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A Letter To President Obama

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posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

many government offcials had came forward with information regarding UFO/ET. these people are grown men and women who have served in the right branches, therefore, they have access to the materials they have disclosed verbally and are willing to testify before congress. despite this, the general public still do not accept them as facts but see them as merely claims or opinions said therein.
this might be hard to believe but we ( hardcore believer) represent a ridiculously small percentage of the population, because of this, even if we all wrote letters to the president asking for classified information to be release, it would only be disregarded and laughed at.
be reminded that information such as the ones you're asking for are sensitive materials and may compromise national security for whatever reasons it may be.
until that day when we all look up and see a huge spaceship hovering overhead, or aliens greeting us all door to door, intergalactic war being fought on earth, aliens hijacking all our beloved channels the majority will stay quiet when it comes to this subject.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:15 AM
i think that we do need to know and i think that obama should be the one to let us in on the knowledge of ET's, UFO's etc. but i think that it is going to take more than just one letter. if we are going to get anything out of him we need to crack down on this thing hardcore. i def. support this and what your doing. peace!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Our "little friends" are not really that inacessable are they.

Why is the government needed as a go between.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Easily THE reason (to the extent there's only one) there hasn't been Disclosure (which, let's face it, would really result in Contact, which is far bigger than just Disclosure) is because of religions. Too many people are more addicted to whatever religion than the worst heroin junkies in the history of the universe. "ET" would OR WILL throw their entire worldview completely askew. Still, I say it's a shock to the system we desperately need anyway. There isn't enough (that's positive enough) to show for the present system to warrant its continuation. We need something TRULY new and different... peace, love and transparency

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

Although i commend you on your endeavour you have to realise that the presidency is just like a revolving door. There only inside for a short period of time then after that there out in the cold like me and you.

"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy,its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
— Senator Daniel K. Inouye at the Iran Contra Hearings

The real power and knowledge stays with the people who you never see , who unfortunately have no interest in disclosing squat to the general public.

Like many on this board i wish the astronauts were more forthcoming about what they have witnessed,

the secrecy surrounding NASA is a disgrace IMO
why they stopped transmitting live feed of there missions is enough proof for most to thing something strange is going on.

I wish you all the best on your quest.

[edit on 13/4/09 by tombangelta]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:40 AM
I understand what you are attempting to achive with your letter and I'm sorry to say that it is a complete waste of time and effort. The President of the United States Corporation does not have access to the anwsers you seek and if he did, he would be executed before being allowed to disclose anything to you that would help your cause.

A war is being waged against the Common Man. Just like any war a strategy has been layed out, is being executed as we speak and unfortunately is in the final stages! The intelligents and complexity of their strategy is astounding to say the least.

You are asking a member of the oposeing team to reveal their Strategy before they have attained Victory.

Americans need to understand, these people in control of or Government are Ivy league graduates and successful business tycoons. They do not work for you, they do not understand you, and furthermore care not about what you would like them to disclose to you.

No disrespect my friend but you letter is nothing more than a feebale plea to attain knowledge from an Enemy Faction which is purposely being withheld from you, from us, with Malice intent.

[edit on 4/13/2009 by XcLuciFer]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Perhaps taking the 'shame them' approach ... expose THEM for being ridiculous .... will work? it's the Vatican that is taking the lead among governments .. they are the ones that recently said that there probably is life off of Earth and that it doesn't effect religious beliefs.

Funny how someone would suggest unleashing shame then cites the Vatican as a noble leader. Probably just me, if I didn't know any better.

Back On Topic,

The OP's suggestion is commendable. It was written with honesty and sincerity. Those who criticize it solely based on syntax and semantics are missing it's genuine heartfelt intent. (I know many erudite scholars who can't change the batteries in a flashlight or wouldn't recognize passion if it bit them in their PhD.)

You don't really need anyone's approval here.

I say send it, I'll be happy to lick the stamp.


[edit on 13-4-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I don't believe yet another letter will make a difference for those of you wanting "disclosure". I guess I am one of the "foolish sheep" that doesn't believe in "alien visitation". Neither do I accept the "eyewitness report" of anyone that sees something they can't explain. I don't care if they are astronauts or scientists or Nobel Prize winners or whatever. They are still human beings who see something they can't explain and then their imagination or the fictional alien stories we've all been told fill in the blanks. Go ahead and resort to the usual rhetoric of how blind or stupid I am because I do not accept hearsay or grainy pictures as proof. That is the usual response of people with zero tangible proof. I have personally witnessed myself an unidentified flying object that I can't logically explain, but I do not believe it was "alien". And before I get the usual "how can I be so arrogant that I believe humans are the only intelligent life in the universe" argument of desperation, I never stated that I don't believe there is other life out there. I don't know if there is or there is not, but if there is I certainly don't believe it is visiting Earth. Why are so many humans so arrogant that they think that if there is alien life out there that it "must" be visiting us? I have said in other threads that these "hyper intelligent aliens" visiting us would be like a human visiting an amoeba farm - pretty pointless.

