Boniface!
In regards to me saying the Templars weren't around during its abduction, I never said that. I was saying that it may be in Ethiopia- It is said to have been taken to Axum to be hidden, after the fall of the Temple.
WHICH abduction are you speaking of?
I reckon its been moved a few times, to keep it hidden, maybe it went to Tara as well! I havent heard that point but am interested to know more.
Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, give an interesting perspective in their book The Hiram Key.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
But the correlation of the Ark and ethiopia is a time period long before the templars were known to be existent.

Oh right ok, my bad, I must have just misunderstood what you were getting at.

Yeah the Tara theory is relatively interesting but not really for me.

Here it is if you wish to take a look. Feel free to post your thoughts, I would be interested in hearing your take on the idea.
When I first read this idea a long time ago, I was not convinced, mainly due to the interpretation of the "hieroglyphs" which just looked like a scribbled mess to me


[edit on 14-4-2009 by george_gaz]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:06 AM
it's not a magic chest.

it's your skull.
the wings are the sphenoid bones.
mt. sinai is the "sinuses" plural.
the "tent" of the tabernacle = tentorium cerebelli.
The tentorium of the cerebellum is the tent-like portion of the dura mater, the outermost of the three membranous connective tissue coverings of the brain

holy = hole-ey the holes in our head.. the ventricles that fill with kundalini when we break the waters from the stone of our "sacrum" when we resist orgasm during sex.

it's activated using byssus.. the same threadlike hyphae that falls from modern day clouds as "fiery serpents." (mogellons)

the "washbasin" is the third ventricle.

the grail isn't an actual cup either.
it's the uterus.

you can look at all these legends with the mind of a child and imagine the superficial descriptions of a gold box..and wonder about their magical powers...


you can read between the lines and see the intellectual diagramatical instructions as to how to re-arrange your genome (the word)
into one that is able to embody the holy spirit.
thus creating the new jerusalem as the human body. .the kingdom as the experience through a new body of higher perception and immortality... one that is in constant linkage with the universal consciousness and the creator/creative source.

but yeah.. old fancy gold chests are fun to think about in indiana jones movies lol..


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:14 AM
After watching Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory , there is a part where he is also discussing the ark. His work really made me change my perception of things. He is talking about that it could be a crystal structure, with the fundamental geometry of the structure of the vaccuum of space. the 64 tetrahedron grid. you should really check it out, althoug it's the longest lecture i've seen so far ( 8 hours, incredible, a-must-have-seen-one-


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:48 AM
The reason that I do not believe in all of the spirtual mumbo jumbo and think that the ark is a physical item:

How the hell did they know back in those days (and yes they had a lot of knowledge, do not get me wrong, I am not saying they were primitive or stupid) all of these intricate parts of the anatomy?
How did they know the pineal gland does all that it does now?
How did they know about this part of the brain, that part of the brain, water bits bursting when you orgasm.

To me ... I just don't believe that they had that kind of anatomical knowledge to be able to create these cryptic stories to represent the human body.

Correct me if I am wrong, I do not know what their anatomical/biological science was like back then but I highly doubt it was to the level that you are thinking.
I mean come on, the pineal gland (which I have heard mentioned in relation to the ark) is hard enough to find (no jokes please lads) as it is being a small gland in the brain let alone them knowing what it does .....

You may only be thinking like that and making those connections because we have those answers now, due to science.

mt. sinai is the "sinuses" plural.
the "tent" of the tabernacle = tentorium cerebelli.
The tentorium of the cerebellum is the tent-like portion of the dura mater, the outermost of the three membranous connective tissue coverings of the brain

holy = hole-ey the holes in our head.. the ventricles that fill with kundalini when we break the waters from the stone of our "sacrum" when we resist orgasm during sex.

All of that, you are making those correlations using the English language, but was that the same in ancient hebrew?

