posted on Apr, 12 2009 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Unit541
That is not my point with this whole new rule set, just as I started with responding to you, I needed 163 characters to respond. MY
point is
there is NO consistency with posting and characters needed. I would not be so frustrated with this new rule if it was a consistent characters needed
to post.
No matter any manner or way of our posting, there needs to be only one standard. What ever character amount, needs to be across the board, not for
one way or another.
I have not yet gotten a one amount of characters needed except for the generic reply to button at the top or bottom of the page.
There in lays my problem, and I will definitely have a problem when I am required to do 200 characters, yet I will see some one liners.
This will also set the mods up for running back and forth to threads, due to people complaining, they had to do a 200 character post - yet others got
by with less.
I see lots more working coming for the mods from this new rule, due to people's frustrations, possibly doing "posting alerts" alot.
What will that do to the threads? Have lots of T&C violation postings in them? With very few actual postings, because the rest have been taken away
by the mods, because they were a required character min? Especially since it seems some people will learn how to get around it?
[edit on 12-4-2009 by questioningall]