Also, several people seem to think that if "aliens" did land, it would somehow:
"Religion would (probably) crumble (unless they conformed to the new paradigm)." - Impaired, page 1
"religious types will find that the possibility that they have been mislead all their lives is more prevalent now than ever before." - StanLee, page 2
"Too many people are more addicted to whatever religion than the worst heroin junkies in the history of the universe. "ET" would OR WILL throw their entire worldview completely askew." Dean Golberry, page 4
I guess that, as a foolish Christian, I am to stupid to understand how that works. If "aliens" did land in a very undeniable public way and introduce themselves with a hearty "Hey, here we are!", it would in no way change my faith in God. Dinosaurs are not in the Bible, but they clearly exist. That didn't change Christianity. So if there was undeniable proof of aliens, how does that "crumble religion" or make us feel that we have been "mislead all our lives" or "throw our worldview completely askew"? It wouldn't change my faith at all.
I do find it deliciously ironic that those of you who make such ignorant claims about Christians don't seem to realize that your belief in "alien visitation" is just as much of a faith as Christianity is.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:05 PM
imagine if grey aliens were actually Japanese people that were incinerated by the first Nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by tallcool1

Also, several people seem to think that if "aliens" did land, it would somehow:
"Religion would (probably) crumble (unless they conformed to the new paradigm)."

I too find this ineresting because when these Alien beings land or make them selves known to the world it will not disprove religion, on the contrary, it will Validate Religion!

I do find it deliciously ironic that those of you who make such ignorant claims about Christians don't seem to realize that your belief in "alien visitation" is just as much of a faith as Christianity is.

How right you are!! Anyone one seeking salvation from outside will find the exact opposite. If you refuse to take responsibility and attempt to save your self you will not be saved, but inslaved! Religion, Government, this World, has always been about SERVITUDE.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:24 PM
There won't be any disclosure as long as there are Christians. The Christian religion is the number one supplier of cannon fodder for the governments wars. If it were disclosed tomorrow that the earth truly is much older than the Christians preach, or that an alien being created life on this planet, or brought life to this planet, it would expose the lies of Christianity. With Christianity exposed as a lie, would Christians continue to happily supply the government their sons for war?

I would like to see disclosure but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:32 PM
Well, if you demand a reply from president Obama coming out and telling the world about the aliens he knows that exist, it will NOT happen. It would send the world into chaos and many people would begin killing themselves into fear. Yeah, we do have people who would actually do that. It's not going to happen. Crying about it will only make you angry since you're not seeing results.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:33 PM
President O'bama,

You must recognize by now that you are a pivotal joint in the current machinations of the human race. You must realize that what you do now will forever reverberate through history. You must decide who's side you are on, cruelty or humanity. Look deep within yourself, Mr. President, and figure out who you are and where your loyalties and responsiblities lie. It is in your hands, Barack Hussein O'bama. The only history that really matters is the true and factual history of our race. Will you go down as a shining light, a beacon of inspiration for what will become the most incredible species to grace this universe? Or will you be a blemish in the collective memory of Earth; your name an your message forever besmirched by your inability to overcome yourself?

You are human, Mr. President. You are with us.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by wyleecoyote
There won't be any disclosure as long as there are Christians. The Christian religion is the number one supplier of cannon fodder for the governments wars. If it were disclosed tomorrow that the earth truly is much older than the Christians preach, or that an alien being created life on this planet, or brought life to this planet, it would expose the lies of Christianity. With Christianity exposed as a lie, would Christians continue to happily supply the government their sons for war?

I would like to see disclosure but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

I don't understand how you have come to this conclusion. How would this expose Christianity as a lie. The Elohim are Aliens are they not? How is it that people believe that Aliens and the Elohim are not one and the same?

[edit on 4/13/2009 by XcLuciFer]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by wyleecoyote
There won't be any disclosure as long as there are Christians. The Christian religion is the number one supplier of cannon fodder for the governments wars. If it were disclosed tomorrow that the earth truly is much older than the Christians preach, or that an alien being created life on this planet, or brought life to this planet, it would expose the lies of Christianity. With Christianity exposed as a lie, would Christians continue to happily supply the government their sons for war?