[edit on 14-4-2009 by george_gaz]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by george_gaz

Excerpt Book 3; Herodotus Histories

"...whereupon he asked what the Persian king was wont to eat, and to what age the longest-lived of the Persians had been known to attain. They told him that the king ate bread...adding that eighty years was the longest term of man's life among the Persians. Hereat he remarked, "It did not surprise him, if they fed on dirt, that they died so soon...

The Icthyophagi then in their turn questioned the king concerning the term of life, and diet of his people, and were told that most of them lived to be a hundred and twenty years old, while some even went beyond that age- they ate boiled flesh, and had for their drink nothing but milk."

It's not reasonable to assume that modern knowledge of the human body is superior to what was known in remote antiquity. Americans die in their 70s and the long lived Japanese last until their 80s. If the selection from Herodotus above is to be believed we'd both be considered to die young compared to the Ethiopians 2500 years ago.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by george_gaz
The reason that I do not believe in all of the spirtual mumbo jumbo and think that the ark is a physical item:

How the hell did they know back in those days (and yes they had a lot of knowledge, do not get me wrong, I am not saying they were primitive or stupid) all of these intricate parts of the anatomy?
How did they know the pineal gland does all that it does now?
How did they know about this part of the brain, that part of the brain, water bits bursting when you orgasm.

To me ... I just don't believe that they had that kind of anatomical knowledge to be able to create these cryptic stories to represent the human body.

Correct me if I am wrong, I do not know what their anatomical/biological science was like back then but I highly doubt it was to the level that you are thinking.
I mean come on, the pineal gland (which I have heard mentioned in relation to the ark) is hard enough to find (no jokes please lads) as it is being a small gland in the brain let alone them knowing what it does .....

You may only be thinking like that and making those connections because we have those answers now, due to science.

mt. sinai is the "sinuses" plural.
the "tent" of the tabernacle = tentorium cerebelli.
The tentorium of the cerebellum is the tent-like portion of the dura mater, the outermost of the three membranous connective tissue coverings of the brain

holy = hole-ey the holes in our head.. the ventricles that fill with kundalini when we break the waters from the stone of our "sacrum" when we resist orgasm during sex.

All of that, you are making those correlations using the English language, but was that the same in ancient hebrew?

[edit on 14-4-2009 by george_gaz]

possibly the anatomic references were meant for modern man.. man when he was able to descipher it.
and has now done so since he has the knowledge enough to.

you're asking" ho'wd they know about that back then" .. ho'wd who?
the people writing the bible? or the peole quoting a higher intelligence?
maybe the people who were quoted .. DIDN'T know what they were talking about..

but what I'm talking about is when the "LORD" (governing body or central higher intelligence) told the character "moses".. about the ark.

and the translations are partly named and renamed properly as history filters up

I'm not here to convince you.. just putting it out there for anyone else who's actually researching truth to find and aid in their quest.


posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by serbsta

a point of view to consider.....

The Arc of the Covenant is a Time Portal passage between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy that was created 840,000 years ago by Guardian Races.

The Arc of the Covenant, part of the Kristiac Network, is also Known as the Arc Auto-pilot Emergency Override Mechanism.

It was used to store and protect the Sphere of Amenti until the Sphere could be returned to Earth's core.

The Arc allowed the Sphere of Amenti to descend from Andromeda when Earth' core reached a high enough vibration rate.

Races of the 3rd Seeding were birthed into flesh through the Arc of the Covenant. Arc was originally called Arch of the Covenant of Palaidor, denoting the Palaidorian Covenant through which the Amenti Rescue Mission was begun 550 million years ago.

(Voyagers II – Page 444)

A portal passage between D2 Earth and D9 Andromeda (USG-9) system that was created by Emerald Guardian Groups 840,000 years ago to enable the 3rd seeding of the Angelic Humans lineage on Earth.

The "Ark of the Covenant Big Gold Box" that has been part of humanity's legendary heritage and for which many have quested from ancient times, is a large box that was created after the 9558BC fall of Atlantis to house the radioactive "Rod and Staff" star gate/portal opening tools.