I would like to see disclosure but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

Your post is exactly what I am talking about. Ignorantly showing your intolerance for Christians while blindly spewing the false beliefs about Christianity that has been spoon fed to you - all the while hypocritically clinging to your religion of alien visitation.

Since you are clearly not a Christian you shouldn't be so small minded to assume what all Christians would believe if aliens were to land. Sorry to dissapoint all you hate-mongers, but if your magic little aliens land, many, if not most Christians would not even feel a ripple against their faith in God. The two are in no way connected, although I'm sure that there may be some cults that think they are rooted in Christianity that may be "shaken to the core", but the average Christian would be just fine.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by tallcool1

Originally posted by wyleecoyote
There won't be any disclosure as long as there are Christians. The Christian religion is the number one supplier of cannon fodder for the governments wars. If it were disclosed tomorrow that the earth truly is much older than the Christians preach, or that an alien being created life on this planet, or brought life to this planet, it would expose the lies of Christianity. With Christianity exposed as a lie, would Christians continue to happily supply the government their sons for war?

I would like to see disclosure but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

Your post is exactly what I am talking about. Ignorantly showing your intolerance for Christians while blindly spewing the false beliefs about Christianity that has been spoon fed to you - all the while hypocritically clinging to your religion of alien visitation.

Since you are clearly not a Christian you shouldn't be so small minded to assume what all Christians would believe if aliens were to land. Sorry to dissapoint all you hate-mongers, but if your magic little aliens land, many, if not most Christians would not even feel a ripple against their faith in God. The two are in no way connected, although I'm sure that there may be some cults that think they are rooted in Christianity that may be "shaken to the core", but the average Christian would be just fine.

This is an example of why no secret will be revealed, Control over Government is lost, and we are distant for servitude here on this prison planet.

We can't even discuss the topic with one another with out contempt. We are so divided and broken. The Common Man is beyond repair. Were has the weapons used to divid us come from whether it be Religion or Aliens it all goes back to the same group of people.

The point is, we've been MANipulated all are lives. A letter to a puppet masqueraded in front of the Common Folk as a leader will yield null results!

[edit on 4/13/2009 by XcLuciFer]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:10 PM
I stand by you 100% but you know what i think he's going to have no choice but to very soon unveal the truth

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by XcLuciFer

Originally posted by tallcool1

Originally posted by wyleecoyote
There won't be any disclosure as long as there are Christians. The Christian religion is the number one supplier of cannon fodder for the governments wars. If it were disclosed tomorrow that the earth truly is much older than the Christians preach, or that an alien being created life on this planet, or brought life to this planet, it would expose the lies of Christianity. With Christianity exposed as a lie, would Christians continue to happily supply the government their sons for war?

I would like to see disclosure but I doubt it's going to happen any time soon.

Your post is exactly what I am talking about. Ignorantly showing your intolerance for Christians while blindly spewing the false beliefs about Christianity that has been spoon fed to you - all the while hypocritically clinging to your religion of alien visitation.

Since you are clearly not a Christian you shouldn't be so small minded to assume what all Christians would believe if aliens were to land. Sorry to dissapoint all you hate-mongers, but if your magic little aliens land, many, if not most Christians would not even feel a ripple against their faith in God. The two are in no way connected, although I'm sure that there may be some cults that think they are rooted in Christianity that may be "shaken to the core", but the average Christian would be just fine.

This is an example of why no secret will be revealed, Control over Government is lost, and we are distant for servitude here on this prison planet.

We can't even discuss the topic with one another with out contempt. We are so divided and broken. The Common Man is beyond repair. Were has the weapons used to divid us come from whether it be Religion or Aliens it all goes back to the same group of people.

The point is, we've been MANipulated all are lives. A letter to a puppet masqueraded in front of the Common Folk as a leader will yield null results!

[edit on 4/13/2009 by XcLuciFer]

[edit on 13-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by tallcool1

Your post is exactly what I am talking about. Ignorantly showing your intolerance for Christians while blindly spewing the false beliefs about Christianity that has been spoon fed to you - all the while hypocritically clinging to your religion of alien visitation.

Since you are clearly not a Christian you shouldn't be so small minded to assume what all Christians would believe if aliens were to land. Sorry to dissapoint all you hate-mongers, but if your magic little aliens land, many, if not most Christians would not even feel a ripple against their faith in God. The two are in no way connected, although I'm sure that there may be some cults that think they are rooted in Christianity that may be "shaken to the core", but the average Christian would be just fine.

Tell that to the pope. Because according to him, Aliens are "Gods" children as well. hes already prepped the masses of Roman Catholics. Though when will Shepard Preacher Father Brother etc... Whomever prep you for the imminent First Contact with everyone else who hasn't witnessed them.

Riddle me this Batman.....

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