Both the Arc (think electrical "arc") and the Ark (think "gold box") are real tangible, physical terms.

Knowledge of the Arc passage and the Ark Box Star Gate Tools was intentionally hidden by various competing factions of Fallen Angelics-directed Leviathan-Illuminati of Earth, in order to allow them to continue their Arc passage dominion quest secretly, unbeknownst to the masses.

(See: Kristiac Network)

(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 01)

The "Arc of the Covenant" or the "Arc Zone" is a Divine Blue Print-sealed hologram-within a hologram, which exist as a frequency modulation area within the Void (magnetic repulsion zone) between the Universal-Veca and Ecka systems.

When matter forms "enter the Arc of the Covenant" or the "Arc Zone" they seem to "disappear" from the manifest territories of their original hologram as they enter the frequency shelter of the Arc of the Covenant through "wearing the Golden Fleece".

(The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 02)

In the event of interdimensional politics reaching a point where there was a potential threat to the integrity of the God-worlds, God-Source created an in-built override system called the Arc of Covenant.

(See: Arc Seal Release 4-Stanz Code Sequence)

This override system is also known as the Arc Auto-pilot Emergency Override Mechanism and it can prevent any portion of Earth and its related planetary systems that contain activated Shield of the Arc Codes to prevent Black Hole fall during a Stellar Activation Cycle.

In response to the activation of powerful anti-Christiac currents into our Earth and related Universe, the Arc Auto-pilot Emergency Override System was automatically upgraded to trigger what is called a Level-6 opening of the Arc of the Covenant.

The Arc of the Covenant will now be transmitting frequencies from the levels closest to God-Source known as the Eckasha-Aah Universe.

The energy life-force current associated with this level of Arc opening is referred to as the Double Eckasha-Aah 13th Pillar and this Pillar began activating within Earth’s shields on May 27 2003.

Because of these events, the Guardian Alliance introduced Earth races to the Arc Seal Release Codes and the Cosmic Krist Arc of the Covenant Codes. The four Stanz Arc Codes were introduced in November 2002 so we would have the opportunity to activate them into our own and Earth’s DNA templates.

These codes enable activation, during the transmission of the 13th Pillar frequencies, of the Arc of the Covenant Golden Fleece Buffer Field which is a highly specialised protection shield.

The Golden Fleece Buffer Zone is a protection zone, an impermeable “force field” containing a mixture of frequencies from Dimensions 8, 12 and 14 that correspond to the colour spectrums of gold, pale silver and pale yellow-gold respectively.

Activation of the specialized mathematical-geometrical Shield Program of the Arc of the Covenant, which is known as the Shield of the Arc scalar-shield program, is required for a universe, galaxy, star, planet or person to gain entry into the Arc of the Covenant Arc Zone.

The Arc Zone is a half-step in frequency, a ‘half-way house’, between the frequency bands of the Veca Universe, in which we currently find ourselves, and the Ecka, the first level of the God Worlds.

The Shield of the Arc program exists as a set of specialized Keylon Codes that are calibrated precisely to the Arc Zone and passage. The specialized (Keylon) Codes of the Arc collectively form a Shield-within-a-Shield that is called the Shield of the Arc.

(See: Arc Seal Release 4-Stanz Code Sequence)

( - Shield of the Arc of the Covenant Codes section)

The Polarian Matrix and Arc of the Covenant Interface Networks allow the intensive restorative Helio-THERMAL frequencies of Starburst to gently down-step and modulate into harmonious co-resonance with the specific frequency signatures of the systems to which the Networks are connected.

The above information was taken directly from the azurite press website. Copywrite of Speakers, Founders and Trustees of APMCEO® A’sh-yana Deane, A’zha-yana Deane & Mary Anne Callaway. Copywrite permission has been granted by the Azurite Press®. Copywrite permission or reproductions does not represent the Azurite Press® approval, sponsorship or endorsement of this website and its contents, views and opinions.